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An Off-Road Wheeling Adventure

Womens wheeling 2016 The Adventure portal 13
Womens wheeling 2016 The Adventure portal 13

If you are reading this article, I’m going to assume that you are probably male (90% of our readers are) and like going overlanding and/or off-roading. Have you ever wished that your significant other was into it as well? There are ways to entice your woman to learn off-roading in a safe and welcoming environment. Hook them up with trainers in your area (we have a list on our forums page), and check out our women’s only trainings. This article, from our in-field contributor, Susan Bodnar, is about an annual event for novices as well as advanced wheelers that takes place in Tremont Pennsylvania, called Women’s Wheeling Day. Read on, see what these women got up to and TAP into Adventure…with your partner!

Women’s Wheeling Day is an all-inclusive, family friendly event run by coordinators Christie Vinson and Susan Bodnar (both of OK4WD). It’s held annually at Rausch Creek Off-Road Park in Tremont Pennsylvania. In 2016 it was held on October 22nd, in the midst of Autumn’s fiery beauty. The inception of this event began with a vision of creating a welcoming event where women could off-road with their peers and learn in an environment where they didn’t feel intimidated or frustrated. The inaugural event brought in 8 drivers. The following years we had 40 participants, then 100, and  this year we had over 200 drivers!

Attendees were greeted and placed in groups for the day. Groups were formed according to driver’s experience level and vehicle build. The runs range in difficulty from novice to black diamond. Each group was led by a an experienced trail guide and tail gunner who ensured that all vehicles were trail ready and reviewed trail etiquette with their group. The trail guide and gunner’s job is to make sure that everyone feels safe and has the support (spotting) they need to run a trail safely and successfully. We want everyone to complete this event feeling competent and frankly, psyched to get out and wheel some more! We have found that women who participate in this event do go out and spread the word to other drivers…hence the event’s massive growth.

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Prepping for the runs-vehicle inspections and airing down.


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Jenna Bussard from Maryland and her 2015 Jeep Wrangler tackling a rock obstacle at Rausch Creek. This was Jenna’s first time off-roading at Rausch Creek.
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1995 Wrangler owned by Kathleen Ann. She began Off-roading in ’96 via Jeep Jamboree events and soon became a trail guide. Diagnosed with Breast Cancer her rig was custom painted pink by her husband. Her son Cory (13) and daughter Zoe (10) love going off-roading with their parents, and  rode along with Kathleen for this event.
Donna Burrell in her ’12 Toyota Tacoma tackling a downward slope at Rausch Creek.

A full day on the trails was enjoyed by all. We were pleased to see the drivers band together to help each other through both easy and difficult trails and obstacles. Drivers and passengers shared a lunch break on the trails then headed back out.

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Lunch break…where’s the Pizza?

Some minor breakages occurred on the trails but were quickly fixed as the women worked together to fix any problems that arose.

While intermediate and advanced groups hit the trails early, approximately 60 beginners participated in a class taught by NorthEast Off-Road Adventures out of Ellenville, NY. Instructors Jon Mapes, Rich Brody and Owner Scott Trager, taught a three-hour “Basic 101 Off-Roading” class before heading out on the trails.

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NorthEast Off-Road Adventures out of Ellenville, NY. Instructors Jon Mapes, Rich Brody and NorthEast Off-Road Adventures owner Scott Trager taught a three-hour “Basic 101’s of Off-Roading” class.

The class included 3 Stations: A vehicle 360: teaching the drivers how their 4WD vehicle differs from an average vehicle. The instructor also taught the participants how to perform a vehicle inspection/check points to ensure that their rig is well maintained and trail ready. The second station involved education on safe driving, trail etiquette and what to expect on the trails. The third station, taught drivers the fundamentals of torque and picking a line, as well as working with a spotter. Drivers learned hand signals and practiced maneuvering over obstacles and  through tight areas. After the  class was complete, Scott Trager raffled off a free, full-day training class at their training facility in Ellenville, NY.

