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Andy – Co-Founder, President/Publisher:

Raised in beautiful but rainy England, Andy moved to the sunny climes of Southern California in 1995 and hasn’t looked back since. Nearly three decades working in the outdoor, bike and surf industries has given him a thirst for adventure and living life without a ceiling.  When not working on TAP, he can be found pursuing his passion for adventure photography in remote mountain or desert areas, or simply embarking upon Vehicle Supported Adventure in the backcountry with one of The Adventure Portal rigs.

Lori – Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief

New York born to SoCal via Puerto Rico and San Francisco, partner in crime and co-founder of The Adventure Portal, Lori has over 15 years experience in partaking of adventures in the American southwest, primitive camping, hiking and exploring in her Rubi.  She welcomes new challenges and is always pushing the envelope of adventure in her Jeep.

 BlueDog – Chief Protagonist and Head of Security

The backbone of the operation and a fearless adventurer, always chasing squirrels and looking for trouble. With 6 years of solid adventure under his collar, Blue’s soon to be writing his own blog posts called the Blue Dog Chronicles.


Todd Rogers – In Field Training Editor

Todd is the Owner of Four Points Adventures: He has 25+ years of backpacking and overlanding experience, including 10+ years volunteering with the Sheriffs Mountain Search and Rescue (a portion of which he was the Snow and Ice Sergeant), 2 years as a backpacking guide in Yosemite NP. In addition he has 10 years experience as an overlanding guide in the deserts and mountains of the American West from the cold of the High Sierra to heat of Death Valley NP.

Bob Wohlers – In Field Contributor

Bob teaches corporate, government, and recreational off-road safety, survival, and wilderness first aid courses. Some of Bob’s corporate clients have included T-Mobile, Verizon, PG&E, and Southern California Edison. As a registered government contractor, he teaches courses for the National Park Service and BLM. Currently, Bob teaches monthly introductory and advanced recreational off-roading at Prairie City, a California State Recreational Vehicular Area (SRVA). He also organizes and leads groups on 4WD adventure tours into the remote backcountry. Find out more about his trainings and guided adventures at discoveroffroading.com

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