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The Last Thirty – Andy Best

tHE LAST THIRTY, Four wheel campers, FWC, pop up campers, overland campers, off-road campers, off-road, off-roading, Overland adventure, overlanding, vehicle supported adventure, andy best, adventure photography,

The Last Thirty – The first thing I had to do before writing this piece was take a HUGE deep breath, so much has passed in just thirty days. As the sun reflects off my keyboard, I sit in an open area of a little cafe, yellow and orange tiles spread out in makeshift patterns below me. The wind rustles the nearby palm trees and there’s a small hum coming from the cafe fridge lined with indiscernible ingredients. There’s ramblings coming from children playing in the open square next to me. I take a sip of an ice cold drink and catch my breath. I’m happy to be here and really glad the family is back at the RV park taking a break from the road we just came down. The many miles of road that led us to this paradise, Baja Mexico.

tHE LAST THIRTY, Four wheel campers, FWC, pop up campers, overland campers, off-road campers, off-road, off-roading, Overland adventure, overlanding, vehicle supported adventure, andy best, adventure photography,

Let’s back up a few and really dive into what an undertaking this has been and how we’ve arrived at our long awaited mission. We began this particular journey in Bend, Oregon. We had just returned from a giant western tour with our new Four Wheel Camper sitting proudly atop my white 2016 Toyota Tacoma, in an attempt to introduce our newborn to our family and ride out the pandemic in isolation. Now we stand at our storage unit getting ready for what’s next. We have been through a lot at this point and believe we have a system in place. The mosaic puzzle that is our everyday existence in our rig is almost refined, so we thought.

tHE LAST THIRTY, Four wheel campers, FWC, pop up campers, overland campers, off-road campers, off-road, off-roading, Overland adventure, overlanding, vehicle supported adventure, andy best, adventure photography,

A loud clang rings through the frozen morning air, the sun still low in the sky. I unlock the storage unit and lift the door with a horrible screech. All our belongings lay before me. An old International Scout that came from my Grandfathers dealership in 78 that was eventually sold to my Dad that I grew up in, parked just off to one side. Clear bins line the otherside filled with mostly kitchen pieces and parts, a few boxes of clothes, and a collection of things from our past that will most likely go away once we go through them again. In the front and on both sides stand three giant racks of gear, towering to the particle board ceiling. Everything we need to do what we do comfortably, the gear to capture it, and all the hard drives filled with the past. And then in the middle shines a dusty, but beautiful, custom Ducati Monster 750 I bought back in college to get around a little bit more affordably. At least that’s what I told myself when I went into debt for it. As well, my Santa Cruz Bronson CC, just begging to be taken on the next adventure. That’s it, that’s all we have and it still feels like too much.

tHE LAST THIRTY, Four wheel campers, FWC, pop up campers, overland campers, off-road campers, off-road, off-roading, Overland adventure, overlanding, vehicle supported adventure, andy best, adventure photography,

The goal is to swap out our cold weather gear for warm, but still keep a couple layers for the last sliver of winter we drive through before we arrive in Mexico. As well, all the camera equipment I will need for the next three to four months. Therefore! Picture us in freezing weather, shuffling all our warm clothes and blankets out of the camper and packing them away in boxes. Then digging out all our summer gear and hustling it all back up into the rig. No quick task I’ll tell you that, with hungry, bored, and crying children, and a dog that wants to play. All the while a storm is brewing above us. The truck, running to keep the girls and Sequoia warm and to charge the batteries of the camper after spending too many days in cloudy skies, we were dangerously low on power. The snow began to fly just as we shut the door and hopped in, frozen and exhausted. With a few grumpy kiddos, snow flying, we aimed down icy roads for the southern Oregon coast. 

tHE LAST THIRTY, Four wheel campers, FWC, pop up campers, overland campers, off-road campers, off-road, off-roading, Overland adventure, overlanding, vehicle supported adventure, andy best, adventure photography,

