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An Overland Adventure Photography Trip

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Generally speaking when I’m on an adventure photography Trip, I’m also looking for some solitude, far away from the madding crowd. Because of this, gear and rig preparation is really important and my upcoming overlanding week in the SW backcountry demanded extra care. TAP1, one of our 2014 JKU’s, had recently turned the corner on 100k, so I decided to change all the fluids, flush the engine, replace the spark plugs and generally give it a solid look over from bumper to bumper. Everything checked out just fine and I confidently left on the offroad adventure.

So, what do you do when you’re 170 miles into a 1400 mile trip and the check engine light comes on? Well, you curse profusely, spend the next hour worrying about it and then settle into a state of blind hope, ignorance and the zen like thought of, “It’ll be just fine as my wingman can always tow me out”.

Day 1:

The plan was to drive from San Diego, CA to Hurricane, UT and camp at Gooseberry Mesa. The scenery and terrain is dramatic and world renowned due to the Red Bull Rampage held there each year. It was early Sunday night when myself and my wingman for this trip, David Griffith from Explore California Pics , finally arrived. Most people had left after the weekend and we found a quiet and hidden away little dispersed camp site. Despite the engine light hiccup, this adventure photography trip was starting off well.

OVERLANDING, oVERLAND, OVER LAND, OFFROAD, OFFROADING, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND ADVENTURE, EXPEDITIONS, adventure, alstrom point, lake powell, jeep, astrophotography, adventure photography,
View from our campsite

Even though we had driven 7 hrs and 450 miles, we were eager to start some Astro Photography, as the Milky Way was back in the Northern Hemisphere after its long winter absence. Adventure Photography and especially Astro can be tiring and we awoke at 2.30am. Unfortunately to be greeted by significant cloud cover and no visible stars, so back to bed as the local coyote crew yipped and howled for our entertainment.

OVERLANDING, oVERLAND, OVER LAND, OFFROAD, OFFROADING, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND ADVENTURE, EXPEDITIONS, adventure, alstrom point, lake powell, jeep, astrophotography, adventure photography,
Golden Hour sunset over camp

Day 2 – 3:

Leaving Gooseberry Mesa, we headed out on our 3 hr and 140 mile journey to Big Water, where we were to leave the pavement and head into the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Our ultimate overland destination for the next 2 days was Alstom Point, which has a renowned view of Lake Powell, UT. The road to the point is an easy, bumpy and dusty trail, and only on the last 3 miles after the first viewpoint did we to need to engage 4Hi. This last section will however, cause pause for inexperienced drivers and should not be attempted without 4WD and high clearance. This is a very remote area to get stuck in, so think it through before attempting, especially if the weather is inclement.

OVERLANDING, oVERLAND, OVER LAND, OFFROAD, OFFROADING, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND ADVENTURE, EXPEDITIONS, adventure, alstrom point, lake powell, jeep, astrophotography, adventure photography,
Don’t camp next to the boulders!

Frankly, there’s a total WOW factor as you come upon Lake Powell. A sense of absolute beauty and remoteness and a perfect place for Adventure Photography. Dispersed camping is limited so, I was fairly impressed with the lack of human impact. I implore you all to “Pack In and Pack out” everything (Yes, that means Poop too!) and please Treadlightly.

OVERLANDING, oVERLAND, OVER LAND, OFFROAD, OFFROADING, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND ADVENTURE, EXPEDITIONS, adventure, alstrom point, lake powell, jeep, astrophotography, adventure photography,
Lake Powell Sunrise

We spent 2 days camped on the bluff, with the first day being alone, then being joined by 3 other rigs on the second day. The weather conditions varied from warm during the day to chilly at night and most of the time, the wind howled in classic desert fashion. As I said, this was a photography trip, so everyday we caught the sunset before hitting the sack early. Up at 2.30am to shoot the stars for an hour and again at 6.30am to capture the sunrise. As you can imagine in between our product testing, we took long naps throughout the day.

OVERLANDING, oVERLAND, OVER LAND, OFFROAD, OFFROADING, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND ADVENTURE, EXPEDITIONS, adventure, alstrom point, lake powell, jeep, astrophotography, adventure photography,
Nearly getting blown off the cliff.
OVERLANDING, oVERLAND, OVER LAND, OFFROAD, OFFROADING, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND ADVENTURE, EXPEDITIONS, adventure, alstrom point, lake powell, jeep, astrophotography, adventure photography,
We’ve had worse campsite views!
OVERLANDING, oVERLAND, OVER LAND, OFFROAD, OFFROADING, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND ADVENTURE, EXPEDITIONS, adventure, alstrom point, lake powell, jeep, astrophotography, adventure photography,
Galactic Core over Lake Powell.

Day 4:

With sadness it was time to leave and continue our vehicle supported Adventure journey back west to Northern Arizona. Our destination was White Pocket an acclaimed remote photographic location in the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument region.

OVERLANDING, oVERLAND, OVER LAND, OFFROAD, OFFROADING, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND ADVENTURE, EXPEDITIONS, adventure, alstrom point, lake powell, jeep, astrophotography, adventure photography,
Sunrise over the White pocket

Again, once you leave the pavement, the off-road trail is easy until the last 9.5 miles. At this point you will need high clearance and 4WD to deal with the various deep sand areas you will encounter. This is a remote region, so take it seriously by being prepared (Recovery gear, extra food, gas and water) and we recommend you don’t travel alone.

OVERLANDING, oVERLAND, OVER LAND, OFFROAD, OFFROADING, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND ADVENTURE, EXPEDITIONS, adventure, alstrom point, lake powell, jeep, astrophotography, adventure photography,
Easy section of the trail to White Pocket

The weather was windy and as we sheltered in our camped vehicles, there were gusts that felt they could relocate the Roof Top Tent. Luckily by nightfall the wind had abated and by our 2:30 am alarm call, it was fairly quiet. Although we had scouted the area during the day, locating a perfect location in the dark to shoot the stars was, shall I say, “challenging”. This being said, the temps were perfect at a crisp 37F and the skies were clear in the early hours and at sunrise. Success!

OVERLANDING, oVERLAND, OVER LAND, OFFROAD, OFFROADING, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND ADVENTURE, EXPEDITIONS, adventure, alstrom point, lake powell, jeep, astrophotography, adventure photography,
The Galactic Core over the famous Brain Rock

Day 5 and 6:

Our time was coming to an end at White Pocket and it was time to hit the road again. We didn’t want to drive 12 hours straight home to San Diego, so our plan was to camp half way home on BLM land outside Valley of Fire State Park, 60 or so miles north of Vegas. Finally, the wind had ceased and for the first time in 6 days we put our cameras away, lit a fire and just relaxed, ready to sleep through the night!

