Adventure driven, over land, overlanding, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

Whether you are a seasoned overlander or a novice looking for adventure in the southwest, Adventure Driven has an exclusive expedition for you.  Adventure Driven is run by Seth and Kande Jacobsen, life-long adventure enthusiasts and photographers with a deep passion for the outdoors.  Their mission is to encourage people to live life beyond the norm, to live beyond the couch, video game console and cell phone. To venture the road less travelled and to spend quality time with family while enjoying the outdoors and learning how to care for the planet. I had the opportunity of talking to Kande of Adventure Driven to find out what inspired them to start their business.

Adventure driven, over land, overlanding, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

LP: How did you two come up with the idea for Adventure Driven?

KJ:  Seth and I were watching a documentary about a Maori  family that was living off the grid. At one point, the filmmaker asked the father of the family what he did for a living. The man answered, “I live for a living.”  At the time we were both working in an office and found it really unsatisfying.  This film motivated us to start brainstorming on who we were and what we wanted out of our life. How  could we live for a living? We are both life-long  outdoor adventurists and really wanted to create a business that would get people out to places they wouldn’t go on their own and inspire them to continue exploring. We wanted to become a catalyst for adventure. This lead to the creation of  Adventure Driven.  We’ve been at it for a couple of years now, and it is definitely our passion.  We love sharing the thrill of adventure with people.

Adventure driven, over land, overlanding, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

LP: What types of trips and services do you offer?

KJ:  We take people on private Navajo Nation lands  to the rim of the Grand Canyon.  We also offer expeditions into the back roads, beaches and villages of Baja. We taylor our trips to the needs of our clients.  They can drive their rigs and follow ours, or they can travel with us. They can provide their own camping gear, or we can rent it to them.  They can bring/cook their own food or we will provide the food and cook for them.  Seth and I are avid photographers and we cater to people who would like to photograph their journeys as well.  We have a man from Tucson AZ who is an astrophotographer, who can come along to instruct our clients. We want to be sure that each trip is memorable and custom tailored to the interests of our adventurers.

Adventure driven, over land, overlanding, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

Kande and Seth acquired permission to use Navajo Nation trails that are not sanctioned for public use.  They know some tribe members and have exclusive rights to guide expeditions through these lands.  There you can encounter herds of wild horses, the endangered California condor, antelope, coyotes, foxes, lizards, ground squirrels, prairie dogs, ringtail cats, etc. You will see traditional Navajo homes called hogans, and in the evening, gaze at the most vast array of stars imaginable. Another bonus is that you are exploring lands that very few people can access, so it really is a remote journey.

Adventure driven, over land, overlanding, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

Seth and Kande also work closely with several off-road equipment and vehicle companies. Since they are out using overlanding gear so often, be it with work or play, they help test, develop and improve these products. They also offer companies their photography services for product shoots, the web, and social media. If you have a product that you would like tested, photographed or, you would just like to get their opinion on something you are developing, I am sure they would be happy to help you.

Adventure driven, over land, overlanding, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

For more information see their website:
Check them out on Facebook: Adventure Driven-Tours/Sightseeing
On Twitter: Adventure Driven@AdventureDrive1
Instagram: adv_driven
TAP sends a special thanks to Seth and Kande Jacobson for the interview and amazing photos.
Editor: Lori Palmer

Plan your next trip with Adventure Driven and TAP into Adventure!!

Adventure driven, over land, overlanding, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,