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Drivers learned to maneuver through obstacles and through tight areas with the help of a spotter

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After a day on the trails, all drivers and passengers were welcomed back to the pavilion for a delicious BBQ Dinner hosted by OK4WD and Globex Performance. Dinner was followed by a very generous raffle. We are very grateful for all the sponsors (listed below) who provided amazing raffle prizes for the participants. During dinner, stories from the trails, adventures and advice was exchanged and many new friendships and bonds were created. We can’t wait for next year!!

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Christie Vinson speaking to the attendees after the event was over.

Click here for information on Women’s Wheeling Day 2017, October 21st.

Rausch Creek Off Road Park
OK Auto 4WD & Tire
Outten Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM of Hamburg, PA
Northeast Offroad Adventures Inc.
Globex Performance
Rampage Products
TeraFlex Suspensions
Seven Slot Society
Carolina Metal Masters
Nitto Tire
Trail Team Six
Moon Shine Camo

The Adventure Portal
Muddy Girl Country
Clayton Off Road
Wheelers, LLC
ARB 4×4 Accessories – USA Office
Krazy Beaver Tools, LLC
Forever Wave
ACE Engineering & Fab
Torq-Masters Industries
Mayhem Offroad LLC
Girls ‘N Garages
Jeep Momma
Daves Offroad Supply
Hyline Offroad
Fortec 4×4 – Roswell, GA
Option It Off-Road
Torqued Off-Road
Combat Jeepers
Primal Designs
Amy Briggs Photography
venture4wd.com Chris Shontz

Susan Bodnar

A Death Valley Off-Road Adventure

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When you love to go Off-Road and have some time off what do you do? Open the Fun Treks Trail Guide and pick an offroad trail. That’s what we did for New Years and spent it with 2 other couples outfitted with a 2-door 2007 Jeep/Lead Dog Motorsports trailer, a 4-door 2015 Jeep Rubicon/ Moby 1 Camper and a 4-door 2015 Jeep Rubicon/Livin Lite Bear Cat 10.0 trailer. (Keep in mind that each Jeep and trailer are highly modified for our adventures). Five days were set aside for Vehicle Supported Adventure in Death Valley.

Our route began in Barstow on Hwy 178. Our first day’s destination; Trona Pinnacles. A great start to the trip since we had a 2 ½ hour drive just to get to Barstow. The Trona Pinnacles were easy to find (stock vehicles OK) and stunning to see. The pinnacles jet out of the ground while the rest of the landscape provides a stark contrast of flat, barren land. In addition to the scenery, it was fun to find out what movies and shows used this very area for their backdrops and sets. Many dispersed overland camp spots are available to choose from. Our Off-Road camp was complete just in time for the sun to set; casting the most amazing glow upon an already stunning location.

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Approaching Trona Pinnacles
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Trona and the Living Lite 10.0 Bear Cat trailer

Day 2: We drove approximately 38 miles to Trail 44 (Fun Treks) called Pleasant Canyon. The first part of the trail takes you to Ballast ghost town. We stopped and looked in the cabins and saw all kinds of artifacts and history about the town, people and visitors.

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Pleasant Canyon, Ballast Ghost Town

The scenery encompassed valleys and sweeping hillsides. We were pleased when we arrive at Claire’s Camp because one, it meant we were on the right track and two, it was a great place to get out, explore and eat. I was not disappointed. We have seen numerous mining towns and this one was in great condition with so many things still in tact that you could really picture what the mining camp would have been like. As we were climbing Off-Road and up hill, Jeep and trailer, to Rita’s Cabin the 2nd Jeep radioed that the Livin’ Lite Bear Cat 10.0’s axel had fallen off.

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Lost the axle on the Bear Cat

We were fortunate enough to cross paths with some locals coming down the mountain who provided us with a reference for a welder in town. After some wrenching to get the trailer temporarily put together and mobile, we headed back to town. Leaving the canyon at night made for an exciting drive.

A good part of day 3 was spent addressing needed repairs. The referred welder turned out to be Tin Bender, famous King of the Hammer builder. We hung out at the shop while he graciously welded the axel so we could finish our trip. Without kind and generous off-roaders like these we would have been headed home. We made a quick change in plans due to the delay and drove up the 136 to Trail #37, Movie Road/Alabama Hills.