Now for a quick blast to move us through time a bit faster, I’ll save every detail for my novel someday. Alright, so the first part of the plan was to rondevu with our friends at Four Wheel Campers in Woodland, CA. They would graciously install our new BFGoodrich KO2s and swap out batteries as we check a couple more items off our huge list as we prepare for two months in Baja. Following we would then head further south to seek out the warmest weather possible as we workout details of an upcoming photo workshop I had planned in Death Valley, and our film project we are shooting in Baja. Well as per 2020, the last California shutdown made us have to push back the photo workshop to 2021, so now we were marooned in the desert awaiting a suspension upgrade taking place in Las Vegas. This would mean that we live in the Mojave Desert for almost two weeks while we wait. We explored the area, dipping in and out of small towns for resources, then back to the desert. The weather was nice so no real complaint there. Finally the day came and we got word the truck suspension had arrived and was ready to be installed! Now, back in the moment from a day we won’t soon forget.

tHE LAST THIRTY, Four wheel campers, FWC, pop up campers, overland campers, off-road campers, off-road, off-roading, Overland adventure, overlanding, vehicle supported adventure, andy best, adventure photography,

High above Las Vegas we woke to the nearby yipping of coyotes. The furnace was on all night with the temperature dropping to 20 degrees fahrenheit. I hit the remote start having set the heat in the truck to full blast the night before. As the truck began to warm up, the littles began to stir. The pillows were once again frozen to the edge of the camper, but the inside warm as can be. Nothing deters this crew, the girls sat up quick with their usual smiles and let out a lovely, “good morning Daddy, Mommy, and Sequoia!”. With an hour drive and a few things to prepare, due to us being without the truck all day, we had to move fast to shuffle in and roll on down the road. At this point our process is pretty dialed and it takes only moments to get everyone in, cereal bowls in hand, the dog pottied, the camper ready for travel, and we were off.

tHE LAST THIRTY, Four wheel campers, FWC, pop up campers, overland campers, off-road campers, off-road, off-roading, Overland adventure, overlanding, vehicle supported adventure, andy best, adventure photography,

After arriving in Vegas we prepared a couple backpacks for the urban adventure. You know the usual, diapers, a couple changes of clothes, toys, snacks, and don’t forget everyone’s masks. With Ende already off for the playground I hugged Erica and Ende quick and set off to drop off the truck. The plan: leave the girls at the park to have breakfast and play on the toys while I go drop off the truck a mile or so away. Then Sequoia and I would walk back and join them for a day in the park. Well like most things, things didn’t go as planned. While walking back I got word that it was too cold for Ende, so they were in a nearby Walgreens and were about to head to Home Depot so all of us, including Sequoia, could walk around and wait for it to warm up outside. It was 9:15 a.m., this means we only had 7 hours and 45 minutes to go until the truck was ready. That’s right, we only made it 15 minutes into our soon to be very long day. It wasn’t long until Sequoia and I caught up to them, the roads next to us booming with four lanes of traffic, me questioning what the hell we were doing and how we were going to pull this off. A quick dad ninja plan came into mind and I quickly dipped into a seven eleven to retrieve a selection of future ‘bribes’ for the young and unhappy Ende. You know, the oh so persuasive stack of junk food she never gets.

At this point we were pretty convinced we made the absolute worst decision and that there was no way this plan was going to work. Thinking we were going to lose the kids interest and fast, we couldn’t wear them out at the park and then expect a mile and a half urban hike back to the shop, so we decided to call it on the park and use our time moving towards the truck. The ground shook next to the sidewalk as massive semis lumbered on, cars jetting in and out of them racing to beat the yellow lights. Helie was bundled up like the boy from A Christmas Story strapped in her carrier to little Erica, also carrying a stuffed backpack. Ende was safely in my arms, as she already decided she’d had enough. With my backpack stuff and Ende in my arms I walked closest to the road with Sequoia on my right, while Erica and baby Helie followed just behind. “All we have to do is get to the next block and turn off this road and we’ll be golden family!”, I shouted over the exhaust-filled highway we carefully straddled. It wasn’t long before we crossed the highway that seemed to stretch on for what felt like a half mile, many onlookers giving us a confused look acting like they had never seen a person walk in their life.

