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Red Canyon Trail

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GPS N 33° 39.53′ W 115°43.37′
Elevation 1,400-2,200 Ft
Season Year round- best October-May
Terrain Packed dirt, sandy in areas, some wash boards
Difficulty easy/moderate terrain
Required Vehicle 4WD
Time Approximately 2 hours
Length 13.8 miles

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red_canyon_trail_the_adventure_portal_1, red canyon trail, overlanding, red canyon trail, offroad, off road, over land, overland trail, overlanding trails, overland adventure,

Directions:  From I-10, at Chiriaco Summit exit, 4 miles east of the Joshua Tree National Park Cottonwood entrance, go to the south side of the freeway and turn right/west along the paved frontage road marked Pinto Road.  The General George S. Patton Memorial Museum is on the north side of the freeway. One mile down the frontage road you will see a sign on the left marked Red Canyon Trail. You will see signs making the trail along the way.

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Site Location and Description: Red Canyon Trail is a fun overland trail, beautiful and easy to moderately off road trail that follows a crest route through the Orocopia Mountains Wilderness, above Red Canyon, then snakes down into and through Salt Creek Wash, eventually ending at the Bradshaw Trail.  It consists mostly of packed sand and dirt with some narrow crests and sharp inclines and declines that require care when cresting as some of the declines require abrupt direction changes. It is very much like riding a roller coaster in that it undulates frequently. There are a few deep gullies and washes to traverse as well and these can change in difficulty depending on the last storm.

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The History Red Canyon Trail: Red Canyon Trail is situated in the area off of Chiriaco Summit at the foot of the Eagle Mountains.  Chiriaco Summit is where the General George S. Patton Memorial Museum is located and is close to the original entrance of Camp Young, Patton’s Desert Training Center established in 1942.  The museum gives visitors a glimpse into what it was like for the 1 million troops who trained in the harsh desert conditions in that area in preparation to fight the Nazis in the North African deserts.  Camp Young and 10 other camps situated in CA, AZ,  and NV sprawled out over 18,000 square miles. This group of training camps comprises the largest military and maneuver area in the world.  The locations were chosen by Patton because of their harsh, isolated, environments and Patton believed they provided good replications of combat in North Africa. By 1944 the War Department declared all the camps and ranges surplus. In 1947, Camp Young was turned over to the Department of the Interior.

Click here for more CA off-road, Overlanding trails…..and TAP into Adventure!

Hill climb Red Canyon Trail, overlanding, red canyon trail, offroad, off road, over land, overland trail, overlanding trails, overland adventure,

Jeep Kitchen – The Expedition Kitchen

The Adventure Portal Jeep Kitchen Pics 6049
The Adventure Portal Jeep Kitchen Pics 6049

You have been planning this trip for months and now you are on the road. It’s been hours of driving on and off-road to get to your first camping destination.  Finally you are off the grid and it’s the end of a long day’s journey. Tired, hungry but now you need to get busy and set up camp.  Al Smith, founder and owner of Jeep Kitchen had been in this situation many times and it’s what  fueled his desire to streamline his set-up/break-down time.  And that was how Jeep Kitchen came into being.

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The trip that became the catalyst for this mechanically inclined inventor/entrepreneur’s new product, Jeep Kitchen, was an expedition that took him and his buddy from Victoria B.C up through the Yukon to  the Arctic Circle. Al describes his expedition as amazing, but as the days went by, he and his travel companion, photographer David Duchiemin found setting up and breaking down camp each morning and night, a time consuming, cumbersome process.  Al and David  decided that they wanted to see how long this process actually took.  They found that over a period of  five days the average time it took them to set up and break down camp every morning and evening  was an hour and forty-five minutes. One hour and forty- five minutes that they could have been photographing and exploring the mind blowing beauty around them.  A while after that, Al was out camping with his family. He and his wife started to set up camp; taking the food out to prepare etc. while their kids were playing in the stream and calling out for Al and his wife to join them.  Once again, Al came to the realization that the time it took to set up and break down camp was putting a damper on the quality of his experience.  That is when he began his research for a solution.

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No need to find level ground to set up your kitchen. Pull it out and you are ready to go!

Al comes from a long line of engineers and is a mechanically inclined inventor and entrepreneur who designed and manufactured parts for other companies.  His mind is naturally wired for creating and designing. Al wanted a solution, something that would simplify the kitchen storage and cooking component of his trips. He went on forums, checked out various storage solutions and none of them fit his needs, so he built his first drawer cooking system with lockable slides to aid with storage and to be able to easily reach his cooking items. The larger drawer pulled out and had a 2’x2′ flip open food prep area, a stove and behind the stove, an area for pots and pans. This was the beginning of the three year evolution of what was to become Jeep Kitchen.

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Two storage drawers and the current pull out prep top.

Al calls Jeep Kitchen his “accidental”company.  He states that, “What was initially a DYI project I started posting on Youtube three years ago, evolved into the current Jeep Kitchen product.  The Jeep Kitchen has had plenty of field testing in between conception and formation of the company.”

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The bottom drawer slides out with the stove, prep top and pot/pate storage area

Jeep kitchen is composed of a dual drawer system.  One side contains a slide out refrigerator drawer and the other houses two storage drawers and a slide out for a camping stove with a cooking area and a storage area for plates, pots and pans.  The system is made of stainless steel and weighs 100 lbs.  It can be clipped down to the factory  tie downs behind the back seat and the top of the draws can be made with cut outs for luggage tie down areas. The kitchen consists of  two modules that can be bolted together.  It does not include a stove or refrigerator, but most popular brands fit the modules. All the drawers lock in and out to keep them in place.  The drawer slides are custom designed with rubber bumpers to compress the slides and do away with rattling with driving. The drawer locks are also custom made and can be adjusted to be made tight or loose for secure storage on the road or easy accessibility in camp.

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The Jeep Kitchen’s cabinets in the back of a TJ.

Jeep Kitchen is made from a 3-D model. They are stress tested, stainless steel and will stand up to any overlanding abuse you can dish out. In Al’s own words, “We make our kitchens durable and love to help other people get out and travel. I think we understand what overlanders need because we overland with a family of five!  We are constantly on the move and created this product for camp cooking and storage ease. We are TRULY a lifestyle company and are planning lots of trips with fellow Jeep Kitchen owners.” Al sells Jeep Kitchens to owners of 4 Runners, Land Cruisers, Defenders etc.  He also ships around the world and has sent Jeep Kitchens to Australia, Dubai, and Switzerland.  Check out Jeep Kitchen and TAP into Adventure!!

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Al Smith says, “Jeep Kitchen allows for more quality camping enjoyment because of it’s quick and simple set up time.”

Contact info/links to webpages/social media
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/jeepkitchen/
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/jeepkitchen/
Web – www.jeepkitchen.com
Follow his VLOG as he covers all his overland travels – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDHJu9tIxYYn-HM9GjQxV6Q

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Content and photos: Al Smith
Editor: Lori Palmer

Ground Tent Options For the Overlander

Ground tents, overland ground tents, overlanding, overland, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

There’s many ways to skin the overlanding camping cat, but this time we decided to go back to some basics and take a look at 3 different ground tent options that can definitely get the job done. The 3 styles we chose were the ingeniously designed and rigid framed Oz-tent, the more traditional and wildly spacious Overland 10 from Slumberjack and finally the oh so simplistically easy, ARB awning and 5 paneled room. The main testing prerequisites were, space for 2 people with room to set up cots, the ability to stand up and the ability to store some extra gear.

Ground Tent vs Roof Top Tent – So, the first obvious difference is that you’re on the ground and not elevated on top of a rig roof or trailer. In all reality not a big deal, but you of course now have to find a fairly flat spot to set up. Being elevated off the ground certainly gives a sense of security against intrusion from critters, especially in the desert. On the other hand, not having to deal with a ladder in the middle of the night will be a positive for a lot of people.

The OZ-Tent RV-5:

OZ tent, Ground tents, overland ground tents, overlanding, overland, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

We’ve camped with the RV-5 on a several trips over a 12 month period: A 3 night November trip to Baja, a 3 night freezing December adventure along the Mojave Road and a June exploration in the Sierra. We did not encounter rain or snow, but we did experience significantly windy conditions both in Baja and the Mojave.

OZ tent, Ground tents, overland ground tents, overlanding, overland, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

Set up time, ease and stability– Set up probably took twice as long as an RTT. The marketing says “a 30 second tent” but that’s really only looking at the actual erection once it’s on the ground. I had it dialed all in, at around 5 minutes which included taking it off the roof rack, taking it out of the case and pegging out all the corners. Not a big deal, but a firm reality. This time does not include putting up the awning, which took another couple of minutes. If you use the additional side panels, you’re realistically looking at 10 minutes. It’s fairly easy to set up by one person, but two people would have made it a breeze. This is something actually stated in the set up manual. Once erect, the tent was very stable and if there’s no wind, you really don’t need the guide ropes. This being said, the guide ropes saved our bacon against the infernal Baja Sea of Cortez winds. The build quality and materials used in construction (high-quality waterproof 8 Ounce Rip-Stop Poly Cotton Canvas, taped waterproof seems, YKK zips, quality window/door mesh and heavy-duty heat-sealed PVC floor) are rugged, and have stood up really well to the abuse we’ve put it through over the last 12 months. I particularly like the fact that the entire rear of the ground tent rolls up, it has openings on both sides and a mesh front door. All this gives great ventilation.

OZ tent, Ground tents, overland ground tents, overlanding, overland, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

Size– The tent is named RV-5, which definitely doesn’t mean it can hold five people. In our experience, three people on cots (and a dog), is very cozy but doable. The addition of the side and front panels to the awning creates a lot more livable space (as well as sleeping space if a ground sheet is used) and a dry sheltered area to cook and get out of any weather. If you’re setting up a base-camp for a multi day adventure, this is a great addition.

OZ tent, Ground tents, overland ground tents, overlanding, overland, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

The OZ Tent was too large to fit in the shell covered 5ft bed of our Tacoma, so every day it has to loaded onto the roof rack and strapped down. This is a concern when going through tight tree-lined trails and added weight on the roof can impact stability on trails which are off camber. Potential for theft is also a concern which is why we always use Yakima locking cables.  Of course, this is a personal issue based on our own vehicle choice and will not be relevant to everyone. I also had some sticker shock with the RV-5 coming in at $1100 and the additional deluxe side and front panels adding another $500. At this price it’s right up there with the RTT’s. However, having used it for nearly a year, I can see how the innovative design and quality construction justifies the price.

Pros: Design and ease of erection. Quality of materials used and construction. Carry case very sturdy. Stability in wind.

Cons: Weight and size. Price. It’s not really a 30 second tent, unless you only count raising the roof.

The Slumberjack Overland 10

slumberjack 10 tent, Ground tents, overland ground tents, overlanding, overland, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

Slumberjack is a company focused primarily on the hunting category and comes from a stable of brands with a high degree of ground tent and camping pedigree (Kelty and Sierra Designs). We only have short-term experience with this tent, but the recent 3 day trip we took to Anza Borrego and the San Jacinto Mountains certainly put it through its paces.

Set- up time, ease and stability: I’ve got to be honest and admit it’s been a while since we’ve used a more traditional ground tent and I was initially unsure of the whole set up process. Instructions are on-line, however we chose to ignore them and truly replicate the majority of people’s behavior. Set up turned out to be intuitively easy and with two people, took approximately 10+ minutes. Set up with one person would be difficult and frankly why use such a large profile if you’re on your own. Over the 3 days we camped with the Overland 10, we experienced consistent 20 mph winds with gusts reaching 40! The tent handled it extremely well and at no stage did I fear it coming down. I was actually most concerned about being killed by a falling tree, the night we spent in the mountains.

Slumberjack 10 tent, Ground tents, overland ground tents, overlanding, overland, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

Quality of materials and construction seem excellent, using 66D polyester walls, 68D polyester floors, taped seems and hybrid steel and aluminum poles. 5 large windows and top and bottom vents make for fantastic ventilation. The tent weighs in at just under 27 lbs and comes in a very compact approximately 1 ft x 2ft carry bag.

