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Sportsmobile Dweller, Smokejumper, Outdoorsman, Author and Entrepreneur…Meet Jason Ramos

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This article comes from an interview that I did with author, adventurer, smokejumper, entrepreneur and Sportsmobile dweller, Jason Ramos. When I stopped to take a couple of photos of his rig at Overland Expo, I had no idea what a bundle of experience I was walking into. Not only does he have a stellar rig that he’s lived out of since 2006, he has spent almost 30 yrs. as a a firefighter and is currently a smokejumper in his 17th season. Smokejumpers parachute into remote areas to combat wildfires. He recently wrote an historical/autobiographical book about his journey from volunteer firefighter to seasoned smokejumper, and he is also the founder and owner of PRg, Product Research Gear, a company that works with other companies to help evaluate their products either in development and testing cycles or in the upgrade cycle.

Jason, geared up and ready to go.
This is why it’s called smokejumping.
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A day on the job….
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GoSun Sport Solar Cooker-product testing by Jason’s company, PRg: Product Research Gear

Jason and I spoke on the phone a while back and pretty early on into the conversation I realized that this guy with the cool rig (that I thought was going to be the sole topic of this article), has a hell of a lot more going on than that. So, I had to suss out how to structure an article around this diverse individual. I’m going to start off by saying that I came off the phone with a solid sense of having spoken to someone who has earnestly followed his passions in life with a lot of integrity and as a result, has accomplished some pretty crazy, amazing feats. But first, and probably least importantly (don’t throw rotten tomatoes) I will start with his…

Life in a Rig

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“Taking my home with me on a fire assignment”

Jason drives and lives in a 1995 E 250 Sportsmobile. He has lived in a van since around 1997. Reasons? The Siren’s call of nature and the ability to wander. Jason grew up camping in an RV with his dad and fishing on his boat. Some of his fondest memories come from these adventures. He remembers looking out the windows of the top bunk, loving it. “People say that what you do when you’re young gets imprinted on you, well I guess that’s what happened!”

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1995 E250 Sportsmobile
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Aluminess galley, recovery gear/tools and Solaire BBQ ride on the Aluminess custom made rear bumper.

Jason is an avid windsurfer, motorcycle rider, beach loving, desert rat who has had a few adventure rigs along the way. He started out with a Chevy Love, sleeping out of the back of the truck when on trips. Next, he got a Tundra King Cab, with a kitchen set-up in the back.  Then when he got into wind surfing, a buddy, helitack crewmember, firefighter and brother wind surfer,“Old Kahuna”, suggested he get a van. Years later, while flying on the way back from a fire, he and Old Kahuna spotted Jason’s “dream van”  in a used auto lot 500-600 feet below. They circled back, checked it out, then when they landed, drove over and Jason bought his first van, a 1974 Ford Econoline E300 Campervan with a gas stove and fridge.

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Old home meets new.

Jason ripped everything out, put in new cabinets, pergot flooring to deal with sand and mud, a bose sound system and a platform bed.

Jason added all new cabinets and gear to the 1974 E300


He used his van as a home away from home until he began to realize that paying rent was a waste of money. Jason was either out fighting fires in Washington, living part of the year out of his van in Baja CA or visiting friends and family in southern California. He began to feel like he was pouring money into an empty cave. It was then that he decided to take after his van dwelling buddy “Old Kahuna”. In 1999, Jason ditched renting apartments and started living out of his van full time. In 2006 he purchased an E250 Sportsmobile.

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Golights-remote lights on top, ATAC Flir-Nightvision front and rear thermal cameras.

When asked about the pros and cons of living life in a van, Jason said he couldn’t think of many cons. “The biggest downside is when I am traveling and I need to find a legal place to park overnight. In some areas, like Malibu, it’s impossible. To live in a van you have to be very flexible. With some flexibility, what could be cons are normal life. Things like having no stand-up shower and having to make use of every inch of room become normal. I live very comfortably, I’ve created great storage solutions under the bed and in other areas with netting. I have painted some of my cabinets with black board paint so that I can conduct meetings in my van and write notes on the cabinets until I can transfer them to my computer. I’ve got cush gel mats, great insulation and weather gear. It’s the little extras, like great artwork, a great mattress and bedding…I love it to death; it’s home for me.

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All vehicle armor by Aluminess. Artwork by Jenn Tate.
Loadtamer inside gear net
Loadtamer inside gear net
A banana hammock

Smokejumper and Author

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Getting ready to head out from the base.

Jason is a smokejumper, part of an elite team of firefighters that parachute into forest fires, usually in the backcountry, to work on controlling them. He started his firefighting career in 1989 as a Riverside County volunteer firefighter at the age of 17. When I met him, I was taking a photo of his rig. We started to talk and he told me that he was there to promote a book he had written called Smokejumper, a memoir about his journey toward becoming part of this unique and elite tribe of fire fighters. I got the book and thoroughly enjoyed reading it. In it he documents the history of the smokejumper program, which started in Winthrop in 1939 with help from the Eagle Parachute Company and the Forest Service. Later in 1940, Major General William C. Lee, better know as the godfather of airborne, took this idea to Fort Benning Georgia and formed an Airborne unit that was implemented on the night of June 5th 1944. This is a personal and historical memoir and I’m not giving any more of it away. It’s a solid read, fascinating and enjoyable. I will unabashedly tell you to go buy a copy on Amazon.com.