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Movie Road Alabama Hills.

We had a couple of hours to explore before dark, so we drove around the marked trails (stock Jeeps OK). There were numerous things to look at from the snow-capped mountains in the background, to the rock formations and valleys.

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Movie Road, Alabama Hills
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Movie Road, Alabama Hills 
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Movie Road, Alabama Hills

As we were searching for the perfect camping spot, a heavy fog rolled in making for dramatic photos. This area has more traffic and campers due to the tourist attraction of Movie Flats Road, so although there are many spots, you might want to mark yours before dark. My only regret on this trail was not stopping at the Film Museum in town and picking up the Movie Road Self Guided Tour.

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Movie Road, Alabama Hills

Day 4: We were up and on our way to Trail #38, Swansea-Cerro Gordo Rd. This trail was supposed to be more challenging; however nothing that the Jeeps couldn’t do. We slowly worked our way up the mountainside. There was a short part of the trail that had a fairly narrow cliff-side climb. This portion of the trail makes for magnificent views, but may not be your favorite if cliffs and heights are unsettling to you. At 4,000 feet, the plants were dusted with snow, which made the scenery majestic.

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Swansea-Cerro Gordo Road
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Jeep and Moby 1 on Swansea Cerro Gordo Road
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Swansea-Cerro Gordo Road

At approximately 7,000 feet, we were off-road driving in a winter wonderland. The snow was not a deterrent and the views took our breath away.

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Just getting to the snow, Swansea-Cerro Gordo Road

Soon after hitting that elevation, the trail began to climb at a much steeper grade. This proved a challenging climb on the icy and snowy trail as the ratings and guides are intended for Jeeps, not necessarily Jeeps towing trailers.

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Climbing up the top on Swansea-Cerro Gordo Rd

The Moby1 and Lead Dog trailers performed as expected Off-Road, even in low temperatures and more extreme weather. Not knowing the trail first hand, we made calls to the rangers to assess the upcoming trail conditions. We were losing daylight and needed flat land to camp and time to make some decisions. After a long day of trampling through the snow and winching vehicles up the steep grade to ensure everyone’s safety, we made it to 9,000 feet and camped for the night. The next morning we woke up to breathtaking blue skies and sunshine. We disconnected our trailer and scouted ahead. What we found were conditions worse than what we had already experienced. An executive decision was made to turn around and go back down the mountain the way we came. Up until this point there really hadn’t been anywhere to turn around; especially with the Jeep and trailer set up. We were also a bit nervous about going down the hill. Keep in mind, we had winched ourselves up just hours ago. After a brief discussion, we figured that the devil we knew was better than the one we didn’t. We all made it back down the mountain safely and with all our equipment in tact. Another amazing day of Jeeping.

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Coming down Swansea-Cerro Gordo Road

Our saving grace on this trip was that we prepared for the worst and, for that, I give all the credit to my amazing partner in crime. Our MaxTrax rescue boards (that we thought we would never need) got us out of some bad spots. They sustained some damage, but MaxTrax replaced them under warranty. This was our first trip with our 2-way air system installed by Wild Boar Off Road. The system performed well in each situation and made the road transitions easy and quick. When we came home, we installed them on all of our Jeeps. The only thing we were missing this trip were snow boots!

On our last night, we spent the night laughing and joking about the conditions we had survived and the adventure we had the pleasure of participating in. It was not the adventure we planned, but it turned out even better as the challenges and adversity tested our overlanding abilities and skills. If you are looking for a sight-seeing trip and gentle meandering trails my advice, NEVER follow us!

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Author- Jaime Moore
Photos- Jim Miller
Fellow Adventurers-David and Dawn Fekete
James and Lacie Moretti

For more Overlanding and Off-Road Vehicle Supported Adventures, CHECK HERE

Momentum-The Double Edged Sword

Momentum 2
Momentum 2

The following article is from Jim Allen’s “Four Wheeler’s Bible” 2nd edition. Printed with permission from Jim.  The info contained in this article is tried and true. Give it a read as a reminder or to sharpen your off-roading skills.