Slumberjack 10 tent, Ground tents, overland ground tents, overlanding, overland, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

Size – Make no mistake this is a big tent! It’s marketed as a 10 person tent (a tight squeeze), but honestly who wants to squeeze that many people into any sleeping space. It could easily sleep a family of 6 but in our opinion, 4 people on cots would be ideal ( 2 in each divided end), giving ample space for gear and move around comfort. This would leave the middle atrium completely clear for gear, the dog, or a camp stove if the weather was inclement. We really liked the fact that the middle entry way was tall enough to stand upright and the sleeping areas are compartmentalized by internal zipping walls. This gives privacy to individuals or couples and we jokingly each slept at either end both nights!

Slumberjack 10 tent, Ground tents, overland ground tents, overlanding, overland, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

We really liked this tent and would recommend it for folks who like to set up a basecamp and do day trips. At $399 this is a good price for a great tent and significantly less expensive than any RTT out there.

Pros: Price. Packed away size and weight. Quality construction and materials used. Stability in strong winds.

Cons: Size of tent not for all occasions. Time to set up compared to an RTT. Sleeping on ground not for everyone.

ARB touring awning and 5 paneled room:

ARB annex room, Ground tents, overland ground tents, overlanding, overland, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

ARB have a reputation for making quality gear and this is no exception. Although not really advertised and marketed as a ground tent, we thought it had a relevant place in the test line up. When we spoke to ARB they made sure to tell us that it wasn’t designed as a 3 or 4 season tent and that it shouldn’t necessarily be used in a high wind environment. Interestingly, we ended up setting it up in just that and it survived our stormy 3 day trip just fine.

ARB Room, Ground tents, overland ground tents, overlanding, overland, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

Set- up time, ease and stability: The awning is very easy to set up and once staked out is pretty stable and solid. It’s certainly doable with one person, but two people make it a fast and efficient process. Adding the room is frankly extremely easy, with the front and rear sections simply sliding into the awnings aluminum tracking. Click the rooms roof onto the top and vertical poles, stake out the bottom tabs like any tent and you’re done. 5 mins easy! As I said, we erected this in high winds and over night rolled up the meshed windows to allow the passage of the wind. Not ideal, but it helped significantly with stability in fairy extreme conditions.

ARB room, Ground tents, overland ground tents, overlanding, overland, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

Designed to function as a fully enclosed room, the awning room includes a durable floor, two large mesh windows with roll up blinds and a zippered door with solid and mesh panels. The awning room is fully enclosed as it has an integrated roof that hangs just below the main awning canvas. The rear wall features a central door that can be used to access the vehicle rear door or canopy (This is dependent on the awning mounting position and in fact ours was set 10 inches too far back – now rectified) along with additional ventilation panels and access points for 12v/120v power leads. The side walls of the room have a slight taper towards the outer awning beam to help encourage water run off.

Size – This set up is significantly smaller than the other two reviewed tents, but is a comfortable fit for two people on cots (+ dog). It has standing room height and we didn’t feel cramped. Ventilation was excellent.

ARB tent, Ground tents, overland ground tents, overlanding, overland, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

We really liked the awning room and I can see us definitely using it on quick strike trips where we’re trying to cut down on gear taken. It was extremely easy to set up and take down and perfect for those trips where you move everyday. Finally, with a price tag of $500 complete, it’s a definite options for fine weather camping for up to two.

Pros: Price. Ease of set up. Quality.

Cons: Small platform. Should only be used in mild weather.

Overall conclusions: 

The Ground tent certainly have their place in the overland community despite perhaps currently not seemingly being the fashion choice. We found all 3 styles were fairly easy and intuitive to set up and although they genuinely do take longer than a RTT, the extra time taken really isn’t a big deal. The ability to sleep on a comfortable cot was certainly appreciated as was being able to have standing room. Finally, both the Slumberjack and the ARB awning and room were at least 50% less expensive than most RTT’s, a factor that shouldn’t be ignored.

Gathering of the Tribe -Overland Expo West 2016

Overland expo 2016
Overland expo 2016

Another Overland Expo in the bag! This year the rain and snow held off and apart from some tempestuous winds, the annual Gathering of the Tribe-Overland Expo 2016 was a complete success. This was our second year and certainly the overall growth of the Overland Industry was obvious. More rigs of all shapes and sizes, more people joining the tribe and more smiles on faces! With over 170 classes and clinics, on site camping, daycare and a kids adventure area, Roseanne and Jonathan Hanson nailed it.

The following gives you a pictorial look at the many shapes and sizes of the tribe: Unimogs and Global Expedition Vehicles, classic Sportsmobiles and Sprinters, Overland Trailers and Roof Top Tents and minimalist Adventure Motorcycles all complete the picture. Whatever your passion or poison, this years Overland Expo fed our adventure addiction. We encourage all our readers to join with us next year.

Military grade Overland Expo 2016
Military grade overlanding Hummer
AEV Overland Expo 2016
AEV amongst the trees
Jeep Kitchen Overland Expo 2016
Convert the back of your jeep with Jeep Kitchen
Agile Vans Sprinter Overland Expo 2016
Agile Sprinter Van Off Road Conversions
CVT Overland Expo 2016
CVT Rooftop Tents
Mad Max Overland Expo 2016
“Mad Max Beast” Mobiles
Coyote Adventures Overland Expo 2016
John Marshall-Coyote Adventure Safari offers trainings and multi-day expeditions
Baroud- Overland Expo 2016
James Baroud RTT
Wilco Sprinter Swingout Overland EXPO 2016
Wilco – Single Sided Switch Gate designed for Sprinters
AT Taco Habitat Overland Expo 2016
Adventure Trailers Taco Habitat
Decked Overland Expo 2016
Decked: Storage solutions for the overlander
Defender love Overland Expo 2016
Defender love…sweet dreams are made of these
Adventure Motorcycles Overland Expo 2016
Choose your weapon- Adventure Motorcycles
our Wheel Campers Overland Expo 2016
Four Wheel Campers
Global adventure Overland Expo 2016
Global Adventure Vehicle
FUSO Overland Expo 2016
Maxtrax Overland Expo 2016
Maxtrax booth along side the EEXP
Moby 1 Jeep Teardrop Overland Expo 2016
Moby 1- Jeep Teardrop with an RTT
Overland Defender Overland Expo 2016
Overland Defender
Overland Expo 2016 Sign in
Expo sign-in area
Overland Life Overland Expo 2016
Overland Life
Robinson Fuso Overland Expo 2016
Robinson Fuso and their Traveling Adventures
Sportsmobiles Overland Expo 2016
A field of Sportsmobiles
Sprinter Overland Expo 2016
Tepui hard shell Overland Expo 2016
Tepui hard shell RTT
The Adventure Portal Overland Expo 2016
TAP getting to the Expo
Turtleback and 23Zero Overland Expo 2016
Turtleback Trailers and 23Zero RTT
Ural Overland Expo 2016
Wild Thing Overland Expo 2016
“Wild Thing”
Scout Overland Expo 2016

Roof Top Tent Buyer’s Guide


Nothing seems to say I’m an Overlander more than a vehicle sporting a ROOF TOP TENT (RTT) atop. We’ve been using them on our rigs and trailers for years and have had great experiences with quite a few brands. They’re not for everyone, but what you lose in MPG, wind noise, and higher center of gravity, you gain in comfort, speed of set up and “overlanding status”. (We all know that looks count!) The following RTT Gear Guide does not reflect TAP’s personal preferences or opinions. It is simply a comprehensive look at what soft and hard shell styles and brands are currently on the market in the USA. If you’re in the market for a roof top tent, then hopefully this will help your search.


23Zero Roof top tent on lexyThe 23 Zero roof top tent gives you the freedom and confidence to tackle the outdoors. It’s heritage spans from two of the most outdoor oriented counties in the world; Australia and the USA. Whether your journey takes you to the desert, along the coast, up mountains or along that new trail you have been wanting to explore, this beautifully finished tent, made from a tough ripstop polycotton canvas, ensures you will stay comfortable and dry. The closed cell mattress will make your night sleep a dream or you can spend your evening watching the stars go by, looking out the sky window. The included annex has a unique removable and adjustable floor, with a height adjustment from 68” to 82” to allow for larger vehicles or uneven ground.  Other features include an 82″sliding alloy ladder, and a covered aluminum internal frame that pivots on a stainless steel yoke for extra strength and reduced weight. Its sturdy aluminum base is filled with a hi-density polystyrene foam that provides extra strength and insulation. This tent even comes with a snow pole kit!  It fits most roof racks and comes complete with fitting kit, guy ropes, window stays, and instructions.  23zerousa.com

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
 Byron RTT   $1,950.00  48″W x72″L x15.5″H  96″W x 72″L x 49″H  3-4 150 lbs yes
 Litchfield Roof Top Tent  $1475.00  48″W x56″L x14.5″H  56″W x 96″L x 49″H  3  135 lbs yes

James Baroud roof top tent rtt

A James Baroud roof top tent on a Toyota 4Runner owned by American landscape photographer, Adam Schallau.
A James Baroud roof top tent on a Toyota 4Runner owned by American landscape photographer, Adam Schallau.

James Baroud is a European company dedicated to outdoor adventure and 4WD travel. Our tents are crafted in Portugal and are offered in the United States. James Baroud is known world-wide for the highest quality rooftop tents at affordable prices. We offer hard shell and soft shell rooftop tents and accessories ready for any adventure. They are built to exacting ISO world standards and underline everything you would expect from a quality European build. All our tents offer window designs that provide wrap-around screens as well as complete 360 degree panoramic views. They also feature a gas strut system allowing the tents to be closed with less effort. Our tent models are available in XXL size which gives each tent an additional 10” in width and additional 10” in length. The ability to withstand extreme weather conditions and quality construction make these tents the head of the class!  jamesbaroudusa.com             908-387-6701

RTT Style

Hard top

Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
 Discovery  see dealer   55″ x 79″x 13″ (WxLxH)   55″ x 79″x 44″ (WxLxH)  2 150 lbs  no
 Extreme  see dealer  55″ x 79″x 13″ (WxLxH)  55″ x 79″x 44″ (WxLxH)  2 150 lbs   no
 Space  see dealer   55″ x 79″x 13″ (WxLxH)   55″ x 79″x 52″rear-22″ front (WxLxH)  2   150 lbs  no
 Explorer  see dealer   55″ x 79″x 13″ (WxLxH)   55″ x 79″x 38″ (WxLxH)  2 150 lbs  no
 Grand Raid Evolution  see dealer 64.5″ x 89.5″x 13″ (WxLxH)   64.5″ x 89.5″x 44″ (WxLxH)  3 150 lbs  no
 Evasion  see dealer   55″ x 79″x 13″ (WxLxH)   55″ x 79″x 36″ (WxLxH)  2 150 lbs  no
 soft top            no
 Nomad 160 see dealer   62″x46″x13″ (WxLxH)   88″x59″x42″ (WxLxH)  2  125 lbs  no
 Horizon Vision  see dealer   59.10″ x 43.30″x 9.10″ (WxLxH)   59″ x 86.60″x 47.2″ (WxLxH)  2  110 lbs  no

equipt roof top tents rtt

EA XKLUSIV  roof top tent rtt

You have discovered the best made roof top tent in the World. For more than 25 years, Eezi-Awn Roof  Top Tents have travelled the far reaches of this globe. They have decades of proven experience on every major continent, and have withstood the most extreme elements. From -50F of the Arctic Ocean, to +120F of the Sahara and Central America, Eezi-Awn has performed. If you plan to travel, Eezi-Awn will exceed the standards you demand. Equipt Expedition Outfitters is located in both Salt Lake City UT and  Prescott AZ.  sales@equipt1.com    equipt1.com       866-703-1026

