Another Overland Expo in the bag! This year the rain and snow held off and apart from some tempestuous winds, the annual Gathering of the Tribe-Overland Expo 2016 was a complete success. This was our second year and certainly the overall growth of the Overland Industry was obvious. More rigs of all shapes and sizes, more people joining the tribe and more smiles on faces! With over 170 classes and clinics, on site camping, daycare and a kids adventure area, Roseanne and Jonathan Hanson nailed it.
The following gives you a pictorial look at the many shapes and sizes of the tribe: Unimogs and Global Expedition Vehicles, classic Sportsmobiles and Sprinters, Overland Trailers and Roof Top Tents and minimalist Adventure Motorcycles all complete the picture. Whatever your passion or poison, this years Overland Expo fed our adventure addiction. We encourage all our readers to join with us next year.

Terrific show!! So many great things got added to my expanding wish list. Top items are now a bulletproof roof rack (Kongo cage?) and hinge steps from Kargo Master Safari and a sweet cooking setup from Jeep Kitchen. After that I may stay off the grid for a while and save up for more fun stuff. 🙂