OVERLANDING, oVERLAND, OVER LAND, OFFROAD, OFFROADING, OFF-ROADING, OVERLAND ADVENTURE, EXPEDITIONS, adventure, alstrom point, lake powell, jeep, astrophotography, adventure photography,

Now back home, the memories of this amazing overland trip make me anxious to hit the road soon. Of course the check engine light has now disappeared.


For more Overland and Off-Road Vehicle Supported Adventures, CHECK HERE

For more on Adventure and Astro Photography, CHECK HERE

Off-Road Recovery – Part Two

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LRT 00002

TAP Editor’s Note: The following is part two of a three-part series on off-road recovery. The author, Bob Wohlers, teaches government, corporate, and recreational off-roading as a full time profession. He is one of only a handful of fulltime 4WD trainers in the USA. Some of the content in this multi-part series comes from Bob’s book The Total Approach to Getting Unstuck Off Road – 4WD Self-Recovery & Vehicle-Assisted Recovery. While other authors of 4WD books try to cover the topic of recovery in a single chapter, Bob has the only complete book on the topic – 352 pages of step-by-step information.

This book can be easily purchased on Amazon by clicking HERE. Bob also has two other 4WD specific books available on Amazon, each designed to help protect people, vehicles, and the environment: (1) Raising Your 4WD vehicle Off Road & In-Field Tire Repair (2) Live Long to Wander – Basic Survival for Vehicle-Supported Adventures To learn more about Bob Wohler, visit his website www.DiscoverOffRoading.com.

There’s No Embarrassment in Getting Stuck Off-Road

If You…

As I tell my all of my students, “Off-Road long enough and you will get stuck in the remote backcountry.” Prepare for that day, then prepare some more – with knowledge, skills, and off-road recovery equipment that you should carry along on your journeys.” What can happen? Here’s some possibilities:

  • You get bogged down in deep, greasy, gumbo-like mud; one wheel from each axle begins to spin. 
Photo courtesy of Tour-De-World.com
  • Hisssssss. You hear another tire leaking; you just had your second flat. 
  • Your off-road trailer bounces off a large rock during a sharp turn and lands on its side.
  • Your 4WD truck is high-centered on a ridge perpendicular to the trail; wheels on both axles are off the ground with no traction.
  • While driving an icy route, your vehicle slips sideways, down into a deep rut on the side of the trail and almost tips over. Your wheels have no traction.
  • Snow from the middle of the trail has piled up under your vehicle and your forward motion is completely halted.
  • You’ve accidentally tipped your vehicle over on its side on a very narrow trail.
  • Your vehicle catches on fire in the remote backcountry.
Photo courtesy of Coyote Works

You get the point. Someday, you will get stuck. It happens to everyone. Hopefully when it happens, no one gets hurt. There are thousands of ways off-roaders have their progress terminated or hampered when driving off road.

Let’s be honest. Getting stuck off road is often due to driver error. We all make errors, from the most experienced to the least. Errors can be due to a lack of off-road driving skills. You may misjudge the amount of momentum you need to climb a sandy dune or pick a poor line while traversing a rocky trail. Errors can be due to a lack of knowledge. It’s easier to get stuck when you don’t have a basic knowledge or understanding of your 4WD vehicle or the terrain you are traversing. Errors can also be due to a poor attitude, such as “showing off” in front of peers or performing vehicle maneuvers that defy common sense. I call this a “hold my beer, watch this” mentality. In my opinion, this type of attitude lacks maturity.

Regardless of the reason for getting stuck, it is a part of off-roading. So, if you aren’t thoughtless, cavalier, or alcohol-fueled, there is no real dishonor in getting stuck off road. You will make errors when off-roading or overlanding. Sometimes you get stuck even when you do everything right. There’s no embarrassment in getting stuck if you do all you can to mitigate potential difficulties. Here’s how to lessen backcountry difficulties:

  • Take Training from an Expert. Taking formal training from a professional off-road educator can reduce your chances of getting stuck in the remote backcountry. You don’t know what you don’t know. A knowledgeable off-road recovery trainer can teach you all the ways you can avoid getting stuck and what to do when you do. 
  • Venture Within Your Personal Limitations and Abilities. Especially in remote and international settings, you need the proper knowledge, attitude, and skills to problem-solve and get unstuck. Avoid driving a remote trail or section of a trail solo that is beyond the capabilities of both you and your vehicle. If you are solo and reach an extremely challenging section of trail, think about your capabilities. If you decide to attempt the challenging section of trail, plan how you would recover should you get stuck, or the situation worsens.
  • Venture Within Your Vehicle’s Capabilities. Not all 4WD vehicles are created equal. Even 4WD vehicles designed from the factory to venture off road have limitations. You will probably get stuck if you push your vehicle beyond its capabilities.
  • Know Your Vehicle Intimately. Today’s off-road-specific 4WD vehicles are more complex than in the past. Many have traction-aiding features that should be mastered to get the most from a vehicle. Whether you purchase or build your 4WD, learn how your vehicle functions to avoid getting stuck. To keep from getting stuck, you also need to know intimately your vehicle’s, including lift clearance, articulation capability, and angles (approach, breakover, and departure).
  • Travel With Other Vehicles. Recovery efforts are almost always easier and more relaxed mentally when traveling with other vehicles into the remote backcountry. This is especially true when you also are traveling beyond your country of origin and within Third World countries. Having other vehicles along on a journey also widens your recovery options. Now you can use vehicle-assisted off-road recovery methods.
  • Have With You and Know How to Use Traction-Aiding Devices. Traction-aiding devices can be built into your vehicle (e.g., lockers, airing down tires, electronic traction control) or taken along with you when you are off-road (e.g., traction boards, shovel). Use as many traction-aiding devices as you have available to completely avoid getting stuck. When you do get stuck, use the same devices to methodically assist you in your recovery efforts.
  • Have the Correct Kit, Accessories, or Tools to Get Unstuck. It’s hard to carry every piece of recovery gear with you on every trip. If you’ve researched the trail prior to departure, you should have an idea as to the type of terrain you may need to traverse, helping you bring the right equipment. When with a group of vehicles, you can divide essential equipment between all the vehicles (e.g., not every vehicle may need a heavy Hi-Lift Jack).
  • Practice Recovery and Problem-Solving Skills at Home. Practice your skills at home prior to stressful situations in the remote backcountry. Recovery and problem-solving proficiencies are all perishable skills that should be practiced periodically when not under duress.
  • Research the Trail You Intend to Drive. Regarding knowledge of a particular trail, get as much accurate information from a qualified source as possible. Keep in mind that trails can change for the worse after one day of intense rainfall or earth movement. In reality, you can never have enough information about a trail. Have several maps that show the trail, as each may tell you something different about the surrounding area and the possible side routes. Before heading out to a trail, try to get current, up-to-date information from other off-roaders and local land-management officials. What’s the water level in streams you need to cross, are there wildfires in the area, what’s the trail’s difficulty rating, what is the typical temperature in the area at the time of use? Answering questions such as these and mining important information can help keep you from getting stuck on a really difficult trail, beyond your capabilities.
  • Solve Problems in a Methodical and Effective Manner. When stuck off road, follow an intelligent problem-solving checklist that results in a complete stuck assessment and an effective recovery plan. We will cover this topic in part three of this series in The Adventure Portal.
  • Try Low-Energy Methods of Recovery First. As often as possible, first try low-energy and/or saferrecovery techniques (e.g., shovel use, lowering tire pressures, use of traction boards) before trying other, more aggressive and higher energy methods (e.g., kinetic energy, winching) of getting unstuck. 
Photo courtesy of MaxTrax
  • Refuse to Get Frustrated During Off-Road Recovery Events. When you do get stuck, calm yourself. Stop, Think, Observe, Plan, and then Act.
  • Avoid Hurried Recovery Efforts Due to Peer Pressure. Don’t let others on a trail hurry your recovery efforts to get unstuck.
  • Safeguard the Environment During Off-Road Recovery Operations. Sometimes getting unstuck in the remote backcountry means disturbing the environment just a bit to get out and going again. A good driver minimizes this disruption as much as possible. In the end, however, you’ll need to do what is necessary to get home alive.
  • Use Common Sense. Most of the above points have to do with common sense. Same for the use of drugs or alcohol that may be contrary to safe driving. Use your common sense each and every time you get stuck off road.
  • Be Prepared with Survival Knowledge, Skills, and Kit. Should you not be able to recover and get unstuck if you are remote and solo in the backcountry, you need to have the knowledge, skills, and kit to remain comfortable for several hours, a couple of days, or even a week or two should an adventure or work-related incident go bad. The companion Off-Road & Overland Adventure Info Book Live Long to Wander – Basic Survival for Vehicle-Supported Adventures is a must-read for all vehicle-supported adventurers.
Fun fact: Lori and Andy from TAP are the “injured” couple on the cover.
  • Live Long to Wander: Basic Survival for Vehicle-Supported Adventures – $25.95 BUY HERE
  • Raising Your 4WD Vehicle Off-Road & In-Field Tire Repair – $44.95 BUY HERE
  • The Total Approach of Getting Unstuck Off Road – $59.95 BUY HERE