As Jason and I were discussing his book at Overland Expo, I started looking around for the vendor selling the cinnamon rolls I kept smelling. Breakfast… I think he noticed, because he pointed out a strange cylinder on the ground beside us that had little tufts of fragrant smoke swirling out of the ends.  It was a solar baking device, called a GoSun, and he had a load of cinnamon rolls cooking.

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Bake, broil or fry in this GoSun solar stove.

Jason started his company, Product Research Gear LLC, out of his love of and the necessity for excellent (read trustworthy and durable) gear. His company relies on a cadre of outdoor professionals to evaluate and design gear for a variety of companies. The creation of PRg came out of his long history of gear use. When he was 18 years old, he started as an equipment manager for the volunteer fire department. He was a gearhead who liked fixing things and making sure they were clean, up to par and ready to go. When the fire department needed new or different equipment, he’d research then call companies to get what was needed. DuPont was his first “cold call”. He spoke to them about fire textiles. Soon, he began to work with companies helping them solve issues with equipment. Every product that he either used or sourced was put to a rigorous test in the field and when something didn’t work, Jason gave companies feedback on the issues and possible solutions. As time went on, he started becoming known as the “get it” guy. “I’ve just always been into finding really good, solid gear. The people who worked with me, friends and family all joked that I should start a store. They’d ask for something and I would find the best product I could for them.”

“In the 1990’s I started working with SOG knives as a dealer for law enforcement and firemen. I still have my first knife! Now that company is like family to me. I became a dealer for other companies as well like Cascade Designs (MSR), Filson, and others. My company, Product Research Gear (PRg), came out of all of this. I and my team of specialists, or cadre, all whom I have met or worked with in the field, do collaborative testing on products for a year. I’ve got doctors, instructors, meteorologists, etc. all firefighters or smokejumpers with these specialties, on my cadre. They are the best of the best. This company is not just about money, I don’t get paid to evaluate products. It’s about using, testing and giving valuable feedback and suggestions on how to make products excellent. You have to remember that this started with me sourcing products for the firefighters to use when I was a rookie. It’s important for me to get professionals the right gear, gear that will last. It could save their lives. When a product passes the test, PRg oftentimes becomes a dealer. Jason Ramos wants his company to make a difference, whether that’s by testing or improving upon a product that will help save a firefighter or smokejumpers life or by providing a family of campers a reliable and long lasting tent.

Out of all of this…what Jason left me with was the impression that he is a multifaceted individual who follows his passions and walks through life with integrity. It takes a brave person to do that, smokejumping aside, of course.

smokejumper, jason ramos, over land, overlanding, off road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,
Jason Ramos and his book Smokejumper

Check out:

Photos courtesy of Jason Ramos

Written by: Lori Palmer

Seven Key Skills to Know and Practice Before Off-Roading

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IMG 5442

This article is printed with the permission of Tom Severin, International 4-Wheel Drive Trainers Association© certified professional 4WD Trainer and a Wilderness First Responder (WFR). He is an instructor for the United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA) and the California Association of 4WD Clubs. His company, Badlands Off-Road Adventures, based in southern California, offers 4WD training and 4WD guided tours. He has trained hundreds of students, including the Orange County (CA) Sheriff’s Department, the Gas Company, the National Park Service, the US Marine Corps and TAP.

Tom Severin during a rock driving class in Johnson Valley CA
Tom Severin during a rock driving class in Johnson Valley CA

Four wheeling naturally involves an orderly process. Driving through difficult terrain far from home is demanding on drivers and their vehicles. Just like driving on roads, you need a lot of hours behind the wheel to become adept off-road. Many of my articles are dedicated to reviewing various aspects of four wheeling. This article reviews several more important fundamentals that can be helpful if you are just starting four wheeling.

1. Be able to shift into and out of 4L (4 low) properly. It’s easy to forget this step while maneuvering through rough terrain. It’s quite simple, but you can mess up your transfer box pretty good if you don’t follow this suggestion.

Truckhaven, Ocotillo Wells, CA

Bring your vehicle to a stop (or near stop), and shift the transmission into neutral. Then you can safely and easily shift into 4L. Shift the transmission back into drive, and continue on. Repeat when you need to shift out of 4L. Most of the newer vehicles with electronic selection of 4 low will let you turn the knob but it will not be in 4 low unless you start with the transmission in neutral. If you overlook the flashing light on the dash and press on thinking you are in 4L, you will likely get stuck. Those vehicles with levers will grind or be extremely difficult if not impossible to engage into 4L. Unless you have a classic “collectors” vintage 4-wheel drive vehicle with the older all-gear transfer case, I would take it back to the dealer if you cannot shift into 4 low from a dead stop. If you get stuck while driving in 4 high (like sand dunes), many times you can drive out by shifting to 4 low. Then you have enough power to turn the wheels. You are stuck, so moving the vehicle as a requirement to shift into 4 low is not an option! Electronic shifting transfer cases may need a bit of movement to engage. Hopefully on your vehicle that requires just that slight bump you get to shift from neutral to drive.