Momentum is defined as “the impetus of movement” and a “complex mixture of mass and velocity.” Inertia is another word that fits.  For our purposes, the definition of inertia, ” a body in motion tends to stay in motion”,  is the most useful definition.  The weight of your vehicle carries it along until friction, air resistance, and other factors slow it down.  That inertia/momentum is a useful tool for four-wheeling, but it must be used wisely.

It takes a certain amount of traction to put your vehicle in motion.  When circumstances don’t make that traction available, a little momentum can carry your through.  Sometimes that just means a steady speed over a problem area, and other times it means gaining a little speed on good ground before you encounter the obstacle.  Emphasis is on the “little”, at least at first.

Momentum 6
Keep a steady foot on the throttle for the incline then give a little “bump” to get you over an obstacle.

Always try going easy the first time and increase the level of intensity gradually until you reach the no-go point and abort the attempt.

Momentum in mud, Sand, and Snow

All three of these ground conditions are similar in that they combine low surface strength and low shear strength.  Not only do you sink, but you have no traction.  Momentum can launch you completely across some soft areas or provide you with just enough help to claw your way across with the minimal traction available.  With enough speed you can actually hydroplane across a soft surface, but control is just about impossible.  Using momentum across soft ground requires that you evaluate the surroundings along with the obstacle.  Are you going to end up sideways or lose it completely and slam into a tree or rock?

Momentum 3
If she keeps giving it gas, her wheels will likely dig in. Best to back up and try again.

Momentum on Hill climbs

There are many hills on which you could not start from a dead stop, but if you have a little motion, you can keep going.  That means a steady speed on a hill.  You may encounter spots of lesser traction, or a steeper slope, and momentum may be enough to carry you past it.  If not, you must be ready to respond instantly before you come to a stop.  Sometimes that means a little more throttle; other times it means backing off for torque control.  Momentum can also be used at the start of a low-traction climb to help you up.  The momentum is built up on flat ground.  On a short hill without enough traction to climb slowly, this may take you up without spinning a tire.  On a long hill, safe and sane levels of momentum may just carry you halfway and leave you perched with spinning tires and a failed-climb maneuver to perform.  The approach to a hill also may limit your momentum options with a sharp transition from horizontal to vertical.  In other cases, you may be able to build up quite a head of steam but, just as with soft ground, you can have control problems with too much speed.

They got themselves high centered because of lack of throttle on the incline.
They got themselves high centered because of lack of throttle on the incline.

Momentum for Rockcrawling

Momentum is as useful in rocks as anywhere else, but because rocks are unyielding by nature, contact usually results in the vehicle getting the short straw.  As often as not, momentum fo rocky terrain comes into play when weight transfer unloads one axle and overloads the other.  This can happen on a straight climb, usually a very steep one if a highly tractive rock face is involved, or on ledges.  On a straight climb on rock faces, such as slickrock, play the game much like you would elsewhere;  maintain a steady speed and react appropriately if needed.  On a boulder-strewn landscape, your speed potential will be severely limited, but keep the momentum imparted and speeds as low as 1/mile per hour can be useful.  Again, try to maintain whatever movement you can rather than starting and stopping.  Climbing in loose rocks may require momentum, just as with soft ground, but too much speed can result in bouncing, slamming, cut tires, or a loss of control.

Momentum 4

The ledge scenario involves the use of a “bump”.  Usually the front axle is up, though unloaded by weight transfer, and it’s the rear axle that can’t make the climb.  The bump combines momentum with a judicious stab of throttle at just the right time. If the driver applies a stab of throttle just as the rear tires hit the ledge, the momentum has the effect of momentarily “gluing” the tires to the rock by increasing ground pressure.  This can make the rig hop up that ledge like a jack-rabbit.  As you can imagine, the forces acting on the tire, suspension, and drivetrain are great, so the amount of momentum used, the amount of throttle, and the duration of the throttle, and the duration of the throttle application must be carefully chosen.  On a typical ledge, a “roll” of just a couple of feet is enough momentum for the bump.