The Deadman Earth Anchor

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Featured Product: Sponsored Content

The Deadman Story:

We created the Deadman Earth Anchor™(patent pending) because we wanted to explore with confidence. We often found ourselves venturing solo, and with very little room to spare in our vehicle we needed recovery gear that was at once lightweight, small, and adaptable to different terrain. The Deadman was our solution to this need. With this single device, we can create a winch anchor point out of almost anything Mother Earth throws our way — without breaking the bank or taking up precious cargo space. For us, this opened new avenues to adventure and the freedom to explore. We believe in having many different recovery tools in our recovery kit; the addition of something as versatile as the Deadman gives us options — and since every recovery is unique, and conditions are never ideal, having options might just be what’s needed to get us home. 

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Ok, anything you bury in the ground as a winching anchor point is defined as a deadman anchor. So yes, we named our product The Deadman in honor of this, however its versatility both above and below ground has led us to refer to it as an Earth Anchor. You see, the Deadman is not simply a ground anchor: it can anchor to a tree, a rock, or the ground unlike anything else. Most anchors only work in one scenario, meaning you must carry multiple anchors to ensure preparedness. The Deadman’s unique design allows it to be extremely capable in all three scenarios, making it the most versatile off-road anchor ever.

the deadman earth anchor, off-roading, off-road, overlanding, overland, recovery gear, ground anchor,
the deadman earth anchor, off-roading, off-road, overlanding, overland, recovery gear, ground anchor,
the deadman earth anchor, off-roading, off-road, overlanding, overland, recovery gear, ground anchor,


Our primary design objective was to create something small and lightweight that could be easily buried – and be retrieved without more digging – for self-recovery in areas where there is nothing else to attach a winch to. What we came up with surprised us! It weighs less than 5lb, fits underneath a seat, and works to anchor to so much more than just the dirt. Because it’s a soft product, it can also be used around trees and rocks with increased safety relative to traditional anchors… and we keep finding new uses for the Deadman all the time. For instance, because it’s made from industrial grade, non-stretch polyester webbing (same as a tree strap), it can also be used as a 15′ winch extension. We’ve also found it useful as a ground mat, a fluid catch, a shade, and more – we’re looking forward to what ideas our customer community comes up with as well!


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The Deadman is constructed in USA from the finest USA-made, industrial grade materials. The tarp in the center is industrial 18oz vinyl with a rip-stop polyester skrim that’s both tough and malleable, allowing it to conform to misshaped objects like rocks without ripping. The webbing is 2″ Class VII industrial sling webbing, manufactured by Murdock Webbing (est. 1936) in Rhode Island, which is the same stuff used in industrial rigging and hoisting applications. Each line has a breaking strength of 19,600lb in a straight pull configuration and 39,200lb in a basket configuration. Because the Deadman uses two of these, when both lines are in use its breaking strength doubles, giving the Deadman a minimum breaking strength (MBS) of nearly 80,000lb in a basket configuration (still over 66,000lb after assembly). Additionally, because more than one strap is in use, the Deadman offers something no other anchor can: redundancy.

The Deadman is manufactured in the U.S.A. BUY HERE

Use Promo Code TAP10% and FREE SHIPPING in the Lower 48


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Titus Adventure Company – Behind The Wheel

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Everywhere you look these days, you see articles about Vehicle Supported Adventure, “Looks pretty cool” you say to yourself, but where do I start? Alternatively, maybe you simply want to experience a different states adventure opportunity without wasting days driving 1000’s of miles to simply get there? Titus Adventure Company (TAC) answers these questions for you and a couple weeks ago we sat down with them and asked them about their rapidly growing business.

Titus adventure company, overland, over land, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,

What is TAC and how and why did you start it?

Titus Adventure Company (TAC) is an overland adventure vehicle rental outfitter based in Denver Colorado and we see ourselves at the “Uber of Overlanding.”  Our mission is to help provide access to the outdoors while being good stewards for the environment and community. I started TAC mainly out of a personal need: how to live the outdoor Colorado lifestyle while reducing my family’s carbon footprint. As a young family of 4 (with a dog) we need a big SUV for weekend adventures in the mountains, but we don’t need it to run to the grocery store. Why not rent the times we need an adventure rig and have a much more fuel efficient car for the other 90% of our driving? We have since purchased an EV for our daily driver and offer 20% off to all other EV owners. The other major motivation for starting the company was that I believe life is better outdoors and as a Colorado native I have spent a lifetime getting outside, but not everyone is so lucky. How can we help get people outside? We do that by removing barriers. Don’t have the right vehicle? We bring ours to you. Don’t have time to pack/ unpack and then clean? We provide the gear and clean it for you. Don’t know where to go? We help plan your experience. Don’t have $60k to put into an overland rig? Rent only when you want to go out. To solve these problems I quit my mechanical engineering day job and jumped all-in on this business with no idea really how to start a business, how to market it, how to get insurance, or how to make financial projections. What I did know was that this was something I was incredibly passionate about and I felt confident the timing was right for this type of business.