One side note: You can shift from 2 wheel drive (2H) to 4 High and back again “on the fly.” This means you can shift while driving at any speed. I have done it at 70 MPH with no ill effect. Check your owner’s manual for their suggestion on the top speed – most likely 50 MPH. Vehicles are getting more and more complicated and there may be a reason to limit the top speed for shifting on the fly.

2. Know your vehicle’s lowest points of clearance. As you approach obstacles, paint a mental picture of your vehicle’s low points. Use that knowledge to navigate around (or over) the obstacles without getting hung up. We recommend picking the 3 lowest spots on the front axle and the 3 lowest on the rear axle. You can do more but it becomes difficult to process it all in real-time. Whether you have solid axles front and rear or independent front suspension makes a difference.

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Photo courtesy of Tom Severin

On a solid axle, the lowest point is the bottom of the differential. That’s usually only 9 inches off the ground. The front differential also gives you a low point, but it’s not in line with the rear differential. Note which side it is on. The other low points (front and back) are the shock mounts or control arms that hold the axle into position.

In an independent front suspension vehicle, the back is the same as with a solid axle. However, up-front the lowest points are just inside each wheel. The center of the vehicle is pretty flat and doesn’t present any low points. But don’t line up the center in front with a 12″ rock. The rear diff with not clear it.

3. Know where your front wheels are. Most drivers have a pretty good idea of where the left tire is, but are usually off a foot or two regarding the right. It is critical while off-road that you can place your tires exactly on the obstacle as you planned even when the obstacle disappears into your blind spot.

Valley of the Moon, Imperial County CA

Have someone place their hand on the front face of the right front tire and lift it straight up until you can see where that point is on the hood. It can be helpful, too, if they locate the center line of the tire and show you the point on the hood that is the intersection of the centerline and front face of the tire. Remember the spots.

If you are really having difficulty remembering the spot, you can put “training wheels” on (so to speak). Get a small telescoping magnet from the auto store and put the magnet on the spot with the handle straight up. Then practice, practice, practice until you can place the front tires exactly where you want – almost every time.

4. Know where your blind spots are. Speaking of blind spots, the most important one is out front. On average, the front blind spot extends about 17 feet from the face of your left front tire. (Add 12 to 18 inches more distance for the right tire.) You can reduce this distance as much as 3 to 5 feet by doing what I call “active” looking. That means leaning forward as much as possible and stretching your neck out.

Scott W. of SD4-Wheelers leading the pack at Valley of the Moon, Imperial County CA

Three factors influence the size of the blind spot: how tall you are, how your seat is positioned, and the design of your vehicle. You cannot do much about the vehicle design or your height, but you can change the seat. Lift it up and bring the seat back forward. If your seat does not have adjustments for height, have the seat mounts modified to permanently raise it a few inches.

Remember that as you approach a rock, it will eventually enter your blind spot. Now you see (no pun intended) why it’s useful to know where your tires are, as well as your low points.

5. Throttle control while in 4 low. The first time in low range, a driver’s instinct is to push the accelerator like you normally do. Low range has a lot of torque and power so this causes the vehicle to leap forward. The driver backs off on the gas. Due to the low gearing, the vehicle slows down immediately – too slow now. The driver hits the gas again, with the result being a jerky motion.

For 4 wheel drive, you need a nice, smooth throttle. Remind yourself that when in 4L, apply lighter pressure to the accelerator. Over time you’ll educate your right leg. For more on the effect of a smooth throttle (or lack of), see the article on “Cobblestone“.

Leitner and friends playing in Big Bear

6. Calculate you fuel usage. Because your mileage drops while off road, especially in 4L, it’s good to calculate your off-road fuel mileage. You’ll find that mileage drops anywhere from 2 to 5 mpg while off-road. Of course, that affects your range based on the fuel in your vehicle’s tank. But remember you also bring along a spare fuel can. (You do, don’t you?!) Assume you bring a 5 gal gas can. At 10 mpg, that gas will get you 50 miles. At 15 mpg, you’ll go for 75 miles, and so forth.

Compute Off-Road Mileage: Fuel up as close to the trail head as possible. Gas up again afterward, and calculate your fuel mileage. Your off-road driving involved a combination of 4L and 4H, but at least you’ll have a reasonable average to work with later. Sounds to me like a legitimate reason for a day of 4-wheeling. “Dear, I am going 4-wheeling. Tom says I have to compute my off-road mileage. I don’t want to risk your and the kids’ safety by running out of gas.”

Bernhard Leitner, Leitner Designs. Fuel cans on his Active Cargo System. Cleghorn Trail, CA

7. Rehearse your contingency steps. Many obstacles require you to get out of the vehicle and recon (look at / walk) the terrain. That is how you avoid falling off a cliff you can’t see from behind the wheel. It gives you more time to plan the line you want to take and asses the risks. Add to that planning what steps you will take if results on the ground do not go as planned. If you plant it in your mind in advance the specific skills you will use on this obstacle, you can react quickly. My favorite contingency is – stop, back out (if you can) and recon again.

