From August 28-30th the TAP team headed up to Camp Tahquitz near Big Bear CA to take part in American Adventurist’s 5th Annual SoCal Mountain Rendezvous. This event brings together a friendly community of rugged off-road and overlanding enthusiasts, gear heads, vendors…adventure lovers. American Adventurist is a non-profit community based forum that is geared toward the adventure travel enthusiast. There was a $40 donation per vehicle with 120 spots available. The proceeds were donated to the Boy Scouts of America.

Upon arrival, we encountered a number of familiar faces, smiles and a mecca of rigs. The atmosphere was one of camaraderie and fun. Everyone had their gear out in full regalia and it was great wandering around checking out the different set-ups and rigs. We also had a chance to touch bases with vendors who cater to the overlanding market. This was not a commercial event; no booths or tables full of swag. It was a social networking event that gave everyone a chance to talk about what they do, where they have been, what products they produce, or the services they provide. No commercials, just good company, good people doing what they love to do. On their site, the American Adventurist notes that, “this is an informal community gathering designed so that members of American Adventurist and other groups can meet each other in person”. This is a family friendly event and there were loads of kids running around playing and dogs getting lots of attention. On Saturday, there was a big potluck and a Dutch Oven cooking competition. The apple cobbler won. It was amazing. They have a raffle after the potluck with items provided by many of the participants of the event, companies that produce gear for overlanders and adventurers.

All in all, I have to say that this was a genuine, feel good, community event that is most definitely TAP recommended. Dave Bennett, founder of American Adventurist has provided the overlanding community a great platform for friendship, exploring, networking and fun. Many Thanks!
Check out other American Adventurist events and forum at

Author: Lori Palmer Co-Founder and TAP Editor