Titus Adventure Company (TAC) Rigs and their builds

The Titus Adventure Company fleet is Toyota 4x4s that are perfect for the Colorado market. We have a 2019 4Runner TRD Off-Road Premium, a 2019 Tacoma TRD Off-Road Premium, and 2019 Sequoia TRD Sport. These were selected to offer a range of vehicle types to suit different needs but all under the same family. We also wanted to start with a variety and test out assumptions about which vehicles would be most popular. One of the most important factors in the vehicle selection process was reliability. We can’t have rigs breaking down on guests in the backcountry. Another factor was we felt it was important to have the vehicles the locals drive. This makes our rentals appealing to the folks who just moved to Colorado and want to get into the lifestyle and also critical to our mission of changing the type of cars locals drive. If we are asking people to give up their 4Runner as their daily driver, they darn sure want to be able to rent one on the weekends. Lastly, we wanted vehicles that are very capable but also very easy to drive and don’t feel overwhelming. It is one thing to trick out a vehicle you drive everyday and know well, it is another to have a stranger drive it.As such, we have left the vehicle fairly stock but have done the following mods


Titus adventure company, overland, over land, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,
  • RCI skid plates and rock sliders
  • BF Goodrich AT KO2  tires (stock size)
  • K9 roof rails and load bars
  • Toytec 2.5” lift with Boss 2.0 Aluma series shocks and coils 
  • Alu-Cab RTT
  • Alu-Cab Shadow Awning


Titus adventure company, overland, over land, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,
  • RCI skid plates and rock sliders
  • BF Goodrich AT KO2  tires (stock size)
  • Toytec 2.5” lift with Boss 2.0 Aluma series shocks and coils 
  • Toytec HD rear leaf springs
  • ARE HD Topper (aluminum frame inside to handle the roof weight)
  • Front Runner Platform


Titus adventure company, overland, over land, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,
  • RCI skid plates
  • BF Goodrich AT KO2  tires (stock size)
  • K9 roof rails and load bars
  • iKamper SkyCamp RTT
  • RLD 360 degree awning

What extra gear is provided when renting?

Titus Adventure Company offers a ton of gear in addition to the vehicles to help outfit your adventure. Included with the vehicle rental, guests get a standard camping package which includes things like stove, fuel, chairs/tables, cook kit, Yeti cooler, water jug, and camp lighting. We also offer a deluxe camping package that has the items above plus things like Yeti coolers, Maven binoculars, portable toilet seat, supplies for S’mores, and firewood. We have gear for watersports (inflatable SUPs and packrafts), bike racks, ski racks, a PakMule hitch carrier, rod vault, portable shower, kid sleeping bags, and Goal Zero power banks. The list goes on!

Titus adventure company, overland, over land, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,
TAC Tacoma on a ski mission

Are your audience local or from all over the US and International? 

We are seeing a mix of local and out of state. In the winter most of our guests are from out of state coming to ski and want a guaranteed vehicle with snow tires and 4WD. The summer season is more of a mix. One of our goals is to be a resource for locals who want to explore the mountains on the weekends in a rigged vehicle and use a smaller efficient city driver the rest of the time. We are marketing heavily to urban dwellers and suburban families who are in Colorado because they want to explore the outdoors, but for them having a lifted vehicle with RTT and tons of outdoor gear just isn’t practical.

Titus adventure company, overland, over land, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,
Chillin around the fire

Does TAC curate areas, trails, POI’s for the renter? 

Yes, Titus Adventure Company hears from a lot of guests that they are excited to try an overlanding trip but don’t know where to go. It is awesome to be able to camp for free in the national forests but can be overwhelming too. We are developing some recommended routes in various parts of the state and then also offer more personalized trips. We also ask about their off-road driving experience, other activities they want to do and recommend routes accordingly.

Titus adventure company, overland, over land, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,
Tacoma in the backcountry

Define the process of renting with you? 

Bookings can be made online or by giving us a call. The website shows the vehicle availability and also allows the guest to add on any extra gear for their trip. Once they book we reach out with confirmation email and pre-trip survey to help us learn about their needs/wants. If the guests are looking for a more pre-planned trip we will put together a Google Earth presentation that shows them potential campsites and then create a trip route guide. A few days before the trip we will reach back out to confirm the pickup details and answer any last minute questions. After the trip we do a quick vehicle walk around, guests get their personal items out of the vehicle and they are all done!

Titus adventure company, overland, over land, off-road, off-roading, vehicle supported adventure,
A room with a view

What have been the challenges (apart from Covid of course)?

Getting commercial insurance for a small, new business that lets renters go off paved roads has not been easy to say the least. It took over a year to find a policy we were comfortable with. The other main challenge has been brand awareness. While overlanding is a rapidly growing trend, it is far from mainstream and even less known is that you can rent one of these vehicles. Most people know you can rent a Jeep for a day and most people know you can rent an RV and we are trying to bring awareness to the big gap in the middle. It is far from common knowledge that you can rent an adventure-ready mountain vehicle loaded with gear.

Any funny rental stories?

A guest came back from the Sand Dunes (Medano Creek) missing the front license plate and the bumper valance. He really had no idea how it came off or when and it seemed hard to believe something would rip it off driving forward and not damage the car anywhere else. Was he backing up and caught something? Later I learned that during water crossing at just the right depth and vehicle speed, the water can swirl up at  the front bumper and that is what peeled the licence plate off. I also learned that replacing a specialty plate is not cheap…While cleaning a vehicle after being returned, we found some very nice Italian cheese in the car, vacuumed-sealed and uneaten. We got a hold of the guest and it turned out they had bought it in Europe on a trip just before their rental with us and were saving it to bring to their mother-in-law. The guest lived in Vermont and we happened to have family in town from Vermont who were more than happy to fly the cheese home with them and reunite it with the guest. We also have a guy planning to propose to his girlfriend on a trip in a few weeks!

Check out Titus Adventure Company (TAC) today!

The Top 10 Fears of the first time Overlander

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Driving off road presents a host of challenges and fears for any driver. Four wheeling can be especially intimidating for new drivers. Those initial concerns are understandable. It takes off-road experience to build skill set and confidence.

If you’ve considered going off road but are reluctant to do so, relax. The following information may convince you to take up the hobby. While you are reading this remember: in town, you get into a pile-up as the result of other driver’s errors and actions. Off-road, in almost every instance, the driver makes the decision and judgment that lead to his own  predicament.

After years of talking with new 4-wheel drive owners, here is my perception of the Top 10 Fears of newer drivers, and what to do about them.