Momentum 1
I4WD Trainer Tom Severin leading the pack

You can buy a copy of Jim Allen’s Four-Wheeler’s Bible on Amazon.com

Photos courtesy of Lisa VanRynsoever, TAP, and Bernard Leitner


Napier Sportz Cove Vehicle Tent


Even though roof top tents are all the rage in the overlanding world, I found that they just don’t work for me. My Jeep build is unique because I designed my sleeping and storage space inside the cab. One of my challenges with this type of build is cab ventilation and maintaining a comfortable cabin temp. I also want an awning to shield me when utilizing space outside the back of the Jeep. My rear door opens and is equipped with a small utility table that I use as a meal prep area. I have searched to find a suitable shade or canopy to extend off the back, but haven’t found one that works on my roof rack until now.

Napier recently released the new Sportz Cove 61500 at the 2016 SEMA show and it caught my attention. I have and use their Sportz Truck 57  Series tent on my Ford F150 for camping. It has held up in some tuff weather conditions over the years, so when they released the Sportz Cove, I had to try it out.
Now, my truck tent is designed specifically for my truck bed size etc. The Sportz Cove is made to fit on a variety of hatchback style vehicles, so my concern was that it wouldn’t be diverse enough to fit right. One size does not always fit all.  We have two Jeep JKU set ups, one with an aftermarket build and one stock. My questions going into this product review were, would the Sportz Cove fit both of our rigs and would the awning provide sufficient coverage?

I was pleased when my package arrived, it was small, lightweight and could store easily, but the real test would be out on the trail.

We decided to take the Sportz Cove on a short photography trip with our stock 2016 JKU. Our plan was to set up and work out the back, testing the Sportz Cove canopy coverage. The tent unpacked easily and quickly. Thankfully, it doesn’t have a million pieces to assemble, just the tent, the collapsible frame, tie down ropes and stakes. The directions are very easy, and set up did not take long at all. Probably about ten minutes.















Thankfully, with a Jeep, if the attachment areas on the directions don’t exist, they have many standard frame, recovery mount notches and tie down points. These served well to secure the Sportz Cove.










Having the rear canopy was extremely helpful, giving me a place to get out of the sun and wind to review my work, rest and enjoy the view.

So, the Sportz Cove passed the first test run on the stock JKU.  It was easy to set up, withstood a long day of light to medium winds up on the mountain peak, provided ample shade off the back and was easy to take down and pack up.  Next, I was eager to see if  the tent set up would work on my modified rig as a tent. The following week I was invited on a nearby camping trip….perfect!

Again, the  set up was very easy. My concern was, whether or not it would fit over my aftermarket rear bumper, tire carrier and roof rack. I was pleasantly surprised that the Sportz Cove was able to snugly fit over all my aftermarket upgrades!

Napier Sports Cove 6

Since I sleep in the cab, in the summer it’s always too hot and in the winter, too cold. I like to keep the windows cracked a little for fresh air to try to maintain a comfortable temperature, but the bugs can be a pain. Now, when using the Sportz Cove in warmer months I can leave my back window up and use  the tent’s bug netting to keep critters out and fresh air coming in.

Napier Sports Cove 5
Here, I have the netting up for a “bug-free” spring/summer camping experience.

I can also zip up the second layer to block out sun and wind enabling me to better control the in cab temperature. That evening I slept comfortably and bug free.

All closed ready for the evening.

The Napier Sportz Cove vehicle tent worked out really well. I use this rig year round for all  my overlanding trips and really needed a car tent that would help me manage cab  temp, ventilation, and again, provide a good sized awning out the back. The Sportz Cove gives me all of that. So now I get to camp almost in a tent, (Without being on the cold, lumpy ground.) have awning coverage out the back and the bonus…..it’s super easy to set up.

Napier Sports Cove 4
The awning provides enough coverage to keep my cooking area out of the sun or rain.

This tent will help me maintain cabin comfort year round and the canopy provides abundant protection from the elements even with the larger rear tire carrier.

Napier Sports Cove 2

Napier Sports Cove 1
The insect netting helps keep the bugs out so I can enjoy the sleeping cabin area.