Seven Key Skills to Know and Practice Before Off-Roading
Azuza Canyon CA

Another example: You are looking down a steep, off camber, rutted slope. It appears to have good traction, but you’re concerned that your wheels might slide. If so, you’d turn sideways and roll over. If you still feel the risk is not high enough to turn around, your contingency plan might be: If the wheels start to slide, I am going to let up on the foot brake pressure. If the wheels are still sliding, I’ll power up enough to gain control and take any lumps from hitting the bottom too fast.

At first glance, these tips may appear daunting. You probably wonder how you’ll remember it all, especially the vehicle’s low points. Over time these will become second nature. As you drive a trail, your brain will work through the various processes and steps, and you will automatically perform these steps. The result will be a more enjoyable off-road experience.

 Click here for more information about upcoming training clinics and trips offered by Tom at Badlands Off-Road Adventures

photos courtesy of:
Bernard Leitner of Leitner Designs
Tom Severin
The Adventure Portal

2016 4×4 Sprinter Van Conversion

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TAP  ran a photo contest a while back called TAP my RIG and spotted this very sweet  converted 4×4 Sprinter van. We contacted owner Erast Dasari from San Francisco CA and asked him a few things about his conversion. He told us that the goal of his conversion was to create a vehicle that could take him anywhere. Here’s a bit more of what he had to say along with the list of modifications that he made on his Sprinter Van.

TAP: “Is this your first van conversion or have you done this before?  In other words, has there been an evolution in terms of what you want out of a van and the type of componentry you have chosen?”

sprinter van, 4x4 sprinter, overland rig, adventure van, 4x4 van, 4x4 sprinter, overlanding, over land, off-road, off-roading, adventure, vehicle supported adventure,
1991 Dodge Ram 350

ED: “I have had multiple vans before. My first one was a 1991 Dodge Ram 350 with a 5.7 liter engine.  I wasn’t happy with the fuel economy on the 5.7 monster and wanted something that would give a better range. I’ve always loved the off-road theme, so I fitted it with off-road tires, an exhaust system, and a roof rack.”

sprinter van, 4x4 sprinter, overland rig, adventure van, 4x4 van, 4x4 sprinter, overlanding, over land, off-road, off-roading, adventure, vehicle supported adventure,
Ford Econoline 150 converted into a crew cab

“After the dodge, I started looking for a van that had better interior and exterior designs. I bought a Ford Econoline 150 and converted it to a crew cab by retrofitting a four-person seat in the back. Both of these vehicles were two wheel drive.  At that time, I couldn’t afford an off-roading 4×4 system conversion, but I enjoyed the little off-road benefits of the rugged tires I installed on both. I sold the Ford knowing that I wanted much more from my next van, including better fuel economy, range, torque and reliability.”

My 2016 Sprinter Van

sprinter van, 4x4 sprinter, overland rig, adventure van, 4x4 van, 4x4 sprinter, overlanding, over land, off-road, off-roading, adventure, vehicle supported adventure,
“I’ve always loved the Mercedes Sprinter Van and it’s versatility, but didn’t even think about doing a conversion until two events happened.  First, I got stuck with my wife in South Lake Tahoe during a heavy snow storm and we were easily pulled to safety by a fully loaded Sportsmobile. We weren’t stranded for long, but we could not have gotten out on our own. This  was enough to make me appreciate the importance of a 4×4 system.  Soon thereafter, a good friend of mine converted his Mercedes Sprinter Van into a 4×4, and started posting his off-road trips on Facebook.  It looked fun, so I started doing research. I spent months figuring out what I really wanted and what would fit my lifestyle the best. First off, I looked for a 2016 Crew Cab as I wanted a universal van that could seat 5 people and  give me the capability to bring cargo when necessary.  I like these vans for their style and clean lines.  The headlights and painted body panels are beautiful. I also appreciate them for their Euro 6 standards of pollution control. After identifying the van for me, I mapped out my conversion plan, from the Eaton differential and air locks to a custom built gas tank and an  extra jerry can storage box on the rear bumper. I executed my plan as soon as my wife said yes.  It took 6 long months until the conversion was complete and at the end, the beast was nothing like it had been before I started. My current rig is a 2016 Sprinter 2500, crew van with 2016 Grille fenders and bumper, 3.92 rear axle gear ratio, single rear wheels, 3.0 liter 6 cylinder Weistec turbine upgraded diesel engine chip tuned with an automatic transmission, sliding side cargo door, 144 inch wheelbase, std. roof, and under-body spare tire. It’s definitely a head turner. People love it. It’s a capable and gentle monster that is economical and safe, and I am sure that it can handle any adventures I throw at it!”