1. Damage to a new vehicle:

This fear is mostly with regard to cosmetic damage; minor pin-striping and scraped bumpers. On occasion an air dam gets torn off or a license plate is bent out of shape.  If you intend to explore more challenging terrain, I recommend you add rock sliders on the sides of the vehicle and skid plates to protect the undercarriage in case you bottom out. The first little dents will probably hurt you more than the vehicle. But on the bright side, you can now justify an aftermarket bumper.

2. Rolling over:

This is normally a rare issue. What makes good YouTube fodder is the extreme stuff with above average risk. When it does occur, the driver is often in an extreme situation or driving recklessly. Take your time going through rough terrain and around obstacles. Avoid high risk situations whenever possible. This may not be a comfort to you, but if you do make a mistake that causes your vehicle to roll,  most times, the vehicle will only tip over onto a side (what we call a flop). A flop tends to occur while driving slowly, so damage to the vehicle and the driver is limited.

3. Stuck forever:

This rarely happens. Sure you are going to get stuck sometimes. Your buddies will help you out of a jam. Most stuck situations are what we call shallowly stuck – lightly hung up on a rock or mud just up to the side walls. A quick pull by another vehicle will usually remedy this situation. If you go by yourself, a winch will get you out of most situations. Of course you should avoid dangerous situations; areas where you think, “Yeah, I might be able to do that.” Bottom line? It’s always preferable to go out with at least one other vehicle.

4. Breakdowns:

The most common issues are resolved with proper training and tools. Remember, you’re likely to be with other drivers, who can lend experience and a hand. Read up on and poke around your vehicle to prepare you to be able to deal effectively with breakdowns.  In my opinion, tires are the number one cause of problems. Focus on learning the skills on how to fix tires (they are not hard) and acquire the necessary tools. Bottom line: a breakdown need not end your four wheeling trip.

5. Not knowing where to go and not knowing other drivers:

The Federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) produces maps that show open trails in the western states. Since 2011, they have provided “Off-Highway Vehicle Route Supplement” maps by Field Office sub regions. All open trails (with trail numbers) are identified. These maps do not have contour lines or other details and should be used with other maps like the BLM Surface Management Status maps. All national forests are required to publish a “Motor Vehicle Use Map” (MVUM). The maps are little more than line drawings of the trails with trail numbers. They show the major paved road to help orient you. In California, the California Trail Users Coalition publishes maps with the MVUM over laid on more fully featured maps for $3.00. Obtain several maps so you know where to find legal trails.Another good resource are trail guides. You can find a list of publishers on my web site www.4x4training.com/w/trails.html. A critical point here is that even if you feel well equipped with your trail loaded on a GPS, always bring a paper map!  Electronics can fail.

Map meeting outside Soldier Summit.

In terms of finding other likeminded off roaders, look for events that are open to the public.  Stop by and introduce yourself. You are likely to meet lots of other folks willing to hit the trails with you.

6. Breaking a bead:

Also called losing a bead, this is common. This concern is warranted but easily mitigated. Four wheelers air down nearly every time they go off road. If you turn too sharp, too fast in soft stuff or against a rock, the deflated tire is likely to lose its bead. The issue sounds worse than it is, though. As you’ll learn in this article, Tire Problems Shouldn’t Deflate Your Day, the problem is easily corrected with an air compressor and jack.

7. Embarrassing yourself in front of others:

Understand that everyone has to start sometime. Heck, I can recall some of my boneheaded newbie mistakes. The hope is that your fellow drivers are patient and understanding. To build your confidence, take some introductory classes. Everyone in these classes are in the same position as you, and you’ll learn together. (I offer a number of beginners’ classes.) Bear in mind that making mistakes is a part of your training. Don’t get worked up if, for example, you pick the wrong line. You’ll quickly recover, and you’ll be a smarter four wheeler as a result.

florence_AEV_training_staging area_the adventure portal

8. Lack of skill & knowledge: 

There is no need to jump into driving on high risk, difficult trails. One trail book I have for Southern California lists over 150 trails (representing about 1500 miles). Only 19 of them rate above a difficulty Level of 4 (out of 10), although you do need 4-wheel drive and good clearance. Most of the trails take you to scenic overlooks, old ghost towns, old mines, and great camp sites. There are so many things to see and places to go on moderate to easy trails. An off-road training clinic will quickly eliminate any doubts about your ability to drive this level of trails safely. There are so many trails, and such a wide variety of terrain, that you’ll easily find a path that is enjoyable and surmountable.

9. Going off camber: 

This is the official term for driving when tipped at an angle. As a newbie, being tilted over can be an unnerving experience. Even veteran drivers are uncomfortable driving off camber. Off camber isn’t a real issue until you get up to around a 30-degree pitch. In most cases though, you’re not likely to tip over, unless you’re traveling fast. Go slow and control the bounce.  In my Getting Started Off-Road Driving & Safety Clinic I put students through a 30-degree pitch exercise. They learn what it feels like and how to respond. That way they are less likely to freeze up while off road.  You can also buy a couple of tools that will help you determine your angle. One is an angle finder carpenter’s use, available in any hardware store. Another one, you can find at 4WD stores can be glued to the dash, it shows pitch and yaw.

10. Lack of immediate emergency services:.

 Some 4WD areas as so remote, you’re outside the 2-hour window that normally defines urgent care response. Worse, you may be outside of cell range, as well.  Here are a few things you can do to help keep you safe when dealing with an emergency in a remote location: 

-Get basic first aid training. Learn how to stabilize an injured person. Take a basic survival course, too. You may need to camp out one or more nights while waiting for help.
-Pack alternate forms of communication. These can include ham radio (requires a license), a satellite phone and a personal locator beacon or SPOT device.
-Always ride with at least one other vehicle. I can’t stress that enough. Especially while still inexperienced, don’t consider driving alone on anything but the easiest trails.

I hope you have a better understanding of how to address four wheeling issues. The trails await you. Get the training you need, pack your vehicle, and then get out and enjoy the ride.

Author: Tom Severin

Tom Severin is an International 4-Wheel Drive Trainers Association© certified professional 4WD Trainer and a Wilderness First Responder (WFR). He is an instructor for the United Four Wheel Drive Associations (UFWDA) and the California Association of 4WD Clubs.
For information and dates of his trainings and runs go to https://www.4x4training.com/w/top-10-fears-of-new-4wd-owners/

For extra peace of mind in the backcountry, check out this Sat Nav Buyers Guide HERE

The XT12HR Off-Grid Extreme Travel Trailer


MDCUSA XT12HR Off-Grid Extreme Travel Trailer: The Ultimate Overlanding Companion

For overlanders and off-road enthusiasts in the United States, the MDCUSA XT12HR Off-Grid Extreme Travel Trailer is a game-changer, seamlessly combining rugged durability with modern comforts. Designed to enable adventurous couples to Escape with Confidence®, this compact, yet feature-rich trailer ensures that the call of the wild is awaiting your attendance. 

