Keystone Outdoor Gear is proud to introduce TakTable®. Whether it’s weeks off the grid, an afternoon tailgating, a day at the beach, or working the north forty, this reliable portable table will make your outdoor life as easy as being at home!
TakTable® packs down to just 5” x 5” x 39” allowing it to be stowed anywhere, even the trunk of a Mini Cooper. In just seconds it deploys into a 30” tall, 18” x 39” sturdy table suitable for cooking, dining, work, outdoor sports, or games.

It weighs just 11 pounds and supports over 270 thanks to the patent pending construction including an aluminum top, coated steel legs, and reinforced nylon injection molded plastic parts. The moving parts of this portable table are pinned with brass and steel for a lifetime of reliable use, unlike some tables held together with bungee cords or plastic pins.

Custom stainless steel spring clips hold the base and top tightly together. The base quickly and easily glides between positions. Specially designed basket feet are suitable for any surface like sand, rock, gravel, and pavement. The incorporated foot holes can be used with the included stakes if you want to pin it to the ground for added security. Blustery day? The unique leg geometry creates turbulence in the wind, resulting in downforce that keeps the table put. Weatherproof and virtually fireproof, it can take some extreme use and maintain its integrity. Check out this video of a table that’s been pummeled and left outdoors for over a year and still performs like new.

TakTables® attach together in any direction to create a table of any size, anywhere. Use the attached quick-release pins to hold them together on the long edge, or optional short-edge connectors that hold the short edges together like a single unit. You can easily pack four into any vehicle and set up seating for six or eight people anywhere in the world in minutes for luxury dining under the open sky!

The specially engineered edges firmly and easily accept accessories for even more utility. Beyond simply inserting S-hooks to hang your stuff, there are twist-lock attached cup holders, paper towel holders, bracers, and gun/fishing rod rests. And more are coming constantly — look for garbage-bag holders, knife sheaths, faucet attachments, canopies, and lantern posts. Keystone Outdoor Gear can design and 3D print whatever you need in days! If you have an idea for a new add-on – and they design it – you’ll get it for free to test out.
TakTable® is 95% recyclable and made from recycled materials due to its predominantly steel and aluminum construction. All items from Keystone Outdoor Gear come with a 30-day return policy and 2-year warranty.
Available at Keystone Outdoor Gear and Amazon.
MSRP $149. Click HERE to buy
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