So, the search for an affordable, unique, and easy solution to my aftermarket, overlanding vehicle was easier than I expected.  I like it’s ability to fit on a diverse set of vehicles, as well as it’s easy set up, take down and compact storage size.


Check out napieroutdoors.com and get out there and TAP into Adventure!

Napier Sports Cove

Napier listed features of the Sportz Cove 61500

-Universal vehicle sleeve designed to accomodate all mid to full-size SUB’s, CUB’s and Minivans

-Over 2 ft. of awning coverage

-Entrance includes built in storm flap for weather protection and privacy

-Mesh screen door provide bug-free views

-Rear vehicle access offers convenience and storage solutions.

Article and Photos by Lisa VanRijnsoever

TAP’s 2014 JKU Rubicon- 2016 Build Update

JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,

Recently TAP decided to do some further upgrades to our 2014 JKU. Our Rubicon does double duty as an overlander and rock crawler, so the build has to work for both, without too much of a compromise in either direction. Not always an easy task, but we think we’ve accomplished what we set out to achieve.


JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,
Cargo space is the main issue in the JKU, so we started to look for ways to maximize our ability to load Rubi up. We chose a couple of upgrades here.
Goose Gear: First step was to install a Goose-Gear plate system that includes lockable cubby space on the bottom and both sides of the trunk. We opted to do a half build as we still consistently use our back seats for family day use. We also installed a Tembo Tusk Fridge slide for the times when the Jeep is used on solo trips.

JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,
Owner Brian Fulton and Mitch installing the Goose Gear JK build out.

GCP-1: This system fully utilizes the wasted cargo space in the roof area of trunk. The storage unit bolts up into the roof and swings down when the side lockable handles are disengaged. Many people use this system as a lockable gun cabinet. For us it’s the perfect place to keep all our recovery straps, shackles etc. One thing we learnt over the years is that when a recovery happens, emotions and adrenalin run high. The ability to access our gear quickly and efficiently helps tremendously.

You can order them from Rebel Offroad.

JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,
The GCP-1 fits snug along the roof.
JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,
Excellent place for all my recovery gear. Velcro on the back with holds (many use this system for guns) keeps everything in place.
JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,
It’s a solid, lockable unit.

Snorkel upgrade: We switched out our AEV Snorkel Kit that included an Air Ram inlet for AEV’s Pre-Filter Assembly that’s designed for for dry, desert terrain where dust is likely. This suits our SoCal wanderings.

JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,

Roof Rack Rail: We had the AEV rack installed for over 12 months, but decided to add the side rails to help with up top loads safety and capacity. The only negative so far has been added freeway noise at speed.
See the kit here.

JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,
The roof rack rails help secure our ARB awning and Max Trax.

Rock Crawler:

Our JKU is primarily used by our Editor. She’s an adrenaline junkie, so the ability for Rubi to handle the rocks efficiently and safely was paramount. We took the approach that when we purely overland, the Taco is the workhorse and cargo carrier. This allows Rubi to compromise her build, with features focused on difficult terrain capability.

Beefing up and upgrading stock parts: Rubi has 50k mile on her over 3 years, so parts are beginning to wear or have actually broken. Rather than replace them with stock, we decided to do some beefed up upgrades. All work has been carried out by Rebel Off Road  who we highly recommend if you live in SoCal. They are based in Laguna Hills and are right off the I-5.

We have upgraded our:

Steering stabilizer (after sheering the bolt attaching it on the Monache Trail, Sierra)

JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,
Teraflex JK Steering stabilizer

Ball Joints: they were just about blown out

JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,
Teraflex JK ball joints

-Tie rod and Drag link

JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,
Teraflex JK tie rod and Teraflex JK drag link

We chose Teraflex equipment for their quality reputation. The front end of the JKU now feels solid and reliable again. Death wobble is not our thing.