  • 5” lift (approx. 36 inches to floor at sliding side door)
  • HD welded steel subframe to replace OEM lighter-weight subframe
  • Manual hub locks, 6,000 lb. load rated
  • Dana 60 Super mono-beam front axle with rear axle appropriate gear ratio
  • Dual HD Rancho steering stabilizers
  • Open front differential
  • Front disc Heavy Duty brakes ( approx. 36 % bigger than OEM Sprinter )
  • 2 speed manual shift NV271 transfer case 
  • Oversized (1.375 inch dia.) front Roadmaster chrome moly sway bar with greasable, polyeurethane bushings
  • KYB auto adjusting gas pressure front shock absorbers
  • KYB auto adjusting gas pressure rear shock absorbers
  • Billet aluminum rear wheel adaptors
  • 17″ polished aluminum front and rear and spare wheels
  • Dana Spicer front driveshaft
  • Dana Spicer rear driveshaft
  • Steel rear lift blocks
  • Tri-8 rear u-bolts

sprinter van, 4x4 sprinter, overland rig, adventure van, 4x4 van, 4x4 sprinter, overlanding, over land, off-road, off-roading, adventure, vehicle supported adventure,

More Modifications:

  • Sportsmobile aluminum front bumper with black powder coat and dual driving light ports, with Grille guard and “kangaroo guard mounts“
  • Sportsmobile hinged “kangaroo guard/ hood guard” with matching black powder coat finish
  • Lightforce adjustable focus driving lights mounted in Aluminess front bumper
  • Replaced front axle differential with an Eaton Tru-Trak gear drive
  • Upgraded the rear spring pack to Sportsmobile “soft ride” 5 leaf springs
  • Blasted and powder coated all 5 wheels matt black
  • Replaced Goodyear A/T tires with Cooper A/T tires, N/C
  • Sportsmobile front 2″ receiver hitch anchored to sub frame and under front bumper
  • Upgraded front hub locks to dash switch locking
  • Aluminess rear bumper with black powder coat finish, dual “work“ light ports with rectangular lights with dash switch
  • Swing-away deluxe cargo box with top taffrail on passenger side
  • Swing-away spare tire carrier on driver side
  • Sportsmobile snorkel kit

sprinter van, 4x4 sprinter, overland rig, adventure van, 4x4 van, 4x4 sprinter, overlanding, over land, off-road, off-roading, adventure, vehicle supported adventure,

sprinter van, 4x4 sprinter, overland rig, adventure van, 4x4 van, 4x4 sprinter, overlanding, over land, off-road, off-roading, adventure, vehicle supported adventure,

  • Solar panels mounted on Aluminess Roof Rack
  • Aluminess Side Ladder
  • Dual Battery system with battery isolator.
  • Secondary power system and extended range two-way security system with tracker.
  • Security system with night vision consisting of 5 HD cameras located around the van with DVR that records onto 1 Terabyte Solid State Hard Drive with movement and face recognition.
  • Custom Aluminum 45 Gallon Gas Tank
  • Powder Coated Jerry Cans Embedded into Rear Bumper by Aluminess
  • Emergency light system embedded into headlights and taillights.
  • 10,000 Pound Winch System embedded into Aluminess front Bumper.
  •  3,000 Watt Stereo System with 15” Woofer.
  • 3,000 Watt DC-AC Inverter connected to secondary electrical system.
  • Elecrtical Power Gauge

sprinter van, 4x4 sprinter, overland rig, adventure van, 4x4 van, 4x4 sprinter, overlanding, over land, off-road, off-roading, adventure, vehicle supported adventure,


My wife and I have toured throughout Yosemite and Tahoe National Forest. We’ve already had the opportunity to help a fellow off-roader who was stuck in the snow using my winch.  I am really grateful for all the upgrades and safety equipment on my beast. Next, we are shipping it to Italy to go touring around  some remote areas of  Europe. Can’t wait!

Do you have a conversion you would like to share? Go to our Forums and let us know what you’ve done to your rig!

Author and photographs: Erast Dasari

Editor: Lori Palmer




For more overland and off-road capable rigs, CHECK HERE

2011 Trail Edition 4Runner

4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,

I’ve always loved Toyotas and over the past 30+ years there’s always been one in my driveway. I remember the first generation 4Runners hitting the market in the mid 80’s and I  just thought to myself… “someday”.  My first 4Runner was a 3rd generation two-wheel drive, 4 cylinder, manual transmission. My love for the outdoors led me away from paved roads where I  found myself wondering what was beyond the obstacles and rocks that I would not dare attempt with my 2-wheel drive. Seeing a muffler and various vehicle parts on the road was enough to get me to realize that I was limited with what I had and to safely venture further on these off-beaten paths would definitely require a modified 4-wheel drive off-road capable vehicle.

4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,
2011 Modified 4Runner

When the 5th generation Trail Edition KDSS appeared on the market, I just had to have one and could finally afford it, so I traded in my 1998 4Runner for the 2011 Trail Edition. It delivered the smooth road ride I wanted for family trips and reduced the body roll that was sometimes a bit scary with my 3rd gen.  Then I started to interact more with the off-road community both face-to-face and online and learned about the importance of both protecting the undercarriage and of having rocker panels. While there were not many aftermarket parts for 4Runners available at the time, I did find that ShrockWorks had the rock sliders I needed; my first modification!

4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,

Wanting more of the off-road experience, I took a run into Joshua Tree via Berdoo Canyon Road. While today I would consider it an easy route, back then my wife and I got a bit nervous on a few of the obstacles scraping the front stock bumper and undercarriage in this stock vehicle. Thinking about the possibility of causing serious damage, I began to search for off-road training and came across Badlands Off-Road Adventures 4WD Training School. Enrolling in the beginner’s class at Hungry Valley is where I learned a great deal about the fundamentals of driving off-road and the necessary equipment to be safe. After attending the Off-Road Expo in Pomona, the build was on!