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
Series 3 1200   $2,145.00 48″L x 48″W x 11″H   96″ Lx 48″W x 51″H   2 110 lbs no
 Series 3 1400 $2,385.00  48″L x 55″W x 11″H   96″L x 55″W x 51″H  2 128 lbs no
 Series 3 1600   $2,485.00   48″L x 63″W x 11″H 96″L x 63″W x 51″H 2 plus child   149 lbs no
 Series 3 1800 $2,710.00   48″L x 71″W x 11″H 96″L x 71″W x 51″H 3 adults or 2 adults and 2 small children 172 lbs no
 Series 3 Family $3,380.00   48″L x 87″W x 11″H 96″L x 87″W x 51″H  4 adults 215 lbs no
 XKLUSIV T-Top 1400   $3,330.00   48″L x 55″W x 11″H   96″L x 55″W x 51″H  2 adults 192 lbs yes
 XKLUSIV T-Top 1600   $3,505.00   48″L x 63″W x 11″H   96″L x 63″W x 51″H  2 plus child 205 lbs yes
 XKLUSIV T-Top 1800 $3,905.00   48″L x 71″W x 11″H   96″L x 71″W x 51″H 2 adults 2 children  220 lbs yes
 XKLUSIV T-Top Family $4,900.00   48″L x 87″W x 11″H   96″L x 87″W x 51″H 4 on upper level and 4 on lower level 255 lbs yes-two
Jazz $1,870.00   48″L x 55″W x 11″H   96″L x 55″W x 51″H 2 110 lbs no
Globe Trotter Trailer Tent   $3,800.00   83″L x 59″W x 8″H  not listed 4 180 lbs yes

bundutec usa roof top tents rtt

bundutecusa RTT roof top tent

Bundutec proudly introduces the world’s 1st all aluminum electric roof top tent. Newly introduced in the USA, Bundutec’s all-aluminum electric roof top tent has been leading the way in luxury, high end, roof top tents  throughout South Africa since 2010. The advantage of this Roof Top Tent, is not only the rugged aluminum hard shell but it opens and closes with the push of a button! Setting up takes less than 1 minute!  The light weight, all aluminum construction offers great durability and is perfect for any vehicle or trailer roof rack. The RipStop fabric and rubberized screen provides years of protection from the elements. Zippered openings on all 4 sides gives great ventilation and makes for a perfect game viewing platform. The rain fly self-deploys automatically when raising and lowering the top. This RTT features 12V operation with easy push button controls, four sided entry and ventilation, an interior overhead light, an interior outlet and dual USB port and more! We guarantee high quality and provide a two year warranty.   sales@bundutecusa.com    bundutecusa.com

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
Bundutop $3,250.00  83″Wx53″Lx12″H  83″Wx53″Lx40″H 2 140 no

tuff-stuff roof top tents logo

TUFF-STUFF ROOFTOP TENT RTTThe Tuff Stuff Roof Top Tent is designed to provide the ultimate comfort, ease and convenience when traveling to the most secluded camping locations. Our roof top tent can unfold in minutes with little to no effort, and takes no tools to setup. All bedding can be stored inside the folding tent to free up valuable storage in your vehicle. The Tuff Stuff roof top tent includes a thick foam sleeping mat pre-installed. The sleeping area is more than large enough for 2  adults, and the annex  can accommodate a queen size mattress, mat, folding cot or a small dining table and  chairs. The retractable ladder can also be folded away for increased space inside the annex.
tuffstuff4x4.com   866-220-0171

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open   Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
Tuff Stuff Overland  RTT and Annex Room $1199.00   56″Wx48″Lx14″H 56″W x 132″L x  52″H 2+ 132 lbs yes

CVT_Logo vehicle tents

roof top tent RTT

Tired of lack luster weekends, bad hotels and limited sleeping accommodations? Plan your next weekend getaway with an easy to use Roof Top Tent from Cascadia Vehicle Tents.  Our Roof Top Tents are made of the finest materials and workmanship in the industry. Some of this year’s upgrades on the Summit Series include: heavier fabric, waterproof mattress cover, condensation mat, LED lighting with dimmer switch, two usb ports, outside shoe racks, and more. Mother nature is no match for our sturdy weather tight Roof Top Tents.  Sleep safe and sound above mud, rocks, dirt, critters and never wake up in a pool of water again.  Free up space in your vehicle, as bedding can be stored permanently in your Roof Top Tent.  Wake up feeling fresh and alive after a comfortable night sleep on a high-density foam mattress standard in every Cascadia Vehicle Tent! Our tents are lightweight and can be mounted on any car, truck, SUV or trailer.  cascadiatents.com   541-312-8368    sale@cascadiatents.com

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
Mt. Bachelor Standard $995.00

 56×48″x15.5″ (WxLxH)

 56″x96″50″(WxLxH) 1-2 120 lbs yes
  Mt. Bachelor Extended $1,095.00   48″x48″x15.5″(WxLxH)   48″x132″40″(WxLxH) 1-2 not listed  yes
  Mt. Shasta Standard $1,295.00 56″x48″x15.5″(WxLxH)   56″x132″x50″(WxLxH) 2+  125 lbs yes
Mt.Rainier Standard $1,595.00  72″x48″x15.5″(WxLxH)  72″x132″x50″(WxLxH) 3+ 150 lbs  yes
Mt. Shasta Extended  $1,595.00  56×48″x15.5″ (WxLxH) 56″x132″x50″(WxLxH) 2+ not listed yes
 Mt. Bachelor Standard Sumit Series  $1,595.00 48″x48″x15.5″(WxLxH) 48″x132″40″(WxLxH) 1-2 not listed yes
Mt. Bachelor Extended Sumit Series $1,595.00 48″x48″x15.5″(WxLxH) 48″x132″40″(WxLxH) 1-2 not listed yes
Mt.Rainier Extended $1895.00 72″x48″x15.5 (WxLxH)  56″x132″x50″ (WxLxH) 3+ not listed yes
 Mt. Shasta Standard Summit Series $1895.00  56×48″x15.5″ (WxLxH)  56″x132″x50″(WxLxH) 2+ 125 lbs  yes
 Mt. Denali Standard $2095.00 87″x48″x15.5″ (WxLxH)  87″x132″x50″(WxLxH) 4+ 186 lbs yes
Mt. Shasta Extended Summit Series $2195.00   56×48″x15.5″ (WxLxH)  56″x132″x50″(WxLxH) 2+  not listed yes
Mt. Rainier Standard Summit Series $2195.00 48″x48″x15.5″(WxLxH)  72″x132″x50″(WxLxH) 3+ 150 lbs yes
Mt. Denali Extended $2295.00  87″x48″x15.5″ (WxLxH)  87″x132″x50″(WxLxH) 4+ 186 lbs yes
Mt. Rainier Extended Summit Series $2495.00 72″x48″x15.5″(WxLxH)  72″x132″x50″(WxLxH) 3+  not listed yes
Mt. Denali Standard Summit series $2695.00 87″x48″x15.5″ (WxLxH)  87″x132″x50″(WxLxH) 4+ 186 lbs  yes
Mt. Denali Extended Summit series $2895.00 87″x48″x15.5″ (WxLxH)   87″x132″x50″(WxLxH) 4+  not listed  yes

treeline outdoors roof top tents

treeline RTT roof top tentOur third generation of Treeline Outdoors Roof Top Tents consists of an exciting, patent pending new design created exclusively by Treeline Outdoors. Designed and built according to our specifications, the new curved design reduces weight, improves water shedding and increases aerodynamics. All of our tents are now Solar Ready, designed to seamlessly integrate with numerous solar products made by Goal Zero. They’ve also got  oversized awning windows that campers can roll up for unrestricted views. Other exciting details and updates include rainfly skylights, utility storage bags, a hi-tech Diamond Ripstop rainfly and an all new lightweight aluminum honeycomb base; the strongest and most durable tent base on the market (all models except Lodgepole). As always, the tents set up and take down in minutes and come with a built-in, cloth covered, condensation-proof, high density, foam mattress that can stay inside the tent during travel.  info@treelineoutdoors.com      treelineoutdoors.com

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
Lodgepole $1,699.00 49″x56″x12″ 122″x56″x50″ 2 107 lbs no
Tamarack $2,099.00 49″x56″x12″ 122″x56″x50″ 2 97 lbs no
Tamarack Constellation $2,399.00 49″x56″x12″ 122″x56″x50″ 2 97 lbs no
Redwood $2,799.00 49″x88″x12″ 122″x88″x50″ 4-5 person 173  lbs no

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TJM roof top tent

Back in the 70’s when 4WD’s were few and far between, three adventure seeking mates got their ‘off road thrill’ with customized Volkswagen Beetles supped up as beach buggies. In 1973, with little more than their combined initials, shared passion and appreciation for quality products – TJM was founded and the rest is history. They were pioneers and TJM became the first company in Australia to manufacture and distribute quality 4WD equipment.The TJM roof top tents and awnings are ready within minutes, so you can relax and enjoy the outdoors. There are certainly benefits to be enjoyed from high-set camping, TJM style. The views are better, less sand gets transported into your tent and there’s extra security, which let’s face it, can make for a more restful night’s sleep. Manufactured from durable high quality poly/cotton breathable fabric, your mould and waterproof TJM roof top tent fits neatly onto the roof of your 4×4. A sturdy aluminum retractable ladder allows for easy access. You don’t even need to worry about inflating air mattresses as it comes with a 65mm high-density foam mattress with a removable cover. With fully screened windows and doors, it incorporates a pull-out veranda and optional zip-on annex.  tjmusa.com    888-909-4856

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
 Boulia $849.00 47”W x 55”L x 11”H 94.5″Wx55″Lx51″H up to 300 lbs 112 No
Yulara $899.99 47”W x 55”L x 11”H 126″Wx55″Lx51″H up to 300 lbs 115 No

 Roof Top Tent Tepui logo

tepui roof top tent rtt
At Tepui Tents adventure is our profession and life is our passion. Based out of Santa Cruz, California we are an enthusiastic outdoor adventure company that offers the highest quality roof top camping tents available.We are always exploring new trails and testing all of our products so we know first-hand that you will not find a better tent for your rig. From off-road warriors out at the Baja 1000 to families out at the lake we have something for everyone. Our unique roof top tents allow you to head out on your next adventure in comfort (with a little something to brag about!) And whether you’ve purchased a tent already or just rented a Tepui for the weekend, we know you’ll be 100% satisfied. We are focused on improving our products and services and are always making changes based on loyal customer feedback, so please feel free to contact us with your ideas, comments or suggestions!Our roof top tents are made with the most durable rip-stop, waterproof materials that will stand up to the most extreme conditions. They easily mount directly to your roof rack or aftermarket roof bars and can be fully setup in just a few minutes. We have many different models to ensure you find the right Tepui for you.
Tepuitents.com   800-301-9874    sales@tepuitents.com

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
Gran Sabana “Great Savanna” $1,950.00 72″Wx48″Lx12″H 72″Wx122″Lx52″H 4 150:180 lbs w/annex yes
 Gran Sabana “Great Savanna” Siberian Camo $2,100.00 72″Wx48″Lx12″H 72″Wx122″Lx52″H 4 150:180 lbs w/annex yes
Kukenam XL Ruggedized $2,100.00 72″Wx48″Lx12″H 72″Wx96″Lx52″H 4 210 lbs w/o annex no
Kukenam Ruggedized $1,650.00 56″Wx48″Lx12″H 56″Wx96″Lx52″H 3 180lb no
Kuenam Sky $1350.oo 56″Wx48″Lx12″H 56″Wx96″Lx50″H 3 130 lbs w/annex yes
Kukenam Camo $1,200.00 56″Wx48″Lx12″H 56″Wx96″Lx52″H 3  130 lbs no
Kukenam Siberian Camo $1,200.00 56″Wx48″Lx12″H 56″x96″x52″(WxLxH) 3 130 lbs no
Ayer $895.00 48″Wx42″Lx11″H 48″Wx84″Lx39″H 2 115 lbs no
Autana Sky $1,800.00 56″Wx48″Lx12″H 56″Wx122″Lx52″H 3 130:150 lbs w/annex yes
Autana Siberian Camo $1,675.00 56″x48″x12″ (WxLxH) 56″x122″x52″(WxLxH) 3  130:150 lbs w/annex yes
Autana Ruggedized $2,125.00 56″Wx48″Lx12″H 56″Wx122″Lx52″H 3 195 lbs w/annex yes