Tires: These were upgraded to 35” Falken Wildpeak MT’s. We went with 35’s rather that 37’s, as we didn’t want the potential of having to upgrade too much other componentry. **In full disclosure, these tires were provided to us gratis from Falken, but I think it is important to mention that we only accept product that is recommended by peers or is widely known to work well on the trail. Using a poor product and getting stuck is not an option.  Falkentire.com  So far, they are working out great, both on and off-road.

JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,
AEV 4.5 inch lift and 35″ Falken Wildpeaks MTs

Wheels: We’ve been running stock Rubicon Unlimited wheels for 3 years and decided to upgrade to AEV Savegres and added the AEV yellow logo center cap. Have to admit these won’t make us better overlanders or rock crawlers, but they do make Rubi look awesome at the mall… 😉

JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,
AEV Savegre wheels with AEV Logo center cap.

Re-Gearing: With the heavier Mud Terrains and all the extra weight we’d added, we were definitely beginning to suffer with our stock gearing. As we don’t have plans to move up to 37’s and on the advice of AEV and Rebel Off-Road (who did the install), we went with 4.56. So far, so good and it seems to be the right choice.

JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,
Rubi at Rebel Off Road getting a re-gear

Skid Plates: We bit the bullet and went for full coverage. In order to keep the weight to a minimum, we opted for aluminum plates from Rock Hard 4×4. We’d seen a set that had just successfully completed the Rubicon Trail and despite numerous scrapes, had held up well. We’ll update our thoughts after they’ve taken some real abuse this year coming. Rockhard4x4.com  jeep.rebeloffroad.com

JKU, JEEP RUBICON, AEV, aMERICAN eXPEDITION vEHICLES, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, OVER LAND, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,
Rock Hard 4×4 skids being installed at Rebel Off Road


Do you have some upgrades you would like to share with us? Go to TAP Forums and let us know what you’ve done and how it’s working out.

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For more overland and off-road ready rigs, CHECK HERE

The Survival Pyramid and Will to Live

wohler survival pyramid
wohler survival pyramid

Most experienced off-roaders, overlanders, and off-highway vehicle (OHV) riders will tell you…”If you have never been stranded in the backcountry, you haven’t been overlanding enough.”

The point of this saying is that, as a remote backcountry adventurer, eventually you will need some survival skills. An axle bearing will melt down, a brake line will snap, you will slide on a sheet of ice putting your vehicle on its side in a ditch next to the trail, you may break a shock perch, have an engine fire and your vehicle completely burns, or you could become very ill after drinking from a backcountry stream. All these problems and thousands more must be considered in your preparation.
This is the first installment in the training series –Survival and Bushcraft for Overlanders. It is designed to help anyone survive a minor or major mishap, breakdown, or accident in the backcountry. That said, the series is not about “living off the land” for an endless length of time. Those in-depth topics are best left to survival manuals. This series can help you remain comfortable for several hours, days, or even a week or two in the backcountry should a remote adventure go bad.

Topics covered in this series will include:

-Survival fire building
-In field water disinfection
-Signaling for help

survival fire building

In-field water disinfection

Signaling device

Survival skills are being forgotten in our society. Those who journey into the backcountry should practice survival skills and be prepared for anything. Backcountry or urban survival depends on applying basic principles and adapting them to the circumstances. The survival pyramid reflects these basic principles.


The Survival Pyramid is organized in a thoughtful manner with the least important component at the top and the most important at the bottom. Most survival experts agree that the will to live is the most important aspect of surviving a problem in a wilderness, remote, or delayed-help situation. Kit (equipment, tools, resources) is the least important, although a well-stocked vehicle and survival bag can be a blessing in a bleak backcountry environment. Skills and knowledge are in the middle, positioning them as less important than the will to live and more important than your kit.


The Will to Live

The will to live is all about attitude. It can be described mental toughness.Your body may be fit, but how about your mind? How about your attitude? The will to live is a form of persistence coupled with the desire to succeed. It is possible to perish from a backcountry mishap if you do not have the will to live, even if you know a lot about survival or have the best survival kit in the world.

When an awful backcountry incident occurs, consciously decide that you still have much to contribute to society and your family. Stay resolute in your resolve to get beyond the bigger problem by solving little ones in a thoughtful priority order. Grooming Survival Skills and Knowledge begins long before you venture into the backcountry. Read, study, and practice survival skills.