4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,
Johnson Valley CA-Rock crawling class. I took this advanced class after the beginner’s two day class and when all my modifications were completed.

With a bit research, I felt the Gobi Stealth Rack with all its available accessories fit my needs providing a mount for my Hi-Lift jack, a tool box, and a high point to fly a safety flag. But with front and rear bumpers and skid plates there wasn’t much to choose from back in 2012. Luckily I discovered a local small business, American Overland Expedition (AOE), who specialized in custom modifications for off-road enthusiasts. Working with them, I explained what I wanted and they delivered. The custom front bumper houses a Warn XP9000 winch with wireless control equipped with 3/8”x 80” synthetic winch line with safety thimble threaded through a Viking 100 Series Hawes Fairlead. A Rigid Industries 20” light bar is mounted on the front bumper.

4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,

The custom skid plate system is 3/8” aluminum protecting the engine transmission and Tcase. A ShrockWorks skid plate protects the gas tank. The rear bumper carries the spare, two 4 gallon Rotopax fuel containers, a Pull-Pal Winch Anchor 11000, and allows room for original tow hitch. It also provides multiple locations to mount antenna.

4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,
Back bumper build in process
4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,
Completed back bumper

4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,





Having the KDSS suspension system limits the amount of lift you should add to the 4Runner, so it is equipped with an Icon Stage 2 suspension system providing 2 1/2” of lift. Tires are (LT285 70/R17) 33” Goodyear Wrangler mt/r Kevlar mounted on D558 Anza Fuel Wheels. Having 33” tires on a 5th gen, from my off-road experience, requires a body mount chop. When moving slowly down a steep slope where a turn is required, the front tire wedges itself against the front body mount. To continue to move forward you have to force the tire from this wedged position which will likely throw the alignment off. Been there, done that. AOE handled the body mount chop.

4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,
Front bumper before the body mount chop


4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,
Body mount trimmed to accommodate 33″ tires. This is a necessity to prevent rubbing on steep downhill grades that required a turn mid-descent.


4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,
Body Mount-covered





Other modifications include a Kodiak Dual Battery tray holding two PC 1200 Odyssey batteries with an IBS system controller. An IBS monitor display is installed in the interior. A 4×4 sPOD 6-relay source box is mounted in the engine compartment and a contour switch is installed at the bottom of the interiors center console.

4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,
Kodiak Dual Battery tray holding two PC 1200 Odyssey batteries


4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,
IBS monitor display





4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,
Contour Light Switch
4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,
sPOD 6-relay source box mounted in the engine compartment





For safety and recovery I carry all the standard equipment; fire extinguisher, VIAIR air compressor, ARB tire repair kit, ARB recovery kit, 7/8” x 30” Bubba Rope, extra water, first-aid kit, tools, etc.

I take my rig out to Anza Borrego, Joshua Tree, Lucerne Valley, Mojave Road, and Death Valley, when the weather is bearable. Next year I hope to make my first trip to Moab.

I would consider myself a newbie to this sport having a little over three years of real off-road experience. Attending trade shows was very helpful in that they provided information that allowed me to make informed decisions regarding future mods. Having attended several off-road clinics keeps me in check making sure I don’t get into situations beyond my ability and has left me with understanding that building driver skills is far more important than the vehicle build.

4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,
Author and Photographer: Larry Perez
Check out American Overland Expedition custom body armor at aoe4x4industries.com


4Runner Off Road, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND RIG, OVERLANDING, vehicle supported adventure, off-road rig,
AOE owner Alex Carvallo and Larry Perez on the Mojave Road


For more overland and off-road capable rigs, CHECK HERE

Custom built TCTeardrops 5×9 Trailer

grant wilson TCTeardrop 1 the adventure portal
grant wilson TCTeardrop 1 the adventure portal

We all started somewhere. For me, it was in Saudi Arabia in the back of a Kia Sportage. Then onto a Kelty Palisades 4, then an Rei Kingdom 4 and a smaller 3 person tent for backpacking. But you know what? Tents suck. You may be all like, “I’ve been tent camping for years!” Sure you have. But did you tent camp, have a downpour, pack it up, then move 100 miles, unpack and sleep in it again? Yeah, if you did, you know how crappy it is. If you haven’t, then this article really isn’t for you.

Tent camping has its place. Base camps, Family camping, weekend at the lake, etc. Some of us need portability. For that there is the Roof top tent and trailers. Roof top tents are cool. You can pack em up wet, and open them back up with a dry inside. But once it’s up and deployed, it’s out. No moving. Part of the issue I had with mine (I have a Teupi Kukenam Sky, which I still do love for certain things) was getting set up and wanting to go somewhere, only to have to pack it all up and make the run if you forget something.

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So in the end, after going through all the stages of gear preferences, I finally broke down and got a trailer. After checking a number of options, I settled on a TCTeardrop 5×9 trailer with the ground clearance option in order to match the ride height of my car with matching wheels and tires. During the build, Todd at TCTeardrops was more than accommodating with taking care of a few additions that I wanted such as extra wiring, extra items installed, a galley that wasn’t finished so I could customize it, among a number of other small things.

