Lou Ortego RS2000HS Personal Lavatory System wNEMO Helio Shower d e1454345691866
Lou Ortego RS2000HS Personal Lavatory System wNEMO Helio Shower d e1454345691866

Primitive camping is a fantastic experience. Getting away from all the people, noise, traffic…getting in-tune with nature. Speaking of nature; it calls. I spoke to Lou Ortega of Restop the other day about his product, a portable commode that aligns itself with the Tread Lightly principle of  doing your part when camping and packing out your waste. By leaving your area better than you found it, you can  help ensure that our recreation areas will be well-preserved for the generations of outdoor enthusiasts to come.

Restop was created in Escondido CA in 1988. It is 100% American made and was originally made for industrial use.  It provided sanitation facilities for field workers repairing electrical power lines.  Since then, Restop has been used in disaster relief areas, for military personnel in Iraq and Afghanistan and  by National Parks for backcountry use.

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TAP took a Restop with its Privacy Shelter out on the Mojave Road for a “test drive”. We pack out our waste anyway, but this product made it just that much easier. I hate to get gender specific here, but the females in the group all uttered a general sigh of relief when given the opportunity to use this marvelous device.  It takes a few minutes to set up, but for a mixed group, privacy is good.  When we were ready to move out, we took down the shelter, zipped the bag and stowed it in our Trasharoo; no fuss, no mess, no leak, no smell.  It’s hard to write this article without having a laugh, but seriously folks, whether you are hiking, primitive camping or 4WDing, be prepared. Leave nothing behind but your footprints or tire treads. Check out  Restop products and pack them along on your next adventure.