Adventure Sole RT Logo

adventuresole_rtt roof top tents

Adventure Sole Roof Top Tents are the epitome of outdoor life style–rugged, hardworking, and innovative. Based out of Spokane WA, Adventure Sole RT values quality, affordability, safety, America, and some good clean fun (or dirty, if you’re off roadin!).    Our roof top tents were designed after Adventure Sole RT noticed a void in the outdoor world, not to mention a few close encounters with a bull moose. So while other roof top tents exist, Adventure Sole RT’s are a cut above the rest. Crafted with quality and an attention to detail, the Echo and Bravo Series roof top tents are packed with value and are largely less painful on your pocket book than other brands.
adventuresolert.com    509-768-2522

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
Bravo RT: S-Series $894.99 48″W x42″Lx12″H  48″Wx84″Lx42″H 2+ 96 lbs optional
Bravo RT: M-Series $1,074.99 56″Wx48″Lx12″H 56″Wx96″Lx48″H 3+ 120 lbs optional
Bravo RT: G-Series $1,449.99 76″Wx48″Lx12″H 76″Wx96″Lx48″H 4+ 150 lbs optional
Echo RT: S-Series $1,049.99 48″Wx42″Lx12″H 48″Wx112″Lx42″H 2+ 100 lbs yes
Echo RT: M-Series $1,299.99 56″Wx48″Lx12″H 56″Wx123″Lx48″H 3+ 130 lbs yes
Echo RT: G-Series $1,549.99 76″Wx48″Lx12″H 76″Wx123″Lx48″H 4+ 165 lbs yes


autohome rtt roof top tentAutoHome is the first name in roof top shelters. We have been building, testing, using, and constantly innovating our roof top tents – and ONLY roof top tents – for over 50 years. Our tents have been used worldwide for many years, in all climates – from the arctic to the tropics. We know what it takes to keep you safe and comfortable in any weather. We bring this expertise to every customer, helping you choose the right shelter for you, your family and for the journey. Many try to copy AutoHome tents… but they cannot match the quality, experience or commitment to service.  888-852-2359  info@AutoHomeUS.com

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
Columbus Small not listed 51″Wx82.5″Lx11.8″H 51″W x82.5″L x59″H 2 adults 125 lbs no
Columbus Medium not listed 57″Wx82.5Lx59″H 57″Wx82.5Lx59″H 2 adults and 1 child 141 lbs no
Columbus Large not listed 63″W x84.6″Lx11.8″H 63″Wx84.6″x63″H 2 adults and 2 children  not listed not listed
Air Top Small white $2899.00 black $3099.00 51″Wx83″Lx13″H 51″Wx83″Lx37″H 2 adults 119 lbs no
Air Top Medium white $3299.00 black $3699.00 57″Wx83″Lx13″H 57″Wx83″Lx37″H 2 adults and 1 child 130 lbs no
Maggiolina Grand Tour Small $2,899.00 51″Wx82.75″Lx14″H 51″Wx82.75″Lx38″H 2 adults 123 lbs no
  Maggiolina Grand Tour Medium $3,399.00 57″ x 82-3/4″x 14″ (WxLxH) 57″x82-3/4″x38″ (WxLxH) 2 adults and 1 child  132 lbs no
  Maggiolina Grand Tour Large $3,599.00 63″ x 84-3/4″x 14″ (WxLxH) 63″x84-3/4″x38″ (WxLxH) 2 adults and 2 children  154 lbs no
  Maggiolina AirLand Small $2,499.00 51″ x 83″x 12″ (WxLxH) 51″ x 83″x 36″ (WxLxH) 2 adults 119 lbs no
  Maggiolina AirLand Medium $2,999.00 57″ x 83″x 12″ (WxLxH) 57″ x 83″x 36″ (WxLxH) 2 adults and 1 child 128 lbs no
Maggiolina AirLand Large $3,199.00 63″ x 85″x 12″ (WxLxH) 63″ x 85″x 36″ (WxLxH) 2 adults and 2 children 150 lbs no
Maggiolina AirLand Small XL $3,299.00 51″ x 91″x 12″ (WxLxH) 51″ x 91″x 36″ (WxLxH 2 adults 125 lbs no
  Maggiolina AirLand Large XL $3,499.00 57″ x 91″x12″ (WxLxH) 57″ x 91″x 36″ (WxLxH) 2 adults and 1 child 137 lbs no
  Maggiolina Extreme Small $3,099.00 51″ x 83″x 13″ (WxLxH) 51″ x 83″ x 34″ (WxLxH) 2 adults 143 lbs no
 Maggiolina Extreme Small-Black Storm $3,399.00 51″ x 83″x 13″ (WxLxH) 51″ x 83″ x 34″ (WxLxH) 2 adults    143 lbs no
 Maggiolina Extreme Medium $3,699.00 57″ x 83″x 32″ (WxLxH) 57″ x 83″ x 34″ (WxLxH) 2 adults and 1 child 154 lbs no
  Maggiolina Extreme Medium-Black Storm $3,999.00 57″ x 83″x 32″ (WxLxH) 57″ x 83″ x 34″ (WxLxH) 2 adults and 1 child 154 lbs  no
  Maggiolina Grand Tour Small $2,899.00 51″ x 82-3/4″x 14″ (WxLxH) 51″x82-3/4″x38″ (WxLxH) 2 adults 123 lbs no
  Maggiolina Grand Tour Medium $3,399.00 57″ x 82-3/4″x 14″ (WxLxH)  57″x82-3/4″x38″ (WxLxH) 2 adults and 1 child 132 lbs no
  Maggiolina Grand Tour large $3,599.00 63″ x 84-3/4″x 14″ (WxLxH) 63″x84-3/4″x38″ (WxLxH) 2 adults and 2 children  154 lbs no
  Maggiolina Carbon Fiber small $4,999.00 51″ x 83″x 12″ (WxLxH) 51″ x 83″x 36″ (WxLxH) 2 adults  97 lbs  no
  Maggiolina Carbon Fiber medium $5,999.00 57″ x 83″x 12″ (WxLxH) 57″ x 91″x 36″ (WxLxH) 2 adults and 1 child 101 lbs  no

roof top tent buyers guide

roof top tentComfortable off-the-ground camping ready in no time! Since originating in Europe over five decades ago, the idea of camping on car roofs has come a long way. Gordigear spearheads this development with its latest product range of roof top tents and matching accessories. We offer various rooftop tent models to satisfy the needs of a diverse client base, such as professional photographers and documentary film makers, 4WD clubs, fishermen, market exhibitors and outdoor sports fanatics. Of course we also cater to recreational camping enthusiasts who simply value professional equipment without the price tag. Gordigear car/truck/van etc. roof top tents represent easy camping with a comfortable bed away from home. They set up in minutes and provide sheltered and safe sleeping up off the ground. Setting up camp is a breeze – simply unfold the tent and you are ready for a good night’s sleep (all your bedding can be stored inside the tent). The next morning, your tent simply folds together in an instant and you are ready to go. Gordigear only manufactures vehicle roof top tents, car awnings, trailer tents and related items. This allows us to maintain full control of the production process, from product development through to quality control. Most importantly, it enables us to dedicate time for customer service after the sale. We know our products and are renowned for looking after our clients and we are very confident that we have the right rooftop tent for you! Should you have any questions regarding Gordigear equipment, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are a brick and mortar company so feel free to visit us at your convenience for a product inspection or to talk with us. Please feel free to contact us for answers to any questions you may have… we are here to help!  602-321-9503     heioutdoors.com

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
Explorer  $1150.oo 47″Wx55″Lx14″H  94.5″Wx55Lx51″H up to 660 lbs 106 lbs no
 Explorer Plus $1420.00 47″Wx55″Lx14″H 126″Wx55″Lx51″H 2 adults 108 lbs no
 Explorer Plus Wide $1690.00 47″Wx65″Lx14″H 126″Wx65″Lx51″H 3 adults 139 lbs no


ARB roof top tent
The ARB Simpson Series III

ARB Roof Top Tents integrate an updated design with new materials for better strength, rigidity and water resistance. Manufactured from high quality poly/cotton fabric and  an Oxford polyester flysheet, our roof top tents are easily mounted to ARB’s purpose designed roof rack, or suitably load-rated Thule or Rhino roof bars. A retractable aluminum ladder makes getting into bed a trouble free event. Anodized aluminum components improve corrosion resistance and appearance, while a high density foam mattress (with removable cover) ensures you’ll sleep soundly. And don’t worry about the bed bugs biting, ARB Roof Top Tents come with insect screened windows and doors.Our new Kakadu model tent is a new addition to our successful range of ARB Touring products. It has been designed for simple set up in warm climates where maximum ventilation is required. This tent is ideal for fitment to the rear of utility/pick-up vehicles and trailers where the floor level can be mounted lower to the ground with no access issues to the tent. For increased ventilation, the Kakadu features larger side window openings without the canvas awning over the window exterior. This allows for greater air flow through the tent but also increased view and natural light. Internal canvas shutters are still fitted to seal the windows during inclement weather. To provide rain cover to the window, the fly sheet has been extended and provides more protection to the entire tent.  arbusa.com    sales@arbusa.com

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
 Kadaku   $1,499.00   55″x47.25″x8″ (WxLxH) 55″x94.5″x51″ (WxLxH)  2 adults 1 child 130 lbs no
 Series III Simpson $1,522.83 52″Wx60″Lx13H  not listed not listed 175 lbs no


Bigfoot Roof Top Tents are the, “auto & truck camper’s dream come true”. We combine the best, top quality materials and craftsmanship in order to bring you Roof Top Tent features that will support any car camping adventure you can dream up. Our Bigfoot Roof Top Tents will add thrill and comfort to your outings and help create great camping memories. Car or Truck Auto Tents mean no more fumbling with tent poles in the dark, or tent blowouts as in a standard camping tent. Raccoons, scorpions, tarantulas or even mosquitoes won’t cause you ill. Simply put, Bigfoot Rooftop Tents give you more freedom to camp and more confidence in what you do no matter where you do it. Your camping experience will fare well with the comfort, convenience and protection of our New or Used RTT Bigfoot Roof Top Tents. roof top tent bigfoot overland  Our Roof Top Tents come in all shapes and sizes to fit any vehicle.  We can create a tent for any car or truck.  We have multiple full service facilities creating every type of roof top tent you can imagine.  Like with anything there are different levels of experience.  Usually you get what you pay for and some of us like comfort even when experiencing nature.  The only way to turn your car or truck’s roof rack into an R.V is a Roof Top Tent.  We offer free “to your curb” shipping and we cover all sales tax, making a purchase with us easy and affordable.

 bigfoottents.com                 877-311-6911

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
  Large RTT-Bigfoot Quick Tent Extreme   $1,476.00   56″x46″x13″(WxLxH)   56″x122″x50″(WxLxH)  not listed  116 lbs no
  RTT-Quick Car Top Tent-Ranger Series   $1,576.00 56″x46″x13″(WxLxH) 56″x122″x50″(WxLxH)  not listed 116 lbs no
Explorer SeriesHard Shell RTT  $2,599.00   51″x85″x12″(WxLxH)   51″x85″x39″(WxLxH)  2 adults and 1 child   119 lbs no



SmittyBilt roof top tentSet up camp in minutes with Smittybilt’s Overlander Roof Top Tent, with waterproof construction, mesh windows for ventilation, internal LED Lighting, USB charging port, 12V power adapter, external shoe bag and a wide aluminum ladder as standard features. Smittybilt Overlander Tent is designed to mount easily on your stock roof rack system or on an aftermarket rack/crossbar system. The Smittybilt Overlander Tent weights only 118 lbs, so it can be mounted to most rack systems. Generally, most OE roof racks will have a capacity of 100-200lbs while vehicle is in motion(dynamic rating). However, when the vehicle is parked and you are utilizing your Smittybilt Overlander Tent, you are applying a static load which is easier to support and most rack systems can generally handle this static load with ease. Always check with the manufacturer of your vehicle and your roof rack system to determine the applicable weight limitations as they vary from vehicle to vehicle.   smittybilt.com                      888-717-5797

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
 Overlander  $849.99 59” W x 49” L x 13” H 98” W x 59” L x 51” H          2 Adults 118 lbs optional