Designed & Field-Tested for Ultimate Off-Road Reliability

Reliability is non-negotiable when overlanding. The XT12HR Off-Grid Extreme is the culmination of nearly 20 years of meticulous design and rigorous field-testing of offroad trailers by MDC in Australia’s harshest and most remote locations. These extreme conditions push vehicles and equipment to their limits and through this testing, MDC trailers have proven their reliability year on year. So much so that MDCUSA offer a Lifetime Chassis Warranty on all offroad trailers! 

With over 40,000 units sold throughout Australia, MDC has solidified its reputation as a leader in the design and development of off-road campers and trailers.

MDCUSA XT12HR Off Grid Extreme, Travel trailer, overland trailer, off-road trailer, overlanding,

Trail Ready direct from the Showroom

Navigating tough terrain demands a trailer engineered for endurance. Every MDCUSA Trailer is “Trail Ready” direct from the showroom. No options to choose from because MDCUSA include all options as Standard inclusions. 

The XT12HR is built on a galvanized steel chassis with an industry-leading lifetime Chassis and A Frame warranty. The X-TRACK® independent coil spring suspension, ensures superior stability and control on rugged terrain and an outstanding ride on the highway. 

Off-road adventurers will appreciate the 16inch aluminum alloy wheels fitted with Goodride Mud Terrain tires, as well as the Cruisemaster™ DO35 360-degree articulating hitch for improved off-road handling.
Safety remains paramount with the inclusion of the Tuson TSC-1000 electronic stability control system and an included digital wireless rearview camera to make parking and visibility a breeze when on the road or trail. 

MDCUSA XT12HR Off Grid Extreme, Travel trailer, overland trailer, off-road trailer, overlanding,

Powering True Off-Grid Exploration

Overlanders require self-sufficiency, and the XT12HR Off-Grid Extreme delivers, with its advanced Renogy-powered electrical system. With a massive 400Ah lithium battery capacity, up to 950W of solar charging capability, and a 3000W pure sine-wave inverter, this trailer ensures reliable energy for extended off-grid trips. The auto-transfer system between the DC battery and AC shore power enables seamless energy management, while cloud-based connectivity allows real-time monitoring from anywhere around camp. 

Year-Round Comfort in Any Climate

Overlanding isn’t restricted to perfect weather, and the XT12HR is equipped for all conditions. To compliment the electric cassette awning and enclosed annex, the Truma Aventa Eco 13,500 BTU/h air conditioning system and ducted Truma VarioHeat 11,500 BTU/h propane furnace provide year-round climate control. The Cold Weather Pack includes water tank heating pads, the Truma AquaGo Comfort Plus hot water anti-freeze kit, insulated water lines, and self-heating lithium batteries, ensuring top performance even in freezing temperatures.

MDCUSA XT12HR Off Grid Extreme, Travel trailer, overland trailer, off-road trailer, overlanding,

Functional Luxury in a Compact Space

Despite its compact 12-foot length, the XT12HR offers a modern and comfortable living space. Oak timber-style laminated countertops, sleek grey cabinetry, and matte black fixtures create a stylish yet functional interior. The fully equipped wet bath, featuring a Thetford C400 cassette toilet and a plumbed hot/cold shower, adds convenience. For culinary needs, the internal Thetford 3-burner gas hob and the external slide-out stainless-steel kitchen provide flexibility for meal preparation.

MDCUSA XT12HR Off Grid Extreme, Travel trailer, overland trailer, off-road trailer, overlanding,

A Model for Every Overlander

Every adventurer has different needs (or let’s be honest – wants). 
MDCUSA’s Off-Grid Extreme range of trailers includes a total of six models, from 12ft to 19ft in length. With MDCUSA dealers across the United States, overlanders can confidently embark on their journeys, knowing they have a proven and trusted companion designed to take them anywhere and bring them home safely.

For those ready to push their limits, the MDCUSA XT12HR Off-Grid Extreme is more than just a travel trailer—it’s your ticket to Escape with Confidence®. 

To Learn More CLICK HERE

To Locate Your Nearest Showroom CLICK HERE

This is a sponsored post. TAP does not receive any commission resulting from sales.

Overland Gear for Every Adventure

Overland gear guide, overland gear, overlanding gear, overland, overlanding,

Embarking on an overland journey is an exciting opportunity to explore remote landscapes and experience nature. However, to make the most of your adventure, the right overland gear is crucial. TAP’s Ultimate Overland Gear Guide is a comprehensive resource that helps you prepare for any journey, ensuring you’re equipped for both comfort and safety.

Ultimate Overland Gear Guide


Overland Vehicle Options

Your vehicle is the backbone of your overland trip and should be thought out with purpose.

  • Roof Rack: Perfect for carrying extra gear like kayaks, cargo boxes, or fuel cans.
  • All-Terrain Tires: Durable tires are essential for tackling rough trails.
  • Recovery Gear: Include traction boards, tow straps, snatch blocks and a Winch (Make sure you learn how to use it before you need it!)
  • Suspension: Give your rig a lift, better approach angles and clearance, not to mention an improved ride.
at tires, overland tires, all terrains, tires, recovery gear, overland gear, overlanding,

Camping Gear

Enjoy a comfortable outdoor experience with these overland gear camp options:

roof top tent, rtt, overland tent, car tent, 23 zero, overlanding, overland gear,

Cooking and Food Storage

Food is a central part of any adventure. Equip your rig with:

  • Portable Stove: A dual-burner propane stove for versatile cooking.
  • Fridge/Freezer Combo: Keeps perishables fresh during long trips.
  • Cookware: Invest in a compact, durable camping cookware set.
  • Firepits: There’s nothing better than sitting around the fire after a long day in the saddle.
Portable fridges, car fridges, Overland fridges, overlanding, overland, overland gear,

Navigation and Communication

Stay safe and connected no matter where the road takes you:

gars, two way radio, comms, rig radio, overland radio, overlanding, midland, rugged radio, overland gear,

Power Solutions

Power your devices and gadgets with these solutions:

power supply, solar, portable power, overland gear,

Personal and Safety Gear

Your safety and comfort are paramount:

first aide, unchartered supply, overland gear, overlanding,

Tools and Maintenance Equipment for Overland Travel

Be prepared for on-the-go repairs and maintenance:

  • Tool Kit: Include wrenches, screwdrivers, and tire repair tools.
  • Spare Parts: Carry essentials like fuses, belts, and hoses.
  • Shovel: A multi-purpose tool for digging out or setting up camp.
  • Jack: A high-lift jack is ideal for off-road tire changes.
Krazy Beaver tools, Krazy beaver, overland shovel, overlanding, overland gear,

Overland Storage Solutions

Keep your overland gear organized and accessible:

  • Drawer Systems: Secure, slide-out drawers for storing smaller items.
  • Cargo Boxes: Weatherproof containers for bulkier gear.
  • Stuff Sacks: Compress and organize clothing or sleeping gear.
radius outfitters, overland gear, overland storage, drawers, overlanding,


The right overland gear makes all the difference in ensuring a successful adventure. Invest in durable, high-quality equipment tailored to your needs. Finally don’t forget to learn how to use it prior to taking off, so you’ll be ready to handle any challenge and fully enjoy your journey.