We were finally down the next hill and it was a straight shot down to the shop. This road was almost dead silent, thankfully! With my back hurting and Sequoia pulling in every direction, it was time for the bribes to come out in an attempt persuade Ende to get back on her feet. Enter the little can of chips. Talk about the happiest kid in the world! The rest of the mile we walked, songs were sung, laughs were had, the sun came out, and by golly we were going to make it! The rest of the day went smoothly after hanging out at the shop with the job getting done faster than expected, we were on the road back into the desert. I haven’t been so happy to see our little home. 

tHE LAST THIRTY, Four wheel campers, FWC, pop up campers, overland campers, off-road campers, off-road, off-roading, Overland adventure, overlanding, vehicle supported adventure, andy best, adventure photography,

With a fresh new day the moral was high. Everyone was happy to have their home back and to be headed south to complete final steps before crossing the border. The new suspension is a dream and we were one step closer to Baja when all of a sudden, we had a huge problem. The new equipment revealed that my upper control arms on the Tacoma were completely ruined and the closest parts were in Seattle. To make matters even worse, with Christmas only four days away, we wouldn’t see the parts until after the new year. Not to mention this would completely hose our budget. My heart sank, my eyes filled with tears and I had to take a walk. Life on the road is so tough. You are always straddling disaster or dealing with one and it can wear on you mentally. I couldn’t let the kids or Erica feel my worry. We were so close to our goal! After a few minutes and a walk through the desert I began working on a plan. One that would eventually take an entire day of phone calls, the girls wandering through different stores as I bounce from shop to shop for help. Finally, just before the sun dipped below the horizon, we had conquered. We located new parts, found a shop with a bunch of amazing humans that banded together to make sure we had a home again. I’ll never forget those two back to back days of struggle. I know we are stronger for it and I’m proud of how nimble and strong Erica is when it comes to adversity. We are a pretty damn good team in the face of it, that’s for sure.

tHE LAST THIRTY, Four wheel campers, FWC, pop up campers, overland campers, off-road campers, off-road, off-roading, Overland adventure, overlanding, vehicle supported adventure, andy best, adventure photography,

The rest well, calmed down quite a bit thankfully. We managed to top off all our resources, water, propane, groceries, and a crap ton of christmas lights before crossing the border. We have since taken a few weeks to recoup from a year filled with so many facets of struggle. I haven’t known this level of setbacks, with so many leaps forward personally in my entire life. I still am not quite ready to come up for air. In the meantime, I’m creating again, which heals my soul. The girls are doing so wonderful and the stress level is next to nothing down here in Baja. We have met so many wonderful people once again, one of the main reasons for coming back. It makes for a much slower paced winter and after a year and a half of our world crumbling around us we are grateful to have each other as we build it back up again. Happy 2021 friends, may your journey be rich with learning experiences that give you a better perspective of our world. We chose this lifestyle and seek fresh perspectives and boy are we getting it.

tHE LAST THIRTY, Four wheel campers, FWC, pop up campers, overland campers, off-road campers, off-road, off-roading, Overland adventure, overlanding, vehicle supported adventure, andy best, adventure photography,
tHE LAST THIRTY, Four wheel campers, FWC, pop up campers, overland campers, off-road campers, off-road, off-roading, Overland adventure, overlanding, vehicle supported adventure, andy best, adventure photography,

Check out Andy’s Photography HERE


Check out other Four Wheel Camper stories HERE

Wolf Pack – Front Runner Storage Boxes

front runner, wolf box, overland gear, storage box for overlanding, overland, overlanding, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,

Featured product – The Wolf Pack Storage Box: Stop messing around with temporary overland cargo carrying solutions. Get down to business with these clip-to-close, stackable and durable storage containers. Front Runner Wolf Packs can be used alone or as components for Front Runner Wolf Pack Drawer Systems, Front Runner Transit Bags, and Front Runner Flat Packs.

These plastic, workable sized storage boxes are easy to arrange in a cargo bed and vertical-sided to avoid wasted space. They stack securely for convenient storage in your vehicle thanks to the lids fitting neatly into the base of the box above it.

  • Made from black, high strength plastic.
  • Integrated grips for easy carrying.
  • Versatile. Use in the cargo bed, truck/boot, or on your roof rack.
  • Suitable for exterior storage.
  • Wolf Packs form the heart of many Front Runner storage systems. The Front Runner Transit Bags hold 2-3 Wolf Packs depending on Transit Bag size and Wolf Pack configuration. Front Runner Wolf Pack Drawer Systems provide a comprehensive and practical vehicle storage solutions.
  • For a padded storage solution, line the Wolf Pack with a Flat Pack to protect camera gear, kitchenware and other fragile items.
  • Use in conjunction with Stratchits as well as Black Tie Down Rings for a safe and secure roof rack storage solution.
front runner, wolf box, overland gear, storage box for overlanding, overland, overlanding, off-roading, off-road, vehicle supported adventure,