Hinterland Induroof top tent rttstries was created out of 20 years of experience and innovation. They manufacture everything from custom off-road trailers to custom off-road capable parts for Land Cruisers. Hinterland Industries personally test their products by running the Rubicon every year in one of their custom Land Cruisers. They have taken their passion for getting off the grid expedition style one step further by introducing their new line of roof top tents. Their tents are made of 400g waterproof canvas and 1” aluminum poles with aluminum alloy joints at all locations. Their tents have 304 stainless steel hinges and welded 304 stainless mounting brackets for the sliding aluminum ladder. The tents come with a 3” thick mattress for added comfort and they offer free shipping on tents shipped to freight terminals or business addresses for the lower 48.   www.hitents.com     805-714-8414

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
Rincon  $1,999.00 56″wide x 48″long x 15.5″tall  56″wide x 132″long x 50″ tall 3+ 130 lbs no
RinconCT $2,099.00 56″wide x 48″long x15.5″tall 56″wide x 132″long x 50″ tall 3+ 130 lbs  no
Jalama $1,899.00 56″wide x 48″long x 15.5″tall 56″wide x 96″long x 50″ tall 3+ 130 lbs  no
JalamaCT $1,999.00 56″wide x 48″long x 15.5″tall 56″wide x 96″long x 50″ tall 3+ 130 lbs  no

Front Runner - Brand Mark Lock Up-black logofront runner roof top tent

Front Runner’s secret recipe: Take a handful of friends who are engineers, designers, outdoor enthusiasts and professional off-road drivers. Add a shared history of adventures into the wilds of Africa spanning 40 yrs. Toss them all into a factory in South Africa with the very latest technology and materials. Let them dream, design, build test, sell, travel, and evolve for 15 years as they grow to become the world’s premiere outfitting company. Our roof top tent is built to last. It can be mounted on most vehicles to open out over the rear or to open over either side of the vehicle. This tent is the lowest profile roof top tent on the market and only weighs 88 lbs. frontrunneroutfitters.com  866-840-0321

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
 Front Runner RTT  $995.00  49″L x 53″W x 7.87″H 55Lx 134″W x55″H               2+ 88 lbs no

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ODIN roof top tent

Welcome to Odin Designs, a company nestled against the Rockies in Colorado. Our passion for camping and adventure has led us to designing roof top tents that would hold up to the harsh environment of the mountains and allow us to camp, hunt, and fish year round. But we are never satisfied and are always trying to improve the camping experience.  The type E roof top tent is our most popular roof top tent. With the included annex and  3 ft. extension you will have enough room to fully stand up, change, cook, or even shower. With both the type S and Type E tents you will be able to sleep comfortably every night with the included 2.5 inch high density foam mattress.  When you wake up in the morning, don’t worry about rolling up your sleeping bag, just fold it up in the tent.  Our tents easily set up in 5 minutes with a take down time of 7 minutes.  They come with a heavy duty telescoping ladder that reaches up to 8.5 feet, removing the need to buy extensions for lifted vehicles.  Upgrade to the Series II and get YKK zippers so you will never have to struggle with opening up the door or one of the 3 windows while your hands are cold. Our Series II tents also come with skylights, so you can stargaze from the comfort of your sleeping bag , as well as many other upgrades.  We provide free shipping to the lower 48 and a lifetime warranty.  We are a company that prides ourselves on providing great customer service.  We love hearing your feedback, so if you have any ideas, send us an email, find us on facebook, instagram, or pinterest or even just give us a call 720-722-4077.  contact@odindesigns.com   odindesigns.com

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
Type S Series I  $1,295.00 48″Wx48″Lx12″H 48″Wx122″Lx52″H  2 125 lbs yes
Type S Series II $1,495.00 56″Wx48″Lx12″H 56″Wx122″Lx52″H 3 125 lbs yes
Type E Series I  $1,995.00 56″Wx48″Lx12″H 56″Wx122″Lx52″H 3 125 lbs yes
Type E Series II $2,195.00 76″Wx48″Lx12″H 76″Wx122″Lx52″H 4 125 lbs  yes

logoHowling Moon roof top tent

Howling Moon is the largest premier manufacturer of African-style roof top tents, and the No.1 choice for virtually every safari company and 4 x 4 rental outfitter in Southern Africa. Howling Moon designs have been much copied and never equaled for their materials choice and build quality, and their attention to detail and design. Howling Moon features the best fabric available, made in South Africa, and with every other component being made entirely in-house.

www.howlingmoonusa.com  480-968-9689

RTT Style Price Size Closed  Size Open     Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
 Classic RTT 1.4m $2,091.67  55″Wx94.5″ L not listed  2 not listed No

roof top tent Roofnest Eagle in the Colorado National Monument
Roofnest Eagle in the Colorado National Monument.

Roofnest roof top tents are made to be simple, dependable, convenient, and comfortable. Our vision is to put a Roofnest on everyone’s vehicle. We cater to everyone from the weekend warrior, driving the family grocery-getter, to the hard-core overlander with a 10” lift and locking hubs. To achieve this vision we’ve stripped our tents down to the essentials and sell directly to our customers in order to keep overhead and costs low. We want our tents to be every bit as dependable and comfortable as the larger brands at a fraction of the cost and we think we’ve achieved this goal.

Please check out our website or contact us and see if you agree. sales@roofnest.com    www.roofnest.com  855-887-8897

RTT Style Price Size Closed Size Open Sleeping Capacity Weight Annex Included
Sparrow   $2,095.00  83″L x 48″W  x 11″H  83″L x 48″W x 36″H  2 adults 120 lbs no
 Eagle  $2295.00  85″L x 57″W x 11.5″H  85″L x 57″W x 37″H  2 adults +1 child  135 lbs no
Sparrow X   $2,395.00  83L x 48″W  x 12″H  83″L x 48″W x 36″H  2 adults 145 lbs no
Sparrow I   $1,995.00  83″L x 48″W  x 11″H  83″L x 48″W x 44″H  2 adults 120 lbs no
 Eagle I  $2195.00  85″L x 57″W x 11.5″H  85″L x 57″W x 45″H  2 adults +1 child  135 lbs no

Source Information and photos: Brands
Editor: Lori Palmer

Off-Road Trailer Buyer’s Guide

The Adventure Portal Off Road Trailer Buyers Guide
The Adventure Portal Off Road Trailer Buyers Guide

This Off-Road Trailer Buyers Guide (2nd Edition) is intended as a resource for anyone interested in purchasing an off-road, overlanding focused trailer in the USA.

 All information is accurate as of Spring 2016, but of course prices, designs, and options can vary at any time.

This information comes directly from the trailer manufacturers and is not the result of  TAP’s personal testing or opinion.

Our intention is to keep this guide as up to date as possible throughout the year. The following is a downloadable spreadsheet with all specs on the trailers as written up in this guide.

Click on red text below. This sheet will not come up on your screen. It will download for you to view and print.

Off-Road Trailer Buyer’s Guide Specs

The styles of the off-road trailers covered in this article are:
(1) Teardrop.
(2) “Internal Living Space” trailers.
(3) Fully spec’d Box Frame/Expo.
(4) M416 Utility.
(5) Flatbed Toy Hauler.

 Terrain capability of each off-road trailer is rated:
(a) Easy: graded fire roads where 4High is only used on occasions.
(b) Moderate: rough terrain where 4Low and high clearance is needed.
(c) Difficult: 4Low, lockers, high clearance required with careful wheel placement.  Potential for trailer and rig damage.

Turtleback Trailers

turtleback-logo the adventure portal
Weekender Apache Lake-3Expedition Inspired – The Turtleback Trailer is a purpose built camping off-road trailer that is hand crafted in the USA. These units are CAD designed,3 axis Laser cut chassis, CNC cut and formed for all other parts to be tough, light and simply functional while being built to exacting specifications. Purpose built means that all of the amenities are integrated into the unit rather than it being a tub to carry equipment, thus making set up and break down of camp a breeze along with capturing the most efficient use of space. We are proud to announce our new Weekender Trailer. With its all aluminum chassis and smaller frame it’s the perfect trailer to use with smaller SUVs. This trailer is going to change camping and expeditions for families all around the USA.  Turtleback Trailers are available in numerous colors and many options like: upgraded electrical systems with solar systems and 110v power inverters, many awning and tent configurations, camp table storage, tailgate systems, boat racks and tire sizes up to 37”.  www.turtlebacktrailers.com

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
Expedition Box Frame/Expo  $17,495.00 1,600 Yes Yes Yes Difficult
Weekender  Box Frame/Expo $19,995.00 1150 Yes  Yes  Yes  Moderate

SoCal Teardrops

SoCal teardrop trailer logo
SoCalTeardrops the adventure portal SoCal Teardrops are built for off-highway adventures.  Their powder coated frame is made of 2” x 3”,.120 wall, new steel, tubing. Equipped with heavy duty, Old Man Emu leaf springs, a 3500 lb. Dexter axle, 10″ electric brakes, and 9- way adjustable, Rancho RS9000XL shocks. The tongue can accommodate a front storage box, expanded metal cage with locking lid, and the hubs are spec’d to match your vehicle’s wheels and tires. The cabins are built with a reinforced, Baltic Birch, rib system to combat extra forces when traveling off-road. Without adding any options, you only need to provide some bedding, a cooler, and you are ready to embark on any adventure. The full size, 4″ thick, HDF mattress provides plenty of sleeping space for two adults, and the cabins are outfitted with an AM/FM/CD unit, cabin light, 12v outlet, cubbies, shelves and cup holders. The galley comes standard with  a 2 burner, Partner Steel, propane stove mounted in a sliding drawer with nested utensil drawer. The 12v system is powered by a group 24, deep cycle battery, an on-board, 3 stage, marine charger/tender with external shore power for keeping the battery healthy when in storage. Though the standard configuration can support almost any trek, we offer over 50 options, which can be selected to satisfy a new owner’s individual needs and concerns.  www.socalteardrops.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
 Buzz off  Teardrop $9,535.00 1000lbs no yes yes Difficult
 Krawler 459 Teardrop $16,195.00 1250lbs  yes  yes yes Moderate
 Krawler 4510 Teardrop $16,695.00  1300lbs  yes  yes yes Moderate
XS510 Teardrop $17,275.00 1400lbs yes yes  yes Moderate
 XS511 Teardrop $18,275.00  1425lbs  yes yes  yes Moderate