An Overland Adventure Tour In Costa Rica

COSTA Rica overland adventure, overlanding, overland,

Four Points Adventures: While you may have been to Costa Rica, this is an opportunity to see parts of the country that tourists rarely venture into. You will have the opportunity to drive a new Land Cruiser (Prado 250) on back roads and trails and get to experience some of the more remote small villages while enjoying luxury accommodations each night. Some of the highlights of this itinerary include beaches, jungle trails, hanging bridges, and even a night in a treehouse.

Four Points Adventures, Overlanding, overland adventure, Costa Rica Tour,

While we have arranged some special boutique luxury accommodations from beach resorts to jungle campesinos for the evenings, the days will be filled with the adventurous overlanding experiences you have come to expect from Four Points. We will navigate mud, rivers, and remote mountain roads that will provide great Overland training opportunities and the chance to put that training to the test in real-time situations.

Four Points Adventures, Overlanding, overland adventure, Costa Rica Tour,

You may already be familiar with Costa Rica but the safe, politically stable, and friendly vibe coupled with some truly remote backcountry opportunities brought it to the top of our list for our international destination in 2025. It is a great way to combine an exotic warm weather vacation with some overland fun in an environment that is predictable and easily navigated culturally. We have lined up some great food and cultural stops along the way and I am excited to offer this to a special group as Four Points Adventures begins to venture beyond North America.

Four Points Adventures, Overlanding, overland adventure, Costa Rica Tour,

To Learn More CLICK HERE

The Ultimate9 evcX Throttle Controller – Trail Tested


With most overland rigs being heavy beasts and notoriously sluggish, any aftermarket gadget that helps reduce throttle lag and potentially improve gas mileage is worth looking at. Enter the Ultimate9 evcX throttle controller.

Installation: This was a 15 minute install and the only difficulty was unplugging the factory wiring harness from the 4Runner pedal. However, once we had that taken care of, it’s as simple as plugging one end of the Ultimate9 harness into the pedal and the other end into the original factory wiring harness. After that, just run the USC-B cable from the pedal to the dash mounted controller and that’s it. After the install, download the app onto your phone and either key in the last 4 digits of the ID # provided on the wiring harness (or in app, scan the bar code and this will be done automatically).

Ultmate9, ecvX Throttle controller,

Ultimate9 evcX Modes:

  • Ultimate9 Mode: For maximum throttle enhancement. Ultimate9 mode instantly sets the pedal response to our highest setting.
  • Ultimate Mode: Enhance your throttle response and choose from 9 levels of sensitivity to fine-tune your vehicle’s response.
  • Launch Mode: Improve those takeoffs with controlled, maximum throttle enhancement. Launch Mode’s initial response is modified compared to Ultimate9 mode to try and reduce wheel spin & increase traction.
  • Adapt Mode: Take the guesswork out. Let Adapt Mode choose the best Ultimate throttle response based on your pedal input.
  • Eco Mode: Subdue your initial throttle response for greater control on loose, uneven surfaces such as when off-road. With 9 levels to choose from, Eco Mode is great for off-road, heavy traffic and low-speed towing manoeuvres. Try your luck and see if you can gain more economy from your vehicle!
  • Anti-Slip Mode: Reduce your throttle response and limit your RPM to help increase traction. With 9 levels of sensitivity, gain more control when navigating slippery surfaces such as snow, ice and mud.
  • Valet Mode: Designed for parking, Valet mode reduces throttle response whilst limiting the available throttle to provide approximately 50% maximum RPM.
  • Factory Mode: Replicates factory throttle settings, ideal for sharing your vehicle with an unfamiliar driver
  • Lock Mode: Add an extra level of security to your vehicle. Block all throttle input from the accelerator pedal and immobilise your vehicle.
ultimate9, throttle controller, evcX,

With the engine turned on, you can connect via Bluetooth into the app. Once in the app scroll around the mode dashboard with each mode change updating instantly to the Ultimate9 controller.

Our Take: Every driver and vehicle is unique, and that’s exactly why the flexibility and adjustability of the Ultimate9 EVCX stand out. On long highway drives, Econ Mode makes perfect sense—boosting fuel efficiency by at least 10%, making the device pay for itself in no time.

Need instant throttle response? Ultimate9 Mode drastically reduces lag, giving your vehicle a noticeable boost. For everyday driving, we’ve found Adapt Mode to be the sweet spot—it intelligently adjusts to your driving style for the best overall results. And for security, Lock Mode disables the throttle pedal entirely, adding an extra layer of protection for your rig.

Bottom line: The Ultimate9 EVCX delivers on its promises. It’s an affordable, worthwhile upgrade that enhances performance and can quickly pay for itself. Every driving condition from pavement to off-road or snow and ice, demands a different level of throttle response and the Ultimate9 provides the options required for an improved driver experience.

To Learn More CLICK HERE

Full disclosure: We were provided the Ultimate9 ecvX for free but we do not earn commission resulting from purchases resulting from this article.


BCDC Alpha R, POWER MANAGEMENT, redarc, overlanding, overland,

Now available in a 50A model, the BCDC Alpha R enhances the capabilities of REDARC’s BCDC range, offering unprecedented smart charging and monitoring features.

It’s more than a charger; it’s a mini vehicle power management system.  The BCDC Alpha R is a cutting-edge DC-DC charger designed to keep your auxiliary battery charged using power from both your vehicle’s alternator and solar panels. This ensures you always have reliable energy for your essential off-grid needs, such as powering fridges, lights, laptops, and even household appliances. Whether you’re camping, overlanding, or working remotely, the BCDC Alpha R keeps your power system running smoothly and worry-free.

BCDC Alpha R, POWER MANAGEMENT, redarc, overlanding, overland,

The BCDC Alpha R represents the pinnacle of charging technology in the BCDC lineup. This model builds on the key features of the original BCDC Alpha while introducing additional functionality. The BCDC Alpha R will give you: 

  • Instant Insight: Monitor your setup remotely via the RedVision app or display. Similar to the monitoring capabilities of the Manager Alpha, this system provides instant insight into battery percentage, remaining charge, and current flow per input/output, ensuring detailed oversight of your power needs. Avoid ‘power anxiety’ by always knowing how much power you are using and what you have left. 
  • Total System Connectivity: Seamless integration with RedVision and TVMS products for a comprehensive power management system, and on-air updates ensure you always have the most updated technology. When used with the TVMS, users have the ability to switch on/off systems like lights and appliances directly through the RedVision app or display.
  • Never worry about a dead vehicle start battery: The REDARC BCDC Alpha range are the only DC-DC chargers that offers both start battery charging and recovery.  Recover your flat start battery in just 15 minutes with the push of a button, getting you back on the road quickly and safely.
  • Optimized Charging: Automatically adjusts charge mode in real time to meet a battery’s needs, maximizing efficiency and extending battery life. 
BCDC Alpha R, POWER MANAGEMENT, redarc, overlanding, overland,

The BCDC Alpha R retains the renowned functionalities of the BCDC Alpha, including compatibility with hybrid and electric vehicles, start battery recovery and charging, plus the capability for over-the-air updates. Installation is simple with pushbutton interface and screw connections, with no need for soldering. 