TAP Trail Tested: Recommended


  • Solid construction
  • Light weight
  • Water resistant and can be used externally
  • Tie down compatible
  • Raised Lid available for increased volume
  • Stackable
  • Can be used as a table or even a sitting perch


  • Latches are difficult to snap shut/open particularly when your fingers are cold
  • Price



Overland Tundra Build – Wolfpac Outdoors

Overland Tundra by WolfPac Outdoors – “Hi! My name is Austin. I’m a Fire Fighter, Entrepreneur, and independent creator with a lifelong interest in Off-road Adventure and Overlanding. My wife and I started this build to help our immune compromised child experience more than a hospital room or the walls of our home. With sporadic and frequent hospital visits or wanting to adventure for a weekend, it became too difficult to find a hotel room, then decontaminate it to the level we needed it to be. This overland Tundra build provides the perfect “safe and clean” environment for our situation. We started YouTube as a project to share our overlanding enthusiasm and help you level up your Gear, Vehicle, and Adventure while having fun and saving you money along the way.”


For more, pop up camper articles, CHECK HERE

The Deadman Earth Anchor

the deadman earth anchor, off-roading, off-road, overlanding, overland, recovery gear, ground anchor,

Featured Product: Sponsored Content

The Deadman Story:

We created the Deadman Earth Anchor™(patent pending) because we wanted to explore with confidence. We often found ourselves venturing solo, and with very little room to spare in our vehicle we needed recovery gear that was at once lightweight, small, and adaptable to different terrain. The Deadman was our solution to this need. With this single device, we can create a winch anchor point out of almost anything Mother Earth throws our way — without breaking the bank or taking up precious cargo space. For us, this opened new avenues to adventure and the freedom to explore. We believe in having many different recovery tools in our recovery kit; the addition of something as versatile as the Deadman gives us options — and since every recovery is unique, and conditions are never ideal, having options might just be what’s needed to get us home. 

the deadman earth anchor, off-roading, off-road, overlanding, overland, recovery gear, ground anchor,


Ok, anything you bury in the ground as a winching anchor point is defined as a deadman anchor. So yes, we named our product The Deadman in honor of this, however its versatility both above and below ground has led us to refer to it as an Earth Anchor. You see, the Deadman is not simply a ground anchor: it can anchor to a tree, a rock, or the ground unlike anything else. Most anchors only work in one scenario, meaning you must carry multiple anchors to ensure preparedness. The Deadman’s unique design allows it to be extremely capable in all three scenarios, making it the most versatile off-road anchor ever.

the deadman earth anchor, off-roading, off-road, overlanding, overland, recovery gear, ground anchor,
the deadman earth anchor, off-roading, off-road, overlanding, overland, recovery gear, ground anchor,
the deadman earth anchor, off-roading, off-road, overlanding, overland, recovery gear, ground anchor,


Our primary design objective was to create something small and lightweight that could be easily buried – and be retrieved without more digging – for self-recovery in areas where there is nothing else to attach a winch to. What we came up with surprised us! It weighs less than 5lb, fits underneath a seat, and works to anchor to so much more than just the dirt. Because it’s a soft product, it can also be used around trees and rocks with increased safety relative to traditional anchors… and we keep finding new uses for the Deadman all the time. For instance, because it’s made from industrial grade, non-stretch polyester webbing (same as a tree strap), it can also be used as a 15′ winch extension. We’ve also found it useful as a ground mat, a fluid catch, a shade, and more – we’re looking forward to what ideas our customer community comes up with as well!


the deadman earth anchor, off-roading, off-road, overlanding, overland, recovery gear, ground anchor,

The Deadman is constructed in USA from the finest USA-made, industrial grade materials. The tarp in the center is industrial 18oz vinyl with a rip-stop polyester skrim that’s both tough and malleable, allowing it to conform to misshaped objects like rocks without ripping. The webbing is 2″ Class VII industrial sling webbing, manufactured by Murdock Webbing (est. 1936) in Rhode Island, which is the same stuff used in industrial rigging and hoisting applications. Each line has a breaking strength of 19,600lb in a straight pull configuration and 39,200lb in a basket configuration. Because the Deadman uses two of these, when both lines are in use its breaking strength doubles, giving the Deadman a minimum breaking strength (MBS) of nearly 80,000lb in a basket configuration (still over 66,000lb after assembly). Additionally, because more than one strap is in use, the Deadman offers something no other anchor can: redundancy.