Bivouac Camping Trailers

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Bivouac/biv.ou.ac/ – a temporary campsite, such as those used in scouting and mountain climbing, used especially by soldiers or mountaineers. Bivouac Camping Trailers has been operating in Phoenix, Arizona since June 2008. Our company was founded on the basis of providing high quality, unique, expedition trailers/toy haulers for the outdoor enthusiast. We are a small company consisting of family and friends who have come together to fulfill a dream. Our unique design was created in an effort to fill a niche that has been previously ignored. We are looking to create an environmentally, go anywhere, friendly option for people who are in love with the great outdoors. Along the way, we have aligned ourselves with companies that have allowed us to manufacture the best off-road camping trailers possible. Among them is our main partner, Tepui Tents from Santa Cruz, California (www.tepuitents.com). When our two companies first crossed paths, we were both in our infancy but found an instant kinship in our companies philosophies, “Provide the highest quality product for the lowest possible price and back up every sale with the best customer service in the business”.  www.moabaz.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
M.O.A.B Fort Box Frame/Expo $5,695.00 1250lbs-1675lbs No Yes Yes Difficult
M.O.A.B Fort Alpha Box Frame/Expo  $6,995.00 1250lbs-1675lbs  No  Yes Yes Difficult
M.O.A.B Fort Bravo Box Frame/Expo  $7,495.00 1250lbs-1675lbs  Yes  Yes  Yes Difficult
M.O.A.B Fort Charlie Box Frame/Expo  $9,995.00 1250lbs-1675lbs  Yes Yes Included Difficult
M.O.A.B Fort Delta Box Frame/Expo $12,495.00 1250lbs-1675lbs  Yes Yes Included  Difficult
 M.O.A.B Fort XL Box Frame/Expo  $6,195.00 1350lbs-1775lbs No Yes Yes Difficult
 M.O.A.B Fort XL Alpha Box Frame/Expo  $7,295.00 1350lbs-1775lbs No  Yes Yes  Difficult
 M.O.A.B Fort XL Bravo Box Frame/Expo  $8,295.00  1350lbs-1775lbs No Yes Included Difficult
 M.O.A.B Fort XL Charlie Box Frame/Expo  $10,995.00 1350lbs-1775lbs  Yes Yes Included  Difficult
 M.O.A.B Fort XL Delta Box Frame/Expo $13,495.00  1350lbs-1775lbs Yes Yes Included  Difficult
M.O.A.B Yak Toy Hauler  $4,995.00 1800lbs No Yes  Yes Difficult
M.O.A.B Outpost Box Frame/Expo not listed 1450-1875lbs No Yes Trailer Tent Moderate
M.O.A.B Outpost Bravo Box Frame/Expo $10,095.00 1450-1875lbs  No Yes Trailer Tent Moderate
M.O.A.B Outpost Charlie Box Frame/Expo $12,795.00 1450-1875lbs Yes Yes Trailer Tent Moderate
M.O.A.B Outpost Delta Box Frame/Expo $15,295.00 1450-1875lbs  Yes Yes Trailer Tent  Moderate
M.O.A.B Crawler M416 Utility not listed not listed No Yes Yes Difficult
 M.O.A.B Gobi Alpha Teardrop  $7,995.00  1890lbs No Yes Yes Moderate
 M.O.A.B Gobi Bravo Teardrop $9,995.00  1890lbs No Yes  Yes Moderate
 M.O.A.B Gobi Charlie Teardrop $13,995.00  1890lbs  Yes  Yes Yes Moderate
 M.O.A.B Gobi Delta Teardrop $15,995.00  1890lbs  Yes  Yes  Yes  Moderate

Colorado Teardrops

colorado teardrop logo


Rain, sleet, hail and lightning can ruin a Colorado camping trip. Instead of tent camping, enjoy the comfort and convenience of camping in a Teardrop Trailer. Teardrop Trailers are the perfect night sleep for a long cross country trip or quick Wednesday night “bug-out” camping night at the last minute. The Galley contains all your cooking and dining gear. With room for charcoal, fire wood and camp stove to cook, ice cooler, water, spices, french press, plates, etc… – your ready to take that adventure and eat well!

Our 2016 Canyonland Teardrop is badass. This rugged off-road trailer will get you off the beaten path in comfort. It will follow your 4×4 into the places you’ve always wanted to stay. With the optional Solar Power Package, you’re off grid and off road. You’ll run out of water before you run out “juice” unless you camp close to water, then you’ll run out of food, unless you you hunt or fish; then you’re set to stay out as long and as far away as you’d like!Based on our Queen size platform it, we offer a welded frame with a full skid plate, heavy duty axle and leaf springs suspension to support off-road BF Goodrich All-Terrain T/A KO2 15″ tires. www.coloradoteardropcamper.com

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
2016 Canyonland Teardrop  $12,300.00  1,100 lbs  Yes Yes No Moderate
2016 Basecamp Teardrop  $10,300.00 858 lbs  Yes Yes No  Easy
2016 Mt. Massive Teardrop  $16,100.00  1430 lbs  Yes Yes No Moderate

INKA Outdoor

INKA Logo 72dpi2400

Inka Outdoor Venture OHV 72dpi2400

Inka Outdoor, LLC builds what some have called the “luxury yacht” of teardrop campers. The Venture OHV (TM) now takes the teardrop experience off-road and is ready for those overland adventures many only dream about. Our refined, modern teardrop camper features an engineered design and is built with high-tech materials combined with natural (and sustainable) wood for a warm finish and rugged body. No sheet plywood sides, everything is engineered for strength & weight, pressure laminated and fully insulated for the ultimate in comfort. The lightweight but tough Venture OHV chassis uses proven independent trailing-arm air suspension, is skid-plated for protection and runs on your choice of wheels & tires. We build each unit to order and offer a dizzying array of standard options as well as providing wish-fulfillment for those features that are only limited by practicality and budget. Generally weighing in at under 1,750lbs (800 kg) loaded, (depending on options) the Venture OHV is well matched to today’s lighter 4WD vehicles that typically have limited tow ratings, allowing you to keep your rig highway legal and safe. We currently offer sales and support in North Carolina & Utah and provide a full Limited Warranty. Please check us out out on Facebook and Instagram (@inkaoutdoor), visit our website at www.inkaoutdoor.com or give us a call!

Model Type Base Price weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT compatible Terrain Capability
 Venture OHV  Teardrop  $17,995.00  approx.1,500lbs                   Y yes N/A Difficult
 Brevard  Hustler  Teardrop  $12,495.00  approx.1,000lbs                   Y yes  N/A Easy to low moderate

SylvanSport off road trailer2014 SylvanSport Logo 1


A category creating recreational vehicle, the SylvanSport GO blends recreational fun with amazing utility capabilities. The Swiss Army Knife of camping-trailers, GO is capable of carrying up to a dozen boats, bikes, camping gear or any combination. The SylvanSport GO can carry motorcycles, ATVs and even function as a proficient utility trailer, capable of carrying up to 1000 lbs. on its deck. On road or off the beaten path, the GO has 13” of ground clearance, is fully Tig welded and designed for fun. All of this is accomplished in an ultra-lightweight (840 lbs.) aluminum package, capable of being towed by any small car (even a hybrid). www.sylvansport.com

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
 SylvansportGo Camper Trailer $8,495.00 840 lbs  N  Yes tent included easy

VMI Off Road Trailers

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The World is out there, we can help you explore itVMI Off road is a small, All American company that takes great ideas and turns them into world-class products. It is our corporate mission to provide the highest quality equipment available for off – road enthusiasts by using cutting-edge techniques, space age materials and innovative ideas to raise the bar in the off – road industry.  We will always strive for peak performance in customer service, reliability and safety in our products. Whether you are wanting just to get away for the weekend or planning a trip around the world, VMI Offroad can set you up with package from our Xtender Explorer trailer to a fully custom expedition Summit Class vehicle conversion.  www.vmioffroad.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
 Xtender Explorer M416 Utility  $6,995.00 540lbs No Yes  Yes Difficult
Xtender Craler Box Frame/Expo  $11,750.00 900lbs Yes Yes Yes Difficult
Xtender Ox Box Frame/Expo $21,995.00 1575lbs Yes Yes Yes Difficult
Xtender Canyon Internal Living  $25,495.00 1975lbs Yes Yes N/A Moderate
Xtender Alpine Internal Living  $35,950.00  3000lbs Yes Yes N/A Moderate
Ctender Commpass Internal Living  $64,995.00 4500lbs Yes Yes N/A Moderate

Schutt Industriesschutt logo TAP

Schutt 1 TAPXVENTURE IS A GAME CHANGERThe XVENTURE Off-Road Trailer from Schutt Industries is a revolutionary new vehicle engineered for the extreme, off-road, overlanding community. As the worlds leading American manufacturer of military trailer products, Schutt Industry sets the bar by which all others are judged with the new XVENTURE severe-duty trailer. XVENTURE is simply the finest product of its type ever to hit the consumer market. This is a no – compromise, must-have piece of equipment for the overland, off-road professional and enthusiast alike. Compare XVENTURE to anything else out there and we are certain you will agree, you just have to get one of these!  www.schuttindustries.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
 Xventure xv -1A M416 Utility 11,995.00 1090lbs No Yes Yes Difficult

The Base Camp Trailersborderland-logo-long-orange

Base CampBorderLand Trailers are a product line that have been designed and manufactured by Mobilight International, Inc.  The team at Mobilight has been manufacturing portable, high intensity light towers since 1986.  Our solid history of innovation reaches from the first portable light tower developed by Mobilight in Australia in 1986, to freeway construction, high school football games, and on up to the 2002 Winter Olympic Games.  Mobilight has continued leading the way with the best in lighting technology.  In 2007 Mobilight was honored not only as Utah’s Small Business Exporter of the Year but also won the regional and then the national exporter of the year as well.  In 2012 Mobilight was awarded the Sustainability Award in Innovation by Utah Business Magazine.  The durable construction and high performance of the Mobilight tower has earned itself a place on mine sites and oil fields across the world.  But, we couldn’t stop there.  The team grabbed this idea of “BorderLand Trailers” and got to work.  Applying decades of experience in engineering and manufacturing into a product of outdoor living, camping, adventuring, a product of anticipation, readiness, and preparedness.  With pride we give you “BorderLand Trailers. borderlandtrailers.com   801-280-4280

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
The Outpost  Box Frame/Expo 2,300 lbs with all options and RTT optional Yes Yes moderate
The Outpost XT  Box Frame/Expo 2,400 lbs with all options and RTT optional Yes Yes moderate

 Kakadu Camping Trailers

KakaduLogo2K16lo (1)

If you love to tent camp away from the crowds, but are tired of sleeping on the ground and complicated setups, a BushRanger® camper trailer is the perfect unit for you.

Part heavy-duty trailer, part tent-trailer, the BushRanger starts with an all steel utility trailer with plenty of cargo space for all your camping gear. On top of the trailer base is a heavy-duty tent section, made with Satproof™ canvas, that includes a queen size main bed, and a self-supporting side-folding tent section that unfolds to reveal up to 250 square feet of living space. The trailer tent, TAP_trailer_guideincluding the awning, poles, mattress etc. stores on top of the trailer so the box of the trailer is all extra cargo space. Made from SatProof™ canvas and PVC flooring, the Camper Trailer tent is built for the harshest conditions, yet sets up in less than 10 minutes. You get an amazing amount of room, in a rugged, off road capable, yet lightweight package that makes camping in style more affordable and accessible than ever before.  Whether you have a Jeep, a smaller car, or a large SUV or truck, you’ll love that the BushRanger is lighter and easier to tow than most traditional RV’s, and can be stored easily in the average garage. Great for family camping trips, hunting or fishing trips, surfers, ATV and dirt bike lovers and much more! www.kakaducamping.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
Bushranger 200 M416 Utility $4,895.00  1000lbs   No   Yes Trailer Tent Moderate
Bushranger XT M416 Utility $6,835.37  1100lbs  No  Yes Trailer Tent Difficult
Bushranger SE M416 Utility $9,995.00 1100lbs  No  Yes Trailer Tent Difficult

Ethos Off-Road


ethosEthos Off Road is a relatively new company in the sales of expedition style trailers. The owners are not however new to the off road and outdoor adventure scene. With over 60 years of combined experience in the outdoor, 4×4, hunting, fishing, camping and metal fabrication fields Ethos Off Road has set a goal to build the most durable and secure 4×4 overland trailer on the market. Ethos started fabricating overland trailers for their personal use due to a lack of options in the existing market. The ability to carry a family of 4 and all necessary gear for a week of hunting,fishing or camping made Ethos Off Road what it is today. Based outside of Austin, TX Ethos Off Road currently offers two products for sale with a wide variety of options to go with them. The Ethos Travois X-1 is based off a M416 army trailer in looks only. Each trailer is hand built one at a time for each individual customer. Custom options are almost limitless but the basic Travois X-1 comes standard with the industries only self lifting roof rack, 6′ x 4’6″ wide 14 gauge tub, 14 gauge lid, 4′ trailer tongue, 3500# Timbren suspension, Lock N Roll coupling, 75 qt. cooler rack, 20# propane cylinder mount, full length piano style hinge, BBQ- pit, American Lock for the lid and hub bolt pattern to match your tow vehicle. The Chassis of the trailer is 3/16 box steel and is fully welded with a full length 10′ tongue. Durability being the driving factor in production, the Ethos Travois X-1 still comes in at an empty weight of 1200 lbs with all options listed on the standard X-1. The Ethos base model trailer is built with the same quality but has a solid axle, 2″ ball coupler, and is the basic chassis with tub and lid only. The base color for the trailers is black but custom colors can be done to customer requests. These trailers are made to get your gear into places that most trailers can not go. If the tow vehicle can get there, the Ethos Off Road trailer can follow.  www.ethosoffroad.com