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I opted for the Yakima roof rack, rhino rack foxwing with four tapered walls, a basket to put the trailer spare in, and used Bomber Products awning mounts for the ARB awning that is used as a changing room. There is also a misting system installed using the onboard water tank and pump to keep you cool on those warm days.

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For those hot or cold nights, a climate right 2500 air conditioner/heater unit can be mounted and used to regulate the teardrop temperature very quickly. We had 70 degree temps in 97 degree heat and 68 degree temps in 28 degree cold. No matter what, you can be comfortable, which is important for the other half!

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The trailer has been all over with me. The entire northeast, east coast and now settled in florida. I have over 30 nights in the trailer so far, all with a greats night rest. It goes anywhere the Outback can go and has served me well over the past year. It was a lot of hard work to get it where I have it now, but in the end it was worth it. It’s the perfect campsite basecamp and mobile platform, as well as the best beach trailer ever!

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TCTeardrops 5×9 Ground Clearance Model- Specs

Front Box:
Better Built 60” Tool box
Blue Sea Battery Switch
Blue Sea 4 switch panel
110V Input plug
Onboard Battery Charger
110amp hour AGM battery and battery box
Blue Sea 10 circuit Distribution Block
Climate Right 2500 AC Unit
Honda EU2000I Generator
Camp Chef Triton L5 hot water heater
Two extension cords
Water hose
Misc fittings

4 LED room lights
2 Dimmable LED reading lights
Storage net
Memory Foam Bed
12v Ceiling Fan
12v/USB/voltmeter module

15 Gallon water tank
12v Water Pump
Custom built cabinetry
Camp Chef Stove
12v and voltmeter
Edgestar 43t refrigerator
Misc supplies

grant wilson - TCTeardrop_2_

Check out author Grant Wilson’s 2015 Subaru Outback conversion here and for everything Subaru, check his website offroadsubaru.com

What’s the best part of your overlanding kit? Tell us about it on our forum and TAP into Adventure!

photos: Grant Wilson

First Aid/ Recovery Preparedness

Photo Jul 06 1 51 23 PM e1468254702468
Photo Jul 06 1 51 23 PM e1468254702468

Recently, I was approached by The Adventure Portal following a series of posts I had published on a Facebook page that I help run, called Overland Jeeps. The articles dealt with what  I feel is the necessary safety, first-aid, recovery, and general preparedness gear  for an overlanding adventure.  Many of you have probably read loads of articles, looked at tons of pictures, and tried time and time again to come up with a solid list of necessary items to bring on a good overland trip. After quite a bit of due diligence and some trial and error, I took the info that I had read and put together a personalized load out pack.  This article presents a taylored “conglomeration” of safety items that I carry on each adventure out into the wilderness in order to best prepare myself for the adversity, and obstacles that nature can throw at me. This article will cover the following topics: Recovery Gear, First Aid, Pioneer and Field Repair Tools. This is not a how to, for any of them, nor is it an end all, be all list of gear.

First, a bit of background info.  I have done trips all over the United States from Pennsylvania, Colorado, and currently here in the Pacific Northwest, with countless cross-country trips in between. My current load out supports the area in which I live and do most of my current travels, the Pacific Northwest. Make sure to tailor your gear set to the area where you intend to take your rig.

It’s pretty commonly understood that a winch and it’s associated items are a must, so I’ll take some time to talk about some of the lesser mentioned items such as: chains, tow straps, and snatch straps. It is of the absolute utmost importance to know which is which, what they are made of, and how to apply each respectively.

  • Chains are a great way to give you some additional length to use to get to an anchor point, to use in addition to a Hi-Lift Jack for a manual winch, or as a last effort in a vehicle recovery. There are dangers associated with each of these. So, before using chains in any of these ways, make sure that they are rated to handle the load that you intend to use them on.
  • Tow straps are a great and quick way to pull a vehicle out of a sticky situation. They are simple to use and easy to deploy.
  • Snatch straps are what I use as a last resort when a vehicle is bogged down in mud or snow and I can’t get any forward momentum with other types of recovery gear.  Snatch straps employ  a large amount of kinetic energy. If a pull engages too much force,  it can lead to injuries and damage to your vehicle or other equipment. So, handle with care!
  • Some other great tools to have are traction boards, traction ladders, or traction bags. Each have their own list of pros and cons, and if you intend to purchase them, do your research and choose what will suit your needs best.

recovery gear
Here is most of the recovery or emergency gear that I keep loaded. It’s pretty self-explanatory. A couple of the harder items to see  are a can of PB Blaster and 6 Road Flares. I chose road flares because they don’t take up much room and are multipurpose (for example I can start a fire with them using damp or wet wood).

My recovery gear includes:

  • 48″ Hi-Lift Jack Extreme
  • Warn 9.5 cti Winch with Synthetic Rope Line
  • AEV Hi-Lift Jack Base
  • Warn Tree Saver Strap
  •  Warn Snatch Strap
  • 2 x 6′ Chains
  • 4 x Warn Screw Pin Shackles
  •  Warn Snatch Block
  • ARB Single Air Compressor with inflators assembly
  • ARB Tire Deflator
  • PB Blaster (to use on an unhappy Hi-Lift Jack)
  • Pair of Heavy Duty Leather Work Gloves
  • 4 x Light Duty Ratchet Straps

Having all of this equipment is useless unless you have been  trained on how to use it. Read owners manuals, take some classes, and work with trusted friends to better familiarize yourself with your recovery gear. I’ve seen people with plenty of gear, but no idea how to use it, resulting in injuries that made a bad situation exponentially worse. With that being said, if you come across a group out there that’s doing something unsafe, speak up. You just might save someone’s life.