The Deadman is manufactured in the U.S.A. BUY HERE

Use Promo Code TAP10% and FREE SHIPPING in the Lower 48


Featured Product: Sponsored Content

Becoming a 4WD Trail Guide

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You’ve been four-wheeling for some time now. Probably drove a few challenging trails and endured a weekend in ugly weather. Perhaps you participated in one of my excursions (or someone else’s) and thought, “I’d like to be a Trail Guide.”

That’s great. While the position entails a fair amount of responsibility, it’s a good way to more fully experience four-wheeling. And to give back to the hobby by teaching others.

Trail Guides (also called Trail Leaders) are skilled individuals who are willing to share their passion, knowledge, skills and respect for the outdoors with others. Some outfitter guides use horses and pack mules. We use 4WD vehicles.

To become a Trail Guide requires both skill and personality: the right mix of tangible and intangible characteristics to lead a group of four-wheelers on a trip that could be challenging and memorable.

It starts by being a student while on the trails. Observe how another Trail Guide leads their excursions. Scrutinize their actions, and decide how you might handle the same situations. Take notes throughout the day as you encounter the different situations.

Ask pointed questions along the way. Learn the various nuances needed to master each trail. Help fellow drivers through their challenges.

No dust up front.

Benefits of being a Trail Guide:

The Trail Guide is a very rewarding position. Here is what you can expect.

  • Satisfaction from teaching a respect for the environment and the outdoors, and living an outdoor-centric ethic.
  • Satisfaction of providing perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime experience to someone who might not otherwise get the chance.
  • Providing lessons in history and geology.
  • Setting the agenda and timetable, and generally doing it your way.
  • Receiving accolades and fame for a successful run. This can be fleeting but might get you nominated for the next Trail Guide job!
  • Being in front, out of the dust.

Challenges of being a Trail Guide:

The Trail Guide is also a challenging position. Make note of these.

  • In a word, responsibility. You are responsible for ensuring a safe and – to the extent possible – enjoyable trip. A pretty heavy load, if you think about it.
  • With responsibility comes pressure to make sure all goes well. That means you don’t get lost, the vehicles come out reasonably intact, and there are no major conflicts. Stress varies with the group size, your relationship to the group (friends, club, large organization), trail difficulty, and your familiarity with the trail. Even with a small group of friends on a well-known trail, you will experience some stress. The stress is much greater on a distant trail you had no opportunity to scout in advance.
  • You are constantly on alert. You cannot relax and merely follow the vehicle in front. Know where you are at all times and how to reach designated locations like the trailhead or campsite.
  • You must exude confidence at all times. Even when concerned, try not to show it.
  • Lots of homework before the trip. It’s your responsibility to map out and scout the trail when possible. You need to determine the last place to gas up, and when and where the group will meet. You also need to decide on campsites, hotels, and a host of other details.
  • Grumbling and dissatisfaction after a poor run. Dissatisfaction can come from myriad causes. Poor management of time and not sticking to schedules without easily understood reasons will get you poor marks. So will being a “road monger.” That’s someone who pushes too hard to meet a timetable and cajoles people to get going or staying up with the pack.

Specific skills a good Trail Guide needs:

A Trail Guide should have certain skills. These include:

4WD Skills: To become a Trail Guide, you must first be an experienced driver. Experience builds your confidence – and it shows. The ability to read the terrain and pick successful lines is at the top of the list. As the lead vehicle, you do not have the benefit of watching vehicles ahead of you negotiate the obstacle. Except for very difficult situations, you’re likely to attempt the obstacle without a spotter.

A good Trail Guide is also a good teacher. He coaches drivers through tough spots. On some days, you’ll have to spot an entire group through difficult terrain. Observe how different vehicles behave. Of primary concern are wheel base, transmission type (manual, automatic) and suspension (coil springs, leaf springs, articulation).

Your vehicle must be built to a level beyond that required for the trail. Know its capabilities and limitations.

Scouting and Planning Skills: A successful ride is the result of planning and preparation along with the skills you bring. Scout the trail(s), and plan the trip thoroughly. Yes, you must do your homework.

An adventure with unexpected difficulties can still be viewed as highly successful. After all, difficulties create teamwork, camaraderie, and stories to be told.

