How did we end up Jeeping in Sedona? We purchased our Jeep Gladiator in 2022; however, we were busy exploring what the ocean has to offer throughout the Sea of Cortez leaving the Gladiator a stock vehicle. We are planning many off-road adventures for 2025 now that we are back on land, so the Gladiator has been undergoing a massive overhaul (those details are a whole other story). Now that most of the new gear is installed (I mean it never really ends), it is time to hit some trails and put the new and improved Gladiator to the test. Disclaimer, this being the first camping trip with this specific vehicle towing our camper on the trail, the plan is to keep it relatively tame. An Expo was advertised for Scottsdale, and we had the time available, viola, off we go to make a long weekend out of it.
The Expo’s focus turned out to be geared towards the side-by-side crowd, great event just wrong audience. Although the Mr. was disappointed, it allowed us to venture off and we ended up visiting a local shop nearby in Phoenix called River Outdoors. While we were there, we met one of the owners, Jeff, and engaged in helpful conversation about all things off road. Turns out we didn’t need the Expo after all, we just needed this amazing shop! The better part of the day was spent at the shop purchasing and installing a new 95L Roam Rugged Case and the Roam Shower Room. Not only did we get great customer service, but we also received some amazing trail recommendations! As is usually the case with off road adventures, we had a change of plans, corrected course and headed 2 hours north in search of one of Jeff’s favorite trails in Sedona.

Sedona, Arizona is about 1 hour south of Flagstaff and adjacent to the Coconino National Forest. The landscape and geography of the immediate area reminds me of Moab, Utah; stunning views of the red rocks, changing landscape and eye-catching hillsides with layers of contrasting rock and colors that make you stop and pause to take in the sights. Make sure you give yourself time to really appreciate the beauty the area has to offer, the backdrop to your trip changes with every curve of the road or change in elevation.

We selected Schnebly Hill Trail in Sedona to start off our adventure. We selected this trail for three reasons. One, Jeff from River Outdoors recommended it and, in our experience, personal recommendations almost always turn out to be better. Two, the trail is one listed on the Jeep Badge of Honor App. We just recently discovered the Jeep Badge of Honor app and were eager to try it out and earn our 1st badge! As luck would have it, Schnebly Hill is rated a 3 in the Jeep app (which is perfect for breaking in new gear) Third, we wanted a place to camp and from what we could surmise there was the ability to do so just pass the Vista at the top of the trail. The trail seemed to check all of our boxes, so we drove to the trail head.
Using On X Offroad app we easily navigated to the trail head. We just recently started using this trail app and have enjoyed it thus far, but we have a lot to learn about its features. We started the trail at the lower elevation working our way up and had a nice area to pull over to the side to air down. There are local jeep tours that take the trail, and the general area is popular with outdoor enthusiasts so there was a decent amount of jeeps and people on the trail system for a Sunday, but I wouldn’t say it was crowded.

The start of the trail is on a fairly wide, windy, red dirt road. At this vantage point you are able to enjoy sweeping views of the massive rock structures sprinkled with green shrubs and plants making you feel rather small in their presence. Although an easy portion of the trail, gradually rising in elevation, it was probably the longest portion to complete since we were slowing down, sometimes to a stop, to take in the view. Around each corner it seemed to open up a new angle or perspective on the landscape, everyone better than the last.
Next thing you know, you have climbed almost 1,000 feet in elevation, the trail becomes rockier with some more challenging and narrow portions littered throughout. There are a few areas next to the edge and these changes in road conditions made the trail interesting and fun for both driver and passenger. Due to the use of the trail, it is fairly obvious by the worn markings the best line to take. Good news is, we were never at risk of getting stuck and there are plenty of areas wide enough to pull to the side so opposing traffic could safely pass when necessary.

At the top of the trail, Schnebly Hill Vista has a turn out so you can stop, relax and take in the views. If you happen to be at the Vista later in the day, the lighting before and during sunset is spectacular and is worth the extra time. This can either be your turn around point and head back to civilization or you can continue, and the trail will lead you to Hwy 17 and the asphalt can lead you back into Sedona. Either way you won’t be disappointed. We elected to camp and then let the trail led us to Hwy 17 the next morning so we could get back on the road.

Although, we have much more to explore in Sedona and look forward to returning, our next trip is Big Bear. We will keep you posted on what crazy adventure we find there, or you can check out our YouTube channel or our Instagram
Story by Jaime Miller, Pics by Jim Miller