My First-aid kits include:

The light brown bag contains Thoracic Needles to treat Tension Pneumothorax or a punctured lung. These can only be used by those who have specific training and certification to do so.

I carry a few types of First Aid kits in my Jeep at any given time. One is a medium size Trauma Kit that includes things like:

  • tourniquets
  • pressure dressings
  • gauze
  • splints
  • tape
  • combat gauze
  • scissors
  • a variety of other items to treat more serious life threatening injuries.

I also have a standard First Aid kit that includes but is not limited to:

  • bandaids
  • Neosporin
  • a sting kit
  • bite kit
  • burn cream
  • mole skin
  • disposable non-latex gloves
  • tweezers
  • safety pin
  • triangular bandage
  • antiseptic solution and wipes
  • cotton balls, swabs

This kit will more likely be your “go to” kit on the trail.

Then there’s one that I recently started put together, after my last trip, that consists of medications to treat:

  •  diarrhea
  • headaches
  • muscle aches
  • nausea.

It wasn’t something I had really thought about until I was on the sick end. I wish in retrospect that I had applied more effort into having this ready to go before my last trip. It would have not only helped me, but a few other people in the group. Luckily someone else had some over the counter medications to help me out with until I kicked it.

Please Note* This is by no means a full list of all items in my first aid kits, just some of my “staples”.  

The bottom line when it comes to first-aid is: GET TRAINED.

I cannot stress this enough. Take basic classes too , they are available all over the place and can even be available for free. Having a person that has medical experience and training in your group is paramount. Do not pass over this topic lightly. It can turn a rather mild situation into a life threatening one in no time. Having the skills needed to treat injuries can be the key for either making it to safety or dying in the wilderness.

My Field Repair Kit:

My field repair kit can fix anything from punctured tires, broken hoses, to snapped belts.

This kit contains:

  • tire repair kit
  • epoxies
  • JB weld
  • wire
  • zip ties
  • duc tape
  • extra battery terminal connectors…and more.

It sits on my shelf until its time to head out. I have used almost all the components at one time or another and it’s something that has gotten me back home a couple of times. Seriously consider putting something like it together, if you haven’t already.

I keep these on hand at all times:

first aid_TAP


  • Gerber Midsize Axe for clearing fallen trees from trails and splitting fire wood.
  • Craftsman 2.5 lb Hammer for smashing just about everything including parts back into place.
  • 26″ Crowbar for leverage to move rocks or trees and to slip in the pipe handle of a Hi-Lift Jack giving you some extra leverage against heavier loads
  • 28″ Pinch Bar (one flat end, one point end)
  • 24″ Gerber Gator Machete for clearing trail brush
  • Gerber collapsible Saw for limbing trees so they don’t smash out windows.
  • Krazy Beaver Shovel for fire pits, breaking ice, shoveling snow, and cutting roots.

Something I have added to my want list is a chain saw. Going out to Copper City wouldn’t have happened if a guy in our group hadn’t had a chainsaw. What an unbelievably valuable tool. It made clearing fallen trees from the trail a breeze. We cleared the trail for not only us, but for people who came after us.  To do something that allowed other people, who may not be as well equipped, to get out and enjoy the beauty and historical sites in that area, was a great feeling.

Personal protection in the wilderness is an absolute must. There have been a few situations on the trail when I was glad this is a necessity to me. There is always the possibility of threats during an adventure. Questionable people, while not likely, may be encountered. Wildlife can also present a serious threat. I carry a Side-Arm (Pistol), because I live in a state that permits it. For those who do not, due to state law, or personal choice, there are options. Bear Spray, Mace, Pepper Spray, Tasers, the list goes on. As with anything discussed here, do the research, check your local laws and state regulations, and get trained. Wilderness classes are a great tool to help increase your situational awareness. They train you to be able to identify signs that there could be dangerous wildlife in your area.

Some of the other things that I didn’t discuss are a hygiene kit, my tools, wet weather jacket and pants, various layers of cold weather gear, wool blankets, fuses, 2x 2 gallon Roto Pax Fuel Cans, and the instruction manuals for everything that I have either installed or carry. I also keep AA, AAA, and CR123 Batteries on hand for my LED Lantern, Headlamp, and Flashlight. It’s a good idea to keep at least one set of extra batteries for devices that are used out on the trail.

I use the things in my load out pretty regularly and brush up on the use of items I don’t use as often.  This helps ensure a safe overlanding venture.  I hope that this was a good read for you, and I want to close by saying, please participate in training events. I really can’t stress this enough. My  intent was to present an overview of some of the things I carry and why. My goal was to help. Thanks for reading, and thank you to The Adventure Portal for giving me the opportunity to  give back to the overland community, who I have learned so much from! See you out on the trails!

Author and Photos:  Andrew Halsing

What are some of your “staple” load out items?  Share on our forum and TAP into Adventure!

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