Plan for contingencies but go with the flow. Despite your best effort, you cannot control the weather. An unseasonal cold spell or a rainstorm can make a huge difference in comfort and road conditions.

Assume there will be breakdowns. Some vehicles aren’t maintained well. But even properly maintained vehicles can suffer a breakdown. Brush up on mechanical skills, and pack tools and spare parts.

Be prepared. Have a backup campsite. Know the location of the parts store in the nearest town. Carry a spare sleeping bag for the unprepared guest. These and other contingencies can mean the difference between continuing with a trip and aborting it.

Leadership skills: The Trail Guide is the leader and the manager for the entire trip. This person sets the tone and style for the duration. You need management skills to design, plan, delegate, motivate and make decisions. You need leadership skills to communicate, establish a vision, establish trust, and generate confidence.

The leadership tools and techniques you employ will be influenced by the makeup of the group and type of trip you are leading.

Here are three situations that will influence your leadership style:

  • Leading a 4WD club may require you to specify some extra rules and be more insistent. One rule could be, “No one is allowed to pass the trail leader.” Many clubs return to the same trails year after year; members know them well. You may find it difficult to maintain control of this group. On the positive side, you can count on their knowledge and experience when help is needed.
  • An Adventure / Expedition of eight to 10 days or more can require significantly more emphasis on certain skills. The planning requirements are higher and scouting in advance may be prohibitive. Fewer details of the trip are known and contingency planning will be more generic. Your leadership can really be tested by adverse weather, poor campsite choices, poor fuel management, and vehicle maintenance issues.
  • Professional guiding – meaning you are paid – places new demands on you. Expectations will be higher. Driver experience and vehicle equipment will vary. This group is more likely to defer to your leadership, allowing for quicker decision making. However, some guests may need personal attention. You’ll have to budget your time accordingly.

Communication Skills: This takes many forms. The more people on the trip, the more time you will spend communicating with them. Communication is your primary tool for management and leadership. Communication includes written information (emails, texts, documents), verbal (tailgate meetings, campfire exchanges) and two-way radio transmissions.

Customer Skills: You are providing a service. Everyone who participates on your guided trip is a customer – yes, a customer. It makes no difference whether they pay for the service or not. Adopt a customer-focused mindset.

Bottom line: Be customer-focused. Let the customers’ safety, comfort, and success guide your decisions and behavior. You make better decisions when you view the group as customers (or guests).

Additional Skills: Knowing basic first aid is helpful. Four-wheeling is generally a safe hobby. But minor bumps, scratches, stings and burns can occur. Remember to always pack a first-aid kit.

Basic mechanical skills are also crucial. Your vehicle or someone else’s could suffer a breakdown. Your guests will look to you for leadership on resolving that issue.

Becoming a Trail Guide is a noble goal. While not for everyone, four-wheelers who obtain that status find it very rewarding. For me, being a Trail Guide is the apex of four-wheeling. If you’re inclined, commit the necessary time and effort. That’ll be a worthwhile new year’s resolution.

Check out 10 duties of a 4WD Tail End


BioLite FirePit:

BioLite FirePit, fire pit, overlanding, overland, off-roading, off-road, backcountry fire pit, camping, camping firepit,

The BioLite FirePit is a great piece of gear to sit around after a long day at the desk, or in the backcountry after an exciting day on the trail. Here we take a quick look at this updated, super cool, and high tech fire pit.

BioLite FirePit, fire pit, overlanding, overland, off-roading, off-road, backcountry fire pit, camping, camping firepit,

Enjoy the warmth, smell, crackle, and feel of a wood campfire, without any of the smoke. With capacity for up to 4 standard firewood logs, the BioLite FirePit+ creates hyper-efficient flames with patented airflow technology and gives you a front-row seat to the magic thanks to the X-Ray mesh body, enabling 360 views. Now with wider mesh holes for more heat, a larger on-board battery pack, and a tougher enamel coating, the FirePit + has a few upgrades from the historically selling FirePit.  Lift the fuel rack and toss in charcoal to transform it from a fire pit to a portable hibachi-style grill, complete with an included grill grate. Control the size of your flames manually or remotely with the free Bluetooth app.

BioLite FirePit, fire pit, overlanding, overland, off-roading, off-road, backcountry fire pit, camping, camping firepit,

BioLite Energy FirePit – $249.95 BUY HERE


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