“The BCDC Alpha R is our most sophisticated BCDC yet, enhancing the original model by integrating advanced system connectivity and control,” said Peter Favilla, REDARC’s Global President. “With visibility to battery state of charge, start battery recovery, and vastly simplified installation, this offering enables the end user to power their adventures and remove power anxiety.”  

The BCDC Alpha R, designed for in-cabin installation, comes packaged with REDARC’s Smart Battery Monitor (BSEN500) for advanced state of charge monitoring. For those looking to customize their setup further, optional TVMS systems and RedVision displays are available.

To Learn More of the BCDC Alpha Series and explore REDARC’s full range of innovative products CLICK HERE

A Southern Utah Overland Photography Adventure

Highway 24, Utah, Overland utah, overlanding, photographing utah,

I’ve lived in Moab for almost twenty years. A Southern Utah OG adventure town, Moab attracts over three million annual visitors from every corner of the world and though I adore my hometown, occasionally I need to escape the buzzing energy that is our tourist season. Recently, I did just that with a two-day photography trip through the other two thirds of southern Utah in my newly acquired Toyota Land Cruiser. 

I left Moab for Hanksville late Thursday morning under moody and somewhat ominous skies. Arriving at a turnoff that would take me to two spires surrounded by colorful badlands, I drove through great clouds of dust whipped up by powerful winds. This would usually be an easy and pleasant hike but in the wind, it became a test of my mental fortitude. I arrived at the first spire, where I made several images under rapidly changing conditions. Suddenly, a tidal wave of wind and dust blew past me. I glanced over my shoulder to the south and saw dark clouds marching toward me. Clay badlands are a terrible place to be in the rain, so I beat feet back to my truck. I hit pavement just as the first drops of rain fell on my windshield.

Factory Butte, Hanksville, Utah, Utah, Overland utah, overlanding, photographing utah, southern utah,
Storm Clouds Boil Above Factory Butte near Hanksville, Utah

I pressed on to my next southern Utah destination, an overlook popular with the Instagram crowd where I planned to spend the night. Several miles of driving on a number of dirt roads deposited me at the tip of a peninsula with breathtaking views in every direction.

Highway 24, Utah, Overland utah, overlanding, photographing utah, moonscape overlook, southern utah,
Moonscape Overlook, Utah

I spent several hours exploring the canyon rim, enjoying and photographing the ever-changing perspectives. Following a dramatic sunset, I crawled into a makeshift bed in the back of my truck, where I watched the canyon below disappear into darkness through the dusty rear window. A brilliant flash of light, immediately followed by the distinctive crack of thunder, woke me from a deep sleep. An intense thunderstorm had settled directly overhead, and rain was falling in waves. I somehow fell asleep with the storm raging outside and when I awoke at sunrise, I was disappointed to discover that the entire eastern horizon was hidden behind a curtain of clouds. There would be no blazing sunrise light today. On the drive out, I encountered a few short sections of clay that were all bookended by sandstone slabs. Each time, just as my vehicle started sliding in the clay, the front tires would grab onto sandstone and pull me away from catastrophe. By the time I made it back to the highway my nerves were shot, I was hungry and desperate for caffeine.

Moonscape Overlook, southern utah, overland utah, overlanding,
Enjoying the View of Moonscape Overlook from Back of Toyota Land Cruiser, Utah

I cruised quickly through Capitol Reef as the cottonwood trees had yet to recognize that it was autumn.  I stopped in the small southern Utah town of Torrey for food and fuel, grabbing a delicious breakfast burrito and chai latte at the Wild Rabbit Café, then pointed my truck south on Highway 12.

Snow had fallen at higher elevations. It was already mid-October, and though Boulder Mountain is home to some of the largest aspen groves in the West, I didn’t expect to find any yellow leaves. I rounded a corner and was shocked to see several small aspens ablaze in color! Much to my delight, I found abundant yellow, orange and red leaves clinging to stubborn aspens for the entire length of the drive over the mountain. 

Autumn Aspen Trees, Rock Creek, Boulder Mountain, Utah,  Overland utah, overlanding, photographing utah, southern utah,
Autumn Aspen Trees Along Rock Creek on Boulder Mountain, Utah

The weather worsened as I approached Bryce National Park. Nature photographers are fond of saying “bad weather makes good photos”, and I headed into the park. I stopped at several viewpoints, and at each one I found absolutely epic winter conditions. At one, I watched in amusement as a pair of ravens preened on a fencepost, their black feathers shimmering when ruffled by the wind. The entire landscape was muted by fog and clouds.  Several inches of fresh snow had accumulated on trees and was layered like icing on the tops of red velvet hoodoos. If ever there was a perfect winter moment at Bryce, surely this was it.

Hoodoos, Ponderosa Canyon, Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah, Overland utah, overlanding, photographing utah, southern utah,
Flocked Evergreens and Hoodoos at Ponderosa Canyon in Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

Nearing Zion, I pulled off on a dirt road and drove a short distance to a flat spot surrounded by small trees. This would be tonight’s campsite. I was again awakened by a midnight thunderstorm. This time it didn’t linger, quickly moving east where the rain would become snow as the landscape climbed in elevation. 

Toyota Land Cruiser 200 in Snow and Fog at Bryce Canyon National Park, southern Utah
My Toyota Land Cruiser 200 in Snow and Fog at Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

I awoke early on Saturday and within a few minutes, I was in Zion, where I planned to hike one of my favorite canyons that I hoped would be filled with colorful foliage. Much to my dismay, I discovered that Mother Nature had other plans. Virtually all of the foliage was still green, with only subtle hints of fall sprinkled throughout the park. Though I was disappointed, I was also eager to get home where I would download my bounty off the SD cards and begin the process of culling through over 500 images. My trip around southern Utah had come to an end, but as I drove home to Moab, I was already planning my next escape into southern Utah’s natural wonderland.

In-field contributor: Bret Edge – 2021 F250 and Four Wheel Campers Hawk UTE

Bret is a professional adventure and nature photographer in Moab, Utah. He, his wife Melissa, son Jackson, and adventure pug travel frequently throughout the West in search of the best trails to mountain bike and hike, and the most epic campsites for their 2021 F250 and Four Wheel Campers Hawk UTE or Land Cruiser 200. Some of his favorite places include the Sonoran Desert, Oregon Coast, Northern Rockies and the Cascades.

bret edge bio photo 2


For More Overland Adventure Stories CLICK HERE

Check Out Bret’s In-Field Review of The Peak Design Travel Tripod HERE

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