Consider each of the following ways to augment your survival abilities.

Take an off-road or OHV safety course from a professional off-road educator. Knowing how to properly drive off road helps you avoid mishaps and mistakes. Find an instructor who teaches for one reason only: to genuinely help you. The course curriculum should enhance your skill and ability. Choose an instructor who will challenge you, provide you with new skills, and give you feedback that will enhance your abilities. Make sure your instructor prepares you for the worst-case scenario. Doing so will prepare you for everything else.


Complete a Wilderness First Aid certification course. Knowing how to medically take care of yourself and others has to be a top priority. Assemble a complete wilderness first aid kit appropriately sized to your needs and skill ability. Pictured here are three sizes of kits.









Large First Aid Kit



Become at least a technician-level ham radio operator. Ham radios can reach out for hundreds of kilometers/miles in an emergency, especially if you know how to use local repeaters, or you own and know how to use High Frequency radios.

-An Emergency communication device-have one with you on all your adventures: A personal location beacon (PLB), a satellite emergency notification device (SEND), or satphone. Two commonly used SENDs are the SPOT and DeLorme inReach.


-Purchase books on backcountry survival techniques, and read them. Better yet, take an actual survival course from a survival expert. Read actual survival stories. Survivors who write about their mishaps often provide accounts that are inspirational and informative.

-Consider taking a defensive handgun, shotgun, and/or rifle course. You may also contemplate getting a concealed carry weapon (CCW) permit in your state or county. When you are in a remote backcountry area, sheriffs and rangers are often many hours away, even if you can communicate with them (and this is rare).  The more you overland, the better the chances you will run into unsavory people who will want what you have, or may simply desire to do you harm.

-Word of Caution: Foreign Countries and Camping with Firearms- Be very careful taking firearms into foreign countries – often this is illegal and carries heavy fines and imprisonment. Do your homework prior to crossing boarders.

-Please Note: Camping with a firearm in the United States can get complicated –  Getting a concealed carry weapons (CCW) permit for the state you are in is the best way to legally carry a weapon when overlanding and camping. Short of getting a permit, many states consider a tent your temporary home and all home-centric gun rules apply.

Do your homework prior to keeping a firearm in your vehicle or tent. Know all the laws for the state you are in. I will add this, however. Since I train BLM and National Park law enforcement in my 4WD training courses, I can tell you that the rangers I have spoken with on this topic would NEVER cite you for having a loaded firearm in your vehicle or tent when traveling off-road on a remote backcountry trail. In fact, I had one National Park Ranger tell me…”As an off-roader, you are a fool if you travel solo in the remote backcountry and don’t have a way to defend yourself. As law enforcement, we would typically be unable to assist you if you are confronted by people wanting to do you harm. Most of the National Parks do not have enough law enforcement personnel to cover the acreage we are asked to patrol.” You are on your own in the backcountry.

Whether you choose to carry a firearm or not, if you travel solo in the remote backcountry and don’t have a way to defend yourself and your loved ones, you may be asking for trouble.

Final Thought
As they say, “Knowledge is Power.” Knowing how to help yourself in a backcountry survival situation will support your will to live. Knowledge provides you with some amount of self-confidence. The knowledge and skills you will learn in this series will make you more confident.

Words & Photos by Bob Wohlers:

Bob teaches corporate, government, and recreational off-road safety, survival, and wilderness first aid courses. Some of Bob’s corporate clients have included T-Mobile, Verizon, PG&E, and Southern California Edison. As a registered government contractor, he teaches courses for the National Park Service and BLM. Currently, Bob teaches monthly introductory and advanced recreational off-roading at Prairie City, a California State Recreational Vehicular Area (SRVA). He also organizes and leads groups on 4WD adventure tours into the remote backcountry. Find out more about his trainings and guided adventures at discoveroffroading.com












Bob’s new book, “Live Long to Wander-Basic Survival and Bushcraft for Vehicle-Supported Adventure: To be released at the 2017 Overland Expo in May.


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