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
Travois M416 Camping $5,800.00 1000 lbs  N  Y Y Difficult
Travois X-1  M416 Camping $9,500.00 1,200 lbs N  Y Y Difficult

 Adventure TrailersAT VECTOR LOGO (1) copy 2

Adventure trailers / AT Overland is one of the few companies in north America offering Horizon and Chasera comprehensive overland fitment center, retailing and manufacturing, all under one roof. AT started out as a trailer manufacturer over ten years ago. At the urging of our customers, we diversified into working on outfitting vehicles and manufacturing accessories that were not available to the fledgling overland community in north America. If you are looking for a premium off – road trailer, consider one of our proven models. All our trailers are highly capable over technical terrain or on long haul washboard conditions. They all feature our proprietary independent trailing arm suspension with all chassis and body components precisely cut on a three-axis laser, primed with a zinc rich coating prior and powder coated. All of this high quality production is proudly performed locally in Prescott Arizona.  www.adventuretrailers.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
 AT Teardrop Teardrop  $14,268.00 1283lbs No  Yes  Yes Moderate
Horion Box Frame/Expo  $11,054.00 1100lbs No  Yes  Yes Difficult
Chaser M416 Utility  $7,672.00 700lbs No  Yes  Yes Difficult
Kakadu Box Frame/Expo $9,185.00 700lbs No  Yes  Yes Moderate
AT Flatbed Flat Bed/Toy Hauler $7,245.00 500lbs No   Yes No Moderate

To Extreme Off  Road Trailers


TO Extreme






Rugged’N Ready 60” High Country and 72” Backwoods

To some, durability and capability mean trusting in one’s gear to perform in every condition 100% of the time and that compromise is not an option. TO Extreme Off-Road has spent countless hours developing and testing our rugged line of off-road utility trailers. With 30 plus years of manufacturing experience, the TO Extreme team has designed a no – nonsense, versatile trailer line that is affordable but doesn’t compromise on strength and reliability.  www.to-extreme.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
 60″ Highcountry  M416 Utility $4,900.00 860lbs no yes yes  Difficult
 72″ Backwoods   M416 Utility  $5,900.00     1,020 lbs                  no yes yes  Difficult

 Lead Dog Trailers

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Hiker / Dog House Trailers is a combined effort of 2 company’s. Hiker with its 12 + years of Teardrop Builds and Lead Dog Motorsports background of 20+ years of off-road racing and desert recreation combined together to build an entry level Off Road Adventure Trailer that is ready for your own customization. It is our goaloff-road1 to bring you an entry level adventure trailer that has ample room inside and out. The trailer comes in 4×8 as well as 5×8 with a front storage tray and tool box ready to add your personal touches too. Each trailer is equipped with soft ride, long leaf springs, hyd shocks, 33″ tires with steel wheels and four corner stabilizer jacks, and a rear receiver with D ring mounts! They also come with an oversized rear storage door and inside cabinetry as well as dual side doors and windows. It’s a simple design and you can create your own finishing touches, getting you ready for any adventure. Many other options are available.  Call us for quote and option pricing.  www.LeadDogMotorsports.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
4×8 Off Road Doghouse Teardrop $7595.00 1250lbs No Yes Yes  Moderate
5×8 Off Road Doghouse Teardrop $8595.00 1450lbs No Yes Yes  Moderate

 TC Teardrops


TC TeardropsLife in a DropTCTeardrops began when we took our first camping trip in our very first home-built Teardrop and someone asked, “Where did you get that?” (Right after their first question, which was, “Can you sleep in that thing?”). So, we built a few more Teardrops by request, and those people became our friends, and they showed their friends, who also asked those same questions (in the same order)…and the rest is history!  To date, with every sale that we make, we always feel that we not only gain new customers, we have found new friends.  The Off-Road Extreme (ORE) TCTeardrop is specifically designed for overlanding. In addition to the standard TCTeardrop features, the ORE package includes many extras such as a Lock N Roll articulating hitch, 3500 lb Torsion Axle, 10” Electric Brakes, extra hitch points, custom tires and wheels…all in one convenient, eye-catching package that can haul your gear and your toys, too! Add your choice of accessories and you can camp off grid anywhere your tow vehicle can take you. There are no dealers, TCTeardrops sells factory direct to the customer, saving you money while working closely with you to build a customized Teardrop camper that will follow behind you like it’s on rails.  We know that word of mouth is the best form of advertising, and our customers make a great sales staff! We appreciate any and all feedback that we receive about our business.  www.tcteardrops.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
4×8 (inc off road package)  Teardrop $6,700.00  750lbs  No Yes Yes Moderate
 5×8(inc off road package) Teardrop $7,500.00  850lbs  No Yes Yes Moderate
 5×9(inc off road package) Teardrop $8,200.00  950lbs   No Yes Yes Moderate
 5×10(inc off road package) Teardrop $8,900.00  1,100lbs   No Yes Yes Moderate

 Tentrax Trailers



Our Off – Road Trailers are extremely easy to use. The tent and bed set up time is less than 5 minutes,toyota-TRD-trailer allowing you to establish or break down camp expeditiously.  Imagine being able to set up your warm, dry, and safe tent and bed in just minutes! These Terrain Rated® tent trailers allow you the freedom to go anywhere, anytime, to enjoy the great outdoors. Equally impressive is how well they fit the lifestyle of so many wanting to haul all types of gear including bicycles and kayaks.   The standard Boulevard camper can be upgraded to a fully functional off – road camping trailer.   Lightweight design, weather resistance, with large cargo capacity and more.  We also feature off – road trailers for backcountry adventure.  Oftentimes, these off road trailers are called back country trailers, off -road camping trailers, Jeep trailers, ATV adventure trailers, and off- road cargo trailers.    They too are a lightweight travel trailer with a pop-up feature that can withstand the brutality of off- road camping trails and rugged abuse. These trailers can be custom built to match most vehicles on the road today including color, tires, and wheel size.  www.tentrax.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
 Off Road AT M416 Utility $3,692.00  600lbs No Yes Yes Difficult

Titan Off Road Trailers

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Titan.TAPThe TITAN Off Road Trailer  was designed with 3-D CAD and modern production methods.   Components are CNC Laser cut, CNC formed and fully welded. Our trailers are 50 State DOT (Department of Transportation) compliant.  We are a member of the National Association of Trailer Manufacturers (NATM). “We build every trailer to DOT standards.  All of our trailers follow all vehicle manufacturing guidelines.  “The TITAN ORT” is a fully functioning, heavy-duty, and load-carrying trailer, capable of carrying 2,500 pounds or securing your expedition gear.  Options include: portable grills, bed liners, water and power systems, propane mounts, mounts for bikes, gear, spare tire, recovery tools etc., extendable toungue mounts, different bolt patters for the wheels, and a variety of storage features.  www.titanort.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
 Tital M416 Utility  $6,995.00 Not stated No Yes Yes Difficult

Ruger Trailers


Made in the USA with American steel, ingenuity, labor, and pride. 

Ruger Trailers, Denver, Colorado’s first choice for rugged, durable, off -road trailers. With a variety of options, a Ruger off-road trailer will enhance your outdoor and camping experience.  www.rugertrailers.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
 5′  M416 Utility $4,295.00 790lbs No  Yes  Yes Difficult
6′ M416 Utility $4,995.00 950lbs No   Yes  Yes Difficult

header_adrenaline Adrenalin Campers


adrenaline_TAPWe utilize aerospace technology and stainless folded aluminum to create a durable and lightweight off-road camper trailer. All campers are water and dust proof and so lightweight that they can be hauled behind anything from a small car to a full-size SUV. In addition, the independent air ride suspension ensures a smooth ride through the most rugged terrains, and the hardtop can carry ATV’s, Bikes and Kayaks.  www.adrenalincampers.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
 Blaze  Box Frame/Expo $20,000 1,460lbs Yes  Yes  Trailer Tent Moderate

 Crawlorado Offroad Trailers


dsc_0820Our trailers are built to the highest standards. Off-road reliability is our primary concern. They are assembled with heavy-duty box steel frames and will withstand even the most extreme trails. Several items are standard on all trailers. Competing manufacturers will quote lower prices to lure you in, only to drastically increase the price after adding a long list of options.  We are not interested in manufacturing cheap cargo trailers. We build a high quality product designed for extreme off-road use that allows you to have the camping conveniences usually restricted to the campgrounds.  www.crawloradooffroad.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
 Custom Box Frame/Expo  $9,200.oo 1490lbs Yes Yes Yes Difficult

Highland Expedition Outfitters

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The All Aluminum, All Terrain, T Series Highland Expedition Outfitters Roof Top Tent and Trailer Tent Camper Trailers. Outfit yourself with the finest all terrain roof top tent, overland trailer available. Manufactured entirely of mig welded 6061 aluminum, that allows you to trek into the wilderness with this light weight camping trailer. The Highland Expedition Outfitters T Series features a 45 to 57 cubic foot tub constructed of durable 3mm ACM and aluminum studs which gives you plenty of room to store and transport all your camping gear to remote camping destinations. Weighing in at only 550 to 700 pounds, nearly any vehicle can tow The Highland Expedition Outfitters (HEO) T Series RTT camper. Total access can be gained to your gear via the tailgate and hinged top. Sitting atop the trailer is the high quality CVT Roof Top Tent.  Boasting large 30 x 9.5 R15 Big Horn tires and a 3000 pound Rockwell American Equalizer Torsion Axle with 3500 pound spindles, the HEO T Series RTT camper gives you a full 16 inches of ground clearance; enough to tackle the most difficult of trails. The standard Lock-n-Roll 3 Axis Off Road Coupler allows full mobility on the roughest of terrain. New for 2016, weighing in at only 1000 pounds is HEO’s T5 – built as rugged as the other T Series units. The T5 has a Trailer Tent that has 220 square feet of space under roof and 2 sliding cargo trays. An optional solar package will allow you to have off-grid electricity.  www.heoutfitters.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
T3 M416 Utility $6995.00 550lbs No  Yes Included  Moderate+
T4 M416 Utility $7,995.00 700lbs No  Yes Included Moderate+
 T5 Box Frame Expo $12,995.00  1000lbs  No  Yes Included Moderate+

Jackwagon off Road Trailers


jackwagon_TAPThese trailers are hand-made with pride right here in the United States.  We are  located in the beautiful town of Prescott, Arizona.  We want to build you a high-quality trailer that will keep all of your gear dry and out of the dust and mud, and help you to carry everything you need to be comfortable. Whether you are camping, over-landing, hunting, or just out on a weekend adventure, these trailers will follow you anywhere you want to go. www.jackwagonoffroad.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
The Basecamp M416 Utility $6,500.00 950lbs  No  No  Yes Difficult

Oregon Trail’r



TerraDrop is our offering for those of you with off-road tendencies.  It has adventure in it’s DNA. TerraDrop is styled to fit in perfectly with both modern and classic off-road capable vehicles. TerraDrop can be configured from mild to wild, so it can be made to suite your needs and budget. www.oregontrailer.net.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
TerraDrop Teardrop $13,500.00 1200lbs No  Yes  Yes Moderate

 Campa Trailers  


Live the adventure- Campa owner, Chris was born and raised in rural South Africa, where his interest and passion in all things 4WD started at a very early age. His personal expedition travel experience, military service, manufacturing background and academic qualifications, which include degrees from the University of Natal and Cornell University, enabled him to design and build unparalleled expedition products. As a necessary part of continuously improving Campa’s product line, Chris travels as much as possible, thoroughly testing and pushing the expedition products Campa builds. His goal is to always find ways to improve the quality and durability of the products that Campa is already known for.  Anne Pence was born and raised in Germany and is a founding member of Campa and VP of the company. Her 25 yr. manufacturing background continues to be imperative to implementing Campa’s manufacturing processes. She has a passion for motorcycle travel with her dog Maya, loves the outdoors, camping and adventure.  Anne has traveled all over the US, Europe, Central America, South Africa and New Zealand.  www.campausa.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
ATT   Box Frame/Expo $17,000.00   1900 lbs  Yes  Yes Yes Moderate
CUB M416 utility   $8,900.00 1500 lbs  No  Yes Yes Difficult

 RBX RockBox

RBX RockBox Offroad Adventure Trailers is a family operated business located in the Salinas Valley. Our passion for the outdoors has led us down this path to bring you a quality built off-road trailer, keeping it simple  with strength and durability, as ouroff road trailermain focus is to get you where you want to go. We welcome you to the Rockbox family and look forward to helping you get your adventure started! At RBX RockBox Offroad Adventure Trailers, we strive to build quality trailers to fit your specific needs and especially your budget! Our RBX Series trailers are built with durability and performance in mind. Using 14g steel for the box, 3/16 steel frame rails, 3k rated axles in 5 or 6 lug patterns, stainless tanks and accessory boxes, and 12v systems. A RTT’s of your choice can also be ordered and mounted to our lids. We can custom build a particular idea you may have or upgrade a current trailer you drag in needing some TLC… the possibilities are endless…well almost.  www.rockboxoffroad.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
RBX Series   M416 Utilty $4,800.00 Not Stated No  Yes Yes Difficult

 Dinoot Trailers


We take a different approach to equipping folks for Trailer Supported Adventuring. Our focus is supporting those that want to “create” something with their own two hands. Those interested in a lightweight, durable, small footprint camping trailer. We support home builders with everything necessary for a successful project; including build components, guides, online information, phone support, a Dinoot Trailersforum and everything in between.   Our trailers start as fiberglass tub kits available in two models; the J-Series  and M-Series. The J-Series has distinct Jeep styling cues and is available in two sizes. The M-series has classic M416 military trailer styling and is easily shortened for custom length tubs.  They are build-able as Tent Topped Campers or Gear Haulers, and as heavy or light duty as your needs dictate. This makes them equally at home in the backcountry behind your 4WD adventure vehicle, or a Subaru™ on a trip to grandmas.  So when you are thinking DIY Trailer Supported Adventuring and building the camping trailer of your dreams, think Dinoot Trailers!  www.dinoot.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
J-Series M416 Utilty $790.00  375lbs No Yes  Yes  Difficult
M-Series M416Utilty $785.00 375lbs No  Yes Yes Difficult

 Off Road Trailerz by New Image

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Off-road trailerz TAPThe problem with Jeeps and other similar Off Road Vehicles is that they have no space to pack a family of 4 and all of the supplies for a full weekend of fun. We looked at the competition and they build a really cool rolling tent trailer but it doesn’t have any other use. What if you needed to bring an ATV to the party…what to do? Get a Weekender Trailer by New Image. Get there and have all of the comforts of home at Baja, on the Rubicon or any of your favorite Playgrounds.  Here at New Image, every trailer is custom made to your specifications. We don’t have a set size. We can build the trailers from a 3.5×4  Trail trailer to a 5×10 trailer to haul your ATV and all of your camp equipment for the whole family.  What you want and need, we can build either open or enclosed. It’s your choice. We’ll fulfill your needs and wants. We also have the Weekender Plus series trailer, which combines convenience of an enclosed trailer and the clearance of an off-road trailer, thus giving you a complete base camp trailer. More than a Tear Drop trailer can offer. Use it during the week as a work trailer, and on the weekend fill it up and go out to camp with the security of a hard side trailer that will not blow over in the wind, get soaked in the rain and your wife will approve not sleeping on the ground. All of our trailers are” Trail Tested and Wife Approved” !  www.offroadtrailerz.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
Off Road Base  Custom Built $3,495.00 850lbs No  Yes  Yes Difficult
Weekender Custom enclosed $4,995.00 950lbs No  Yes  Yes Moderate

 Moby1 Teardrop Trailers

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Camp, Tour, Explorea teardrop trailer is a small camping trailer platform that is not only light weight but also offers the ability to have a real mattress for comfort in the protection of a hard sided trailer. The convenience of a built in open air galley allows you to connect and be at one with nature. What makes a Moby 1 different?  A design with more ergonomic, functional, more comfortable and usable space.  It may not be the cute airfoil aerodynamic design of a traditional teardrop but the functionality trade offs are the big gain.  More usable storage cabinetry built in, which also adds strength to the trailer body.   Many options are available to make your trailer suit your lifestyle.  Whether you like a simple get away to a nearby campground, load it with hardcore adventure gear, or somewhere in between.  www.moby1trailers.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
XTR  Teardrop $18,500.00 1,800lbs No Yes Yes  Difficult
XC Teardrop $14,500.oo 1,200lbs No Yes Yes  Moderate
XTR-S Teardrop  $8,000.00 1,000lbs No  Yes Yes  Difficult
 XC-S Teardrop $8,000.00 1,000lbs  No  Yes Yes  Difficult

  Little Guy Teardrop Camper/Trailers   

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Beef Up the 5 Wide Little Guy for the ultimate off road experience: The Rough Rider features electric brakes, a custom made chassis, pintle hook and skid-plates. For that extra bit of performance,

Little-Guy-SLNEWwe outfit it with knobby 15″ mud tires and squared off fenders. This truly is a first in the recreational vehicle industry: a camper that can be taken off-road, just about anywhere that your 4-wheel drive can go.  www.golittleguy.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
 5 Wide Rough Rider Teardrop  $11,140.00  1400lbs No Yes Yes moderate
6 Wide Rough Rider Teardrop  $$12,091.00  1475lbs No  Yes Yes moderate

 Latitude Campers


At Latitude Camper Trailers we design and build quality made soft top Camper Trailers. Our fold out, rugged, off-road trailers are ideal for all outdoor enthusiasts.  Our Everest I trailer is designed for comfort, ease, and has plenty of space for gear so you can enjoy great adventures. Our focus at Latitude is to deliver high quality products at affordable prices. We look forward to seeing you drive away with this great camper. As we love the great outdoors, we love the freedom that a camper trailer can give you. We live in one of the luckiest countries, with the best backyard, and we want more families to be able to experience and enjoy the “real” outdoors.  www.latitudecampers.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
Everest 1 Camper Trailer $14,699.00  1950lbs Yes Yes Trailer Tent Moderate

  Bear Trailersports



tg_008When tough needs to be tougher, the Trailgater off-road trailer fits the bill.  Through many years of research and development the Trailgater was designed to be  a lightweight versatile off road – trailer. For the serious hunter, this is a must- have hunting trailer. Bear Trailersports Inc., a dealer of Trailgater, is proud to offer this Trailgater as it is or have us customize it to your specifications and requirements. The Trailgater is designed for many uses including farming, hunting, off-roading, fishing and four wheeling. It is a tough, durable multi-purpose trailer. www.beartrailersports.com.

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
Trailgater Box Frame  varies 800 lbs No  Yes Yes Difficult




Smittybilt thought of everything with their new RECON Trailer. Starting with a fully boxed and powder coated steel frame, the RECON boasts a payload of 1763 pounds that allows you to carry enough gear for even your biggest adventures. Two-inch receivers are found at each end of the trailer that allow the use of articulating hitches and the addition of hitch-mounted accessories, and three off-road jacks make the RECON easy to unhook and balance. Independent, self-charging trailer brakes provide the ultimate security in the event of trailer detachment and meet trailer brake laws in all 50 states. smittybilt-off-road-trailer-tentThe leaf sprung suspension and solid axle are both simple and reliable.
The 14-gauge powder coated tub has a large main compartment and two side cabinets mean that you will never run out of space again. The side cabinets make a perfect spot to fit your generator and a camp kitchen, with easy access and locking t-handles. A 15 gallon fresh water tank spans between the removable steel fenders and an aluminum tongue box is perfect for deep cycle batteries and electrical systems. Below the instant-up tent, the main cabinet of the RECON houses dual sliding floors with four tie down points per slider and dual locking T-handles. Top rack system allows for even further mounting of rack systems to carry your kayaks, bicycles, or whatever toys you want bring along on your next backcountry journey. www.smittybilt.com

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
Recon Box frame/Expo $4,999.00  1543 lbs No  Yes Yes  moderate

Hiker Trailer

HIKER TRAILER Finial Orange Fire Small copy

hitent Hiker Trailer builds lightweight, affordable trailers to help people experience the outdoors in a comfortable and economic way. We keep it simple, focusing on quality, and only the added amenities our individual customers need for their outdoor adventures.  Our Off-Road Delux model includes and all aluminum exterior, Jeep lug pattern, 33″ Tires, 17″ steel black wheels, a 3500 lb axle, 2 rear dropdown jacks, front jacks, a black front storage box, 2×3 off-road steel frame, LED surface mount lights, and more. You can contact us at 303-906-0224 in Denver, CO or 317-509-5427 in Noblesville, IN.  www.hikertrailer.net

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
5×8 Off-Road Delux Teardrop  $8,595.00  1250 lbs No Yes Yes Moderate/Difficult

Blue Ridge Expedition Trailers




Make Camping Great!   When you think of camping off-road, think about the BRX1 from Blue Ridge Expedition Trailers. Founded in 2016, our company is focused exclusively on building the best expedition teardrops at an exceptional value. Each BRX1 is built by hand in North Carolina and is backed by a one year manufacturer warranty.
The BRX1 features a welded steel frame construction, a 3500lb Timbren Axel-less suspension, 18” wheels, up to 20”of ground clearance, maple cabinetry, gearbox, electric brakes, spacious cabin, a queen memory foam mattress, cooking galley, all LED lighting, accessory hitch receiver and many other standard features.
Optional equipment includes an XL gearbox with generator slide-outs, AC & heat, a 26 gallon water tank with hot shower and bar sink, solar charging, cooktops, refrigerators, a roof-rack, swing-out spare tire carrier, awning and roof top tent options.  www.brxtrailers.com

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
BRX1 Teardrop  $15,900.00  1950 lb. yes Yes Yes Moderate to Extreme


Why should you consider purchasing a Conqueror off-road Camping trailer?   Conqueror off-road Camping trailers have been safari and outback tested for over 25 years in the harsh and unforgiving environments of Africa and Australia.  What other trailer in the US market can boast of this proven pedigree?
How would it be for you to be able to go camping anywhere you want? The untouched, pristine campsite on the other side of the river or just over the next mountain are now within reach with a Conqueror off-road Camping trailer. Anywhere your vehicle can go, your conqueror trailer will effortlessly follow. Modern day conveniences coupled with a proven track record of surviving the harsh African and Australian environments qualify the Conqueror trailer to be your (UEV) UrbanEscape Vehicle. www.conqueror4x4usa.com

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
UEV-490 Extreme Caravan  $42,650.00  3200 lbs yes Yes N/A Extreme
UEV-440 Extreme Caravan $38,750.00 2755 lbs yes  yes  N/A  Extreme
UEV-390 Extreme Box Frame/Expo $27,750.00 1875 lbs  yes  yes  Yes  Extreme
UEV-310 Extreme Box Frame/Expo  $17,820.00  1080 lbs yes Yes Yes Extreme

Off Grid Trailers

Let Off grid trailers take your adventures to the next level!   Why confine yourself to the norm while camping?  Break free from pavement and the crowds and explore off the beaten path. Some of the standard features we offer are stock 33′ tires and a fully insulated cabin, but don’t think thats it!  We can add heat, hot water, a shower attachment, sink, stove and so much more…  Each trailer is built by me, and inspired by you!  Its my mission not just to you, but myself to keep pushing for a better product, if you have an idea that you think would be cool in your build, I am always willing to see if it’s possible. Mark Bagerow: Owner Off Grid Trailers www.offgridtrailers.ca

Model Type Base Price Weight Kitchen Standard Options RTT Compatible Terrain Capability
Pando Teardrop  $16,000.00  2150 lbs No Yes Yes Moderate
Overlander Box frame/Expo $16,000.00 1800 lbs No Yes Yes Terrain Capability
Expedition Box frame/Expo  $15,900.00  1650 lb. No Yes Yes Moderate to Extreme

 Check out our Off-Road Trailer Buyers Guide Spring 2016 Spec Sheet . Now that you’ve decided which trailer is for you, maybe you’re considering a Roof Top Tent?  If so, check out our

2016 Roof Top Tent